Chapter 40 - Summoning the Banners

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Fandral had hoped to have an enthusiastic companion in Jon Stark. He was sadly disappointed. The White Wolf, as he was known, was only worried about two things: his pregnant wife, and fulfilling his mission. Everything else was unimportant. "So, how did you and Loki become friends? He's not exactly easy to approach," Fandral queried as they walked through the halls of House Mormont on Bear Island.

"No, he is not. But, his stubborn arrogance and dry wit do grow on you. Especially when you know he's fighting for and with you," Jon answered, his hand resting on the hilt of Long Claw.

"He fought with you?" Fandral posed and Jon glanced at him. 

"During the Third Siege of Kings Landing, he led the amalgamation of Stark, Unsullied, Tyrell, Martell, and Wildling troops. He took Tywin Lannister hostage, and brought the Mountain to his knees. He also tricked Cersei Lannister into killing herself," Jon stated.

"The Mountain... I read about that fellow. The unfortunate older brother of the bodyguard of the Frostborn children, right?"

"Yes. Loki defeated him in combat, but sent him still alive to Oberyn Martell," Jon answered.

"Why is that?" Fandral queried.

"Because the man raped and murdered Oberyn's sister, along with his nephew and niece," Jon responded as the doors to the great hall opened.

"By the Norns!" Fandral quietly exclaimed as they entered. The hall was long, high and cold. A fire burned in the hearth and torches were lit along the walls. At the end of the room, a long table was stretched out. Three people sat at it. A knight in armor, a man in a robe, who Fandral knew to be their maester, and finally, a young girl. She looked imposing for a child, sitting there. Her dark eyes held his for an instant before sliding over to Jon.

"Greetings, Lady Mormont! I am glad to see you in good health," Jon Stark stated with a bow.

"Good health, eh? I guess I am indeed in good health," was the child's response. Her eyes shifted back to Fandral. "And who is this golden-haired doll?"

"Doll?" Fandral retorted.

"He is Ser Fandral of Asgard. He came to Westeros with Crown Prince Thor, son of Odin," Jon introduced. The girl eyed Fandral again and her eyes fixed on his sword. 

"You fight with a spindle from a spinning wheel?" she asked. Fandral's face turned red and he reached for it, but Jon stopped him with a glare.

"I was told that he was an excellent fighter," Jon explained.

"By whom?" Lady Mormont asked.

"By the Hand of the Queen, Lord Loki Frostborn," Jon said and Lady Mormont tilted her head to the side.

"And he approved him? Well, if he approves, I suppose this one's alright. But, that aside, why have you come here?" Lady Mormont asked. 

"War is brewing. And it will be the world against demons.  And our queen and her Hand have requested that the banners be called so that we might defend our lands," Jon enlightened and the little girl frowned. She leaned over and whispered to the knight first, and then the maester. Fandral was still annoyed with her, so he was glaring at her wherever she went. Finally, she turned back to face them.

"Bear Island is the home to some of the fiercest warriors in all of Westeros. I hope you are aware of that?"

"I am, my lady," Jon said politely.

"One man from Bear Island is worth five of all others," Lyanna Mormont declared. "As such, I will give you fifty men to take back to Kings Landing for the queen."

"Fifty men?" Fandral asked and Jon reached out to stop him again, but the blond Asgardian stepped away from him and approached the table. The knights stepped forward as he slammed his fists on the wooden surface. "Do you know who you enemy is? What he's capable of?"

"I have not yet been given that information," Lyanna Mormont retorted dryly.

"He is a demon, greater than any nightmare you've ever been told. Not even the All-Father could apparently defeat him. He means to enslave everyone on this realm. He feeds off their very souls like you eat your breakfast! And you're giving fifty men? If you truly wished to aid your queen and your country, you would give twice that to defend it! Lives of innocents are at stake, and you sit there in your chair like nothing can touch you!" Fandral hissed. Lyanna Mormont said nothing, but fixed him with her dark gaze.

"Step away from the Lady Mormont," the knight at the table warned as he stood up. Lyanna's hand went out and he stopped. She stood up and faced Fandral.

"I'm assuming that you speak from experience? You've faced this demon lord before?" she queried. 

"Not this enemy, but I have fought many others to defend Asgard. I have given family and friends to my realm in order to defend it, as well as my own blood. Can't you not do the same for your world?" Fandral pleaded. Lyanna tilted her head as she studied this man. 

"You put family after realm?"

"I am a knight in the service of my king. Sometimes the unselfish thing to do is to put king and country before oneself," the dashing knight answered. Lyanna nodded before she glanced back at Jon, who was visibly worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.

"Very well. I will give you 85 men to take back to Kings Landing. However, I have this request to make of you, foreigner," Lyanna Mormont said, looking back at Fandral. "Memorize their names. Know their families, their professions, and their deepest dreams. When this is all over, I want you to tell me about those that died to defeat this monster. I expect a detailed report." Fandral stepped back and bowed to her. Jon did the same and they turned and started walking away.

"That could have ended badly. Lyanna Mormont is the youngest leader of a house, and she has garnered much respect for controlling it with such skill," Jon whispered.

"She is still but a child to me," Fandral rejoined. "However, I can see what you mean. She is certainly imposing."

"Indeed! I think that might be because Loki took her aside right when she was declared the head of House Mormont, and told her that she ruled the seat and the seat did not rule her," Jon explained and Fandral's eyebrow went up.

"Does Loki enjoy telling everybody how to do things?"

"Ha! I think it's more because Loki has a soft spot for children, and he wanted her to succeed where others told her she would fail," Jon answered. Fandral nodded.

"Then his words have been heeded. She is terrifying," Fandral commented and both men chuckled.    

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