Chapter 77 - The Elusive Frostborn

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"Honestly never thought I would see Kings Landing again," Beric Dondarrion said as his group sat on a hill overlooking the city. Ragna just peered around the head of the horse and grinned.

"The city is on lock down. There are no ways in or out," one of the men said as he returned to the group. "By orders of the former Hand."

"Former?" Ragna queried with a stern tone. The man actually jumped a little.

"Yes, he was apparently arrested, but then escaped with his dragon. For some reason, the rest of your family are still considered favorites of the queen. They are safe," the scout informed her. Ragna nodded and her eyes went back to the city.

"So, little one, how do you plan on getting in?" Thoros of Myr queried. Ragna tilted her head as she glanced back at them. She chuckled as she focused back on the city.

"I have a way. My aunt, Arya, showed me the tunnels beneath Kings Landing. They lead to the pits and the dragon skulls. I can get us in there, but you men have to follow me," Ragna said with a smile. She batted Beric's hand away and climbed off the horse. She put her hands behind her back and stood up straight. Her green eyes narrowed as she surveyed the land between them and the walls of Kings Landing. She saw the fleet of Yara Greyjoy anchored in Blackwater Bay. She also saw the rival Greyjoy fleet keeping her blockaded. "Greyjoy fights Greyjoy on the water," she murmured. Ragna turned her eyes towards the land side, where she caught sight of scouting riders retreating over the hills away from a Dothraki party. "Enemies on the land to pin down the Kings Road." A rumble of thunder was heard and Ragna knew it was not Thor. She looked to the south and saw the dark cloud spewing red lightning. "And the fire giant himself to the lands of Dorne. Hmmm.... Looks like the board is all set," Ragna commented as she turned to face the Brotherhood Without Banners. "Alright! The way into the tunnels beneath Kings Landing can be reached from a hidden cove and beach close to the docks. We can ride for a little ways towards the shore, then we will have to leave the horses and traverse the rest of the way on foot. Understood?" she asked. Beric and Thoros nodded, but the other men just snickered. Ragna scowled deeply. "I said understood?!" she reiterated in a louder voice.

"Yes, sir!" the men all said together and Ragna grinned. She walked back up to Beric and accepted his hand, climbing back into his saddle. 

"You assuming leadership of my men?" Beric Dondarrion asked as they began to ride towards the coastline. Ragna tilted her head to look at him over her shoulder.

"Possibly. I expect I will be taking many men away from their original masters as I mature. Don't take it personally," she answered. Beric smiled. This girl was certainly a conundrum, but an interesting one. 

"Despite what you might think, young lady, you will make some good man happy in the future," Beric predicted. Ragna sneered a little at this.

"That 'good man' will have to impress me first before I will give him the time of day," Ragna retorted. Beric grinned, as did Thoros of Myr. 

Someday, I will pay to see you married to that man, Beric thought. 

"It had to be the sewers," one of the men grumbled as they followed Ragna through the tunnels that would lead them below the Red Keep. Surprisingly, Ragna was acting the least squeamish of everyone present. She slipped once in the muck and was saved by Thoros before she went face first into the mire. Ragna thanked him with a nod of her head, then she moved on. The tunnels were dark, but they could not light torches. 

"Unless you want to be blown up," Ragna explained when they asked why.

"But, I still don't understand," one of the bannermen commented and Ragna sighed.

"These are the sewers; ipso de facto, people literally dump their shit down here," Ragna enlightened. "Human waste has an element of methane gas to it. Methane gas is flammable, and if there is enough of it, it will blow anybody near it to hell. So, that is why there must be no flames. Be men and stop complaining," Ragna had scolded. That made everyone shut up in an instant. They did not want to be outdone by a child, and a girl no less. After many twists and turns, Ragna saw a wooden door ahead. She stepped out of the refuse and clambered up the sandy slope to the door. The Brotherhood Without Banners were right behind her and opened the door, stepping into the 'basement' of the Red Keep. "Now, we can have torches," Ragna told them as she scowled down at her messy clothes. "Ugh! I think wading through shit should be a capital punishment for bullshitting," Ragna commented to herself in disgust. Beric and Thoros grinned at one another. Ragna was a tough little girl, and either wittingly or unwittingly, she was earning the respect of every man in the Brotherhood Without Banners. As she led them along, Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr watched as several of their soldiers would take special care of Ragna; making sure that she drank from their water skins, cleaned her off, and made sure she did not fall or trip. Ragna saw the pattern as well, and pretended to catch her toe on a divot in the ground and one of the men sprang forward and caught her before she fell. "Thank you," Ragna told him. It was a younger man and he blushed a little. Ragna's eyebrow went up and she pulled away from him. She continued leading them along till they came to wide and shallow steps. Ragna stopped and turned to face them. "These stairs take you up to the main keep. Follow them and when you run into the Unsullied, tell them that 'we were made to rule'. That should keep you safe and get you an audience with the queen," Ragna told them. 

"You're not coming with us?" Beric Dondarrion queried. Ragna shook her head.

"No, I will not. There's some other business I must attend to and I cannot have you with me," the young Frostborn answered. Both Beric and Thoros of Myr approached her and bent down so they were more at her level.

"We can't in good conscience leave you down here alone, little one," Thoros of Myr told her. Ragna shrugged.

"And I can't in good conscience allow you to follow me to where I'm going. This matter is a bit of a personal one and I can't afford to have you see something untoward. I do have a reputation to uphold," she answered seriously. Beric chuckled and ruffled her red hair fondly.

"You are an extraordinary child. Alright, we will do as you say and not follow you. However, once your business is completed, I want you to return to the keep. I'm sure your parents would be happy to know that you are safe and sound," the leader of the Brotherhood stated. Ragna nodded her head and held out her hand. They shook on it. 

Daenerys looked up as the doors opened and Greyworm led in a group of men who all looked scruffy and shady. The leader had an eyepatch, and the second man beside him had a top knot. "What is this?" she asked.

"We were made to rule," the eyepatch man said. Sansa stepped forward at this.

"You know my husband?" she queried.

"Nay, my lady; but we know your daughter. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Beric Dondarrion and these are my men, the Brotherhood Without Banners," he introduced. 

"Ah! I've heard of you. Caused my father quite a bit of trouble during the war up by Harrenhall," Tyrion commented.

"Indeed, we did!" Thoros recalled. "But we're here because we found your daughter, Ragna Frostborn, wandering in the Midlands on her way home. We escorted her the rest of the way here," he said.

"And yet, I don't see her," Sansa pointed out with a hint of irritation. 

"But they brought her here, Mother," said a voice and Rhaenar appeared from behind the Iron Throne. "They are telling the truth with regards to that. I still cannot sense her," the young boy explained. Both Beric and Thoros bowed slightly to young Rhaenar, sensing that he was also an exceptional child. 

"Then, where is she?" Sansa queried, her motherly concern showing through.

"She showed us a way into the city through the sewers and the pits. That was where we left her," Beric said. Sansa's eyes widened as she turned to face Daenerys.

"Why is she down there?!" Sansa asked, her voice a borderline yell. 

"She's her father's daughter, and there's only one man down there she would be interested in meeting," Tyrion reminded and Sansa stiffened.

"Tywin Lannister!"    

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