Chapter 47 - Surtur Advances

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Thor was helping Loras Tyrell with training and organizing the troops within Kings Landing when he felt Loki's panicked thoughts reach him. Thor, I'm not one to ask you for help. But, I must now. Come to Sunspear! Surtur has risen! Thor stiffened up and Ser Loras noticed instantly. 

"Your highness, what troubles you?" Ser Loras asked. 

"My brother just communicated with me. The city he went to is in grave danger! I must go and aid him!" Thor announced, taking Mjolnir in hand and slamming it on the ground, transforming himself into his armor. Ser Loras stepped back. 

"I will tell the queen you have left. May the Seven give you wings," Ser Loras said. 

"Thank you, but, I already have wings," Thor declared, swinging Mjolnir before using it to launch him into the air. 

Just follow my thoughts and I will guide you to Sunspear, Loki told him.

I am hurrying, brother. Is your wife alright? Thor asked concerned.

I will reach out to her. And, I'm not your brother, Loki rejoined. Thor smiled a little, amused that Loki still denied any relationship to him. Sansa! Sansa! Surtur us coming for Sunspear! The Martells and all their people must evacuate immediately! Loki said, using his psychic link to his wife. Sansa herself, was standing on the docks, watching the last of the common people leave Sunspear. When she received Loki's warning, her head spun in the direction of the desert. She saw the mist and then a flaming giant approaching the city. 

"Everyone, flee! Hurry! We must move!" she cried, running back towards the palace. Bronn and Oberyn Martell were on her heels, and when they saw the giant approaching, they ran faster. The palace guards were quickly gathering certain items into a wagon to take them to the port, while the royal family was ushered to a carriage. Sansa arrived just as a large guard was putting Doran into it. Myrcella was already inside, along with her children. Trystane was directing the guard. 

"We must take up defensive positions," he said. 

"You can't fight this enemy, Trystane. You must go with your family and take a ship," Sansa told him.

"I am the future Prince of Dorne! I will not run from my enemies. I will face them!" the young man declared stubbornly. Sansa grabbed him by his collar and brought them together so that their noses were practically touching.

"You are mortal! You and your men can't even hope to slightly injure a being like Surtur! You will all burn!" Sansa yelled in his face. She was clearly disturbed by the being she had seen approaching Sunspear, and she knew that whoever stayed and tried to fight it, would die. "Now, you get in that carriage with your father and wife and children, and you get on a ship and get out of here!" Sansa ordered, shoving him roughly into the carriage and slamming the door. "Move out!" she commanded the guards and the horses were whipped, galloping out of the courtyard.

"Does that last statement include us?" Bronn queried and Sansa turned to face him and Oberyn Martell.

"Loki summoned Thor. He should be here shortly. Until then, I'll keep you two with me. Let's go to the parapets," Sansa said, drawing her rapier and walking swiftly up the stairs of the palace. Oberyn already had his spear in his hand, and Bronn sighed as he drew his sword. 

"And I hoped I would survive long enough to get my pension," he muttered to himself as he followed her. When they arrived at the towers, Sansa saw something coming from across the channel.

"That must be Thor," she said and sure enough, the red cape went speeding by them. 

"I didn't know he could fly," Oberyn said in awe.

"It's his hammer," Sansa answered before she closed her eyes. She tilted her head and when she opened her eyes, they were glowing slightly. Every single bird in Sunspear was warged with her, and she was using them as her eyes. She saw Thor flying straight for the Fire Giant, and she saw Loki on Rhaegal approaching from the desert. "Right. Back to the docks! We need to make sure all the people get out," Sansa said to Oberyn and Bronn. She reached out, grabbed their shoulders and suddenly, they were at the docks again.

"Why didn't you do that the first time?" Bronn asked, but Sansa swayed and fell into Oberyn's arms at the strain of teleporting three people.

"There's your answer," the Dornishman said as he carefully placed her on the ground. Bronn rolled his eyes and looked to where the last ship was being boarded. The carriage of the royal family was there, but it was empty and he could see Myrcella and the children being escorted below deck. 

"So what are you and me supposed to bloody do?" Bronn posed irritably as he looked down at Sansa. 

"Protect her. If anything happens to her, Loki would kill us in the slowest, most horrible method he could imagine," Oberyn explained.

"You mean... he would... castrate us? He knows that's my greatest fear," Bronn whispered. 

"I think it's the greatest fear of most men," Oberyn commented.

"Well, it's my supreme fear, and... he knows it!" Bronn reiterated. Oberyn just rolled his eyes and kept his position in front of Loki's wife. 


Rhaegal had caught up to Surtur, but Loki was not allowing him to breath fire on the giant. It would not do anything to it. Loki growled as he contemplated this. Daenerys would want to take Drogon into battle, but the dragons would make no difference in this conflict. Loki looked up and saw the crimson flash of Thor's cape. Careful! Surtur could probably burn you to a crisp if he wanted to, Loki warned.

When have I ever not been careful? Thor asked.

Do you really want me to answer that? Loki countered.

Touché, Thor responded. That was before Mjolnir collided with Surtur's jaw and knocked him back.

"Shit!" Loki cursed as he had to pull up on Rhaegal's bridle in order to get out of the way. A little warning next time!

Sorry! Thor apologized. Loki pulled Rhaegal around and they hovered, observing the terrain. Loki could see the ships sailing over the horizon and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Sansa would have gotten the Martells out. Sunspear would be a casualty to Dorne, but at least the Dornish people would not. 

Sansa, we're closing in. Sansa? Loki asked. There was no response from his wife. And he could not go to aid her at that moment. Damn it! Alfheim! I command you! His eyes glowed green. Bronn and Oberyn were still guarding her body, when a deep growl made them turn. A large, black panther was standing over her, baring huge fangs.

"Where did that big bastard come from?!" Bronn asked in dismay as the panther cut them off from Sansa. Oberyn paused and studied its eyes, like pure emeralds they glowed.

"Alfie?" he posed and the panther took a more relaxed posture when addressed. 

"What the f*ck?! That's the house cat?" Bronn exclaimed. Alfie hissed at Bronn, and it sounded menacing now that he was bigger. "Alright! I get it! You're not the average house cat." Alfie batted his paw at Bronn before turning his attention to his mistress. He purred deeply and nuzzled her. Sansa stirred but still did not awaken. Alfie looked to Bronn and Oberyn and tilted his head to one side. He did it several times before laying down beside Sansa. 

"Ah! He wants us to put her on him," Oberyn stated.

"Are you insane? I don't like going near that creature when he's small. I'm not doing it when he's the size of a lion," Bronn protested.

"Fine! Complain like an old lady!" Oberyn snapped as he picked Sansa up and placed her on Alfie's back. Once Sansa was on him, Alfie turned to the nearest door and it swung open. Both Oberyn and Bronn gazed in awe at a golden hall with vines, flowers, and birds singing in the distance. "What is this place?"Oberyn asked. Alfie looked at the two men and if they could swear it, they would swear they saw him smile. The panther carried its mistress through the door, and the two men followed. When the door closed behind them, it sealed them within the portis satis tuto. Loki could feel when they were inside the safe haven and breathed a tremendous sigh of relief. Now, he had a demon to deal with.    

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