Chapter 96 - Acknowledgment of Status

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Loki adjusted his horned helmet over his perfectly braided hair before he touched down his new leather coat. It had been tailored just for this occasion. It was designed to look like green dragon scales and his gloves were a new pair of riding gloves. He wore no visible weapons, but everyone knew better than to assume that he was unarmed. Belts crossed his chest and one of Sansa's shirts was visible underneath. His boots came up to his knees and he had short, sharp spurs on his heels. Loki turned when he heard somebody behind him. It was Jon Stark-Targaryen. His curly black hair was pulled into a little man-bun and his beard had been trimmed. He was wearing a thick leather chestplate that had the conjoined symbols of House Stark and House Targaryen on it. He was wearing his normal cloak with the the grey fur trim. Long Claw was hanging from his hip and the white head of the wolf stood out against his dark garb. "Important day today," Loki said as his nephew stepped up to him. Jon nodded and inhaled deeply before exhaling. "The historians will record it and it will be remembered forever."

"You seem so sure of that," Jon commented and Loki grinned.

"Anything I'm involved in will always be remembered," Loki pointed out and Jon rolled his eyes a little. Loki's hand went out and he placed it on Jon's shoulder. The two men looked at each other. "You've earned it. This is your victory against all those who doubted you and said that you were worthless. Just as it is mine. This is for our glory."

"I'm just concerned how the men of the North will view me. I'm half Targaryen. It's because of my parents that the first war was started to begin with. I'm no longer Ned Stark's son-"

"But you will be," Loki interrupted, and he faced Jon squarely. "I know that Rhaegar Targaryen is technically your birth father, but Ned Stark was the man who raised you, educated you, cared for you, and trained you. That's the definition of a father. Trust me; I think I have experience in this area." Jon smiled a little, knowing Loki did. 

"Didn't Odin technically-"

"No." Loki spoke firmly and Jon knew to shut up. Loki shook his head. "No. Ahem! Odin had me in the same palace. He didn't raise me; Frigga did. He didn't educate me; Frigga did. He didn't care for me; Frigga did. And you've seen what her training has permitted me to do." Jon agreed with a quick nod of his head. That was when Varys came walking up and bowed to them.

"Pardon me, your graces, but we're about ready to start. Her grace would like Ser Loki to enter first as the eldest, then Lord Jon. As for your escort, Ser Loki requested Ser Bronn of the Blackwater and Lord Jon desired Tormund Giantsbane, leader of the Wildlings," the Spider said. On cue, the two men appeared, dressed up for their rolls in the soiree. Loki studied Bronn closely before he began making minor adjustments to his wardobe with his magic. Bronn stood there and took until Loki started fiddling with his hair.

"Oh, nob off!" he scolded, batting the magical tentacles away. Loki grinned as he watched Jon studying the braids Tormind had put in his beard.

"What do they mean?" the White Wolf asked.

"F—k if I know. They just look good," the Wildling answered. Jon smirked a little, but that was when the gong was heard on the other side of the door. Loki and Jon got into position with their escorts behind them. 

The doors were thrown open and a voice announced, "Presenting their royal highnesses: Prince Loki Frostborn, son of Rhaella Targaryen; and Prince Jon Stark-Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen!" The nobles all teetered as they entered, looking upon them as if they had never seen them before. Loki flashed his wife a grin and Sansa winked back. Rhaenar and Ragna were standing on either side of her, little golden horned circlets threaded through their hair. Rhaenar was making two marbles float in the air over his hand. Meanwhile, Ragna had a dagger adorning her hip. Loki had granted her permission to be trained by the greatest warriors in the Seven Kingdoms and across the Narrow Sea. Sandor and Sif were standing behind them. This would be the last appearance Sif would make before she returned to Asgard. Loki gave her a slight tilt of his head in acknowledgment before he faced Daenerys and both he and Jon bowed to her. She waved her hand and they knelt before her.

Jon smiled at Ygritte as she held Godric in her arms. Bradyn leaned against his mother and had his fingers in his mouth as he contained his chuckles. His father was going to be a royal! That was exciting. Daenerys clapped her hands and everyone became quiet. 

"Today, we acknowledge and honor new members of our royal house. They shall be added to the royal records and they and their offspring shall become potential heirs to the Iron Throne." Daenerys looked at Tyrion and the King of Westeros stood up, adjusting his vest slightly. 

"Ser Loki of House Frostborn; God of Mischief; Hand of the Queen; son of Laufey of Jotunheim and Rhaella of House Targaryen, you and your offspring are from here on out the only ones to ever bear the title of Hand," the dwarf announced and people gasped. "When the next ruler of Westeros takes his or her rightful place on the throne, it is a Frostborn that shall be his or her counsel. The position is hereby hereditary. Also, moneys shall be granted to repair properly Harrenhal for his private use. The Twins, which has been tributary between House Stark and House Frostborn because of its location, shall be officially assimilated into House Frostborn. The Eyrie will also still remain with Prince Loki as the deciding power, with Ser Harrold Hardying as his figurehead." Some men from House Stark did not look too pleased at losing the Twins, even if before the power had been split between Robb and Loki. Robb Stark shook his head subtly, and the emotions vanished from their faces. Loki bowed his head to Tyrion and Daenerys, silently thanking them for their generosity. Tyrion then turned to Jon. "Lord Jon of House Stark; former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch; the White Wolf of Winterfell; son of Rhaegar of House Targaryen and Lyanna of House Stark, you and your offspring shall inherit and keep for your own Dragonstone island." Some of the Greyjoys sounded upset at having the island taken from their commander, but Tyrion quickly explained. "It is and has been a home of House Targaryen, and the only reason it was given to Yara of House Greyjoy was because there was no Targaryen to take up the seat. Now, we have one; and with Yara Greyjoy still in danger of not waking, we would not want the seat to fall to ashes or abuse. When she recovers, we shall honor her with a new position. Dragonstone is now yours, Lord Jon, and your descendants. Also, Robb Stark has just informed us that he shall be passing over his title as Master of Justice and requests that the responsibility be shared between Jon Stark-Targaryen, and their younger brother, Brandon Stark. He will return to Winterfell and focus on his position as Warden of the North," Tyrion said. He paused, glancing back at Daenerys.

"We have also decided that as such, the title of 'Warden' shall be given to these men: Robb Stark, Warden of the North; Jon Stark-Targaryen,Warden of the East; Doran Martell, Warden of the South; and Loki Frostborn, Warden of the West. These titles shall be passed onto the chosen heir of each house. As Wardens of Westeros, it is your duty to protect our way of life and defend freedom wherever it is threatened. This is an honor and I hope you all bear it with grace and dignity," Daenerys informed them. Loki and Jon rose from the ground where they had been kneeling and bowed before their queen. She smiled and tilted her own head in response. Loki and Jon turned to face the court and they began to cheer and clap. Loki lifted his hand and so did Jon. United, they stood.    

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