Chapter 36 - Divided We Stand

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Of course, Loki could not ignore the possibility of a gateway to Muspelheim being opened in Dorne, so he had to go and investigate. But, that then left Shireen and Ser Davos in danger on Dragonstone. "Have we heard anything from the North?" Daenerys asked mere hours after the news had been brought.

"Nothing so far. Bran is in command while I am here," Robb answered as he looked at a map of Dragonstone.  "He would have sent a raven, or tried his warging ability to get into contact with Loki."

"And that he hasn't tried to do," Loki responded without looking up from his own map of Dorne. "Did they give a location? How close to Sunspear was the portal?" he asked Daahrio.

"The message was very brief and did not give specifics. I believe that Prince Doran Martell is terrified for his people. This is something wholly unheard of to them," Daahrio Naharis answered. Loki nodded.

"Indeed. Surtur's first invasion of another world was Jotunheim, ironically enough. My great-grandfather, Ymir, fought him off, but was only able to banish him back to Muspelheim with King Bor's help," Loki said.

"Who was King Bor?" Tyrion queried.

"Thor's grandfather," Loki answered instantly before Thor could say anything. 

"I took our history lessons too you know!" Thor said vehemently and Loki smirked as he glanced up at him.

"And you did a marvelous job of retaining the information," Loki commented in an amused tone of voice.

"I'm sensing that maybe you had to do some of his lessons," Tyrion interrupted.

"No," Thor said.

"Yes," Loki countered.

"Shut up," Sansa chimed in. She was in the council chamber with them, wearing her rapier, with Alfie perched on her shoulder. Thor knew she was in a bad mood, and it actually had nothing to do with her mother still being in Kings Landing. Loki was still in the dark about that; he had more important things to be concerned about than his cold mother-in-law. But, the real reason she was upset was because she wanted to go with Loki, but that would take her away from her children. She was torn.

"Loki," Thor said and the Hand of the Queen looked up. "Where would you have the Asgardians stationed? While you go to Dorne, the Warriors Three and myself can work together to keep Kings Landing secure, or, we could go to this Dragonstone, and rescue the Lady Shireen and her Onion Knight." Loki rested his palms flat on the table and sucked on his bottom lip as he pondered this.

"You're going to take orders from me?" he asked. Thor nodded.

"From you and your queen, wherever she thinks I should go," Thor responded, looking back at her. Daenerys tapped her lips with a graceful pointer finger, her eyes flicking to her husband's. Tyrion smirked a little before he turned back to Thor.

"If you think you and your warriors can master the art of subtlety and subterfuge, I think we have the perfect tasks for you," the king said. Loki walked around the table, reaching out and brushing Sansa's arm.

"We can't have all four of you leaving the city, and Sansa wants to come with me without worrying about the children. I suggest that you, Thor, still remain in Kings Landing. Surtur will notice if you go missing. You are rather like one of those Midgardian super stars: you shine way too brightly and will be noticed once you are gone," Loki said and a hint of pink filled Thor's cheeks at Loki's backhanded compliment. "I want Hogun and Volstagg to go fetch the Lady Shireen and Ser Davos. But they won't be going alone." Arya materialized from the shadows behind some curtains, alone with Tyene Sand. "These two will accompany them. As for my children," Loki said, looking at Sansa, "the Hound and Lady Sif will, along with Obara Sand, escort our children to the Eyrie. Ser Harrold Hardyng will keep them safe. I want them to travel incognito. I'll have to put a magic dampening bracelet on Rhaenar."

"Loki!" Sansa said and every turned to her. Her eyes were wide and she gripped his wrist. "You always said that magic dampeners were dangerous!"

"If created by somebody with the intent to harm," Loki assuaged his panicking wife. He produced a bracelet and held it out. "I believe that is how Baelish was able to find them the first time."

"He sensed Rhaenar's magic," Oberyn supplied and Loki snapped his fingers.

"But I made this bracelet, dearest," Loki said, cupping his wife's cheek in his hand. "It will not hurt our son; merely conceal him from prying eyes."

"Prying eyes including yours and mine," she reminded and Loki agreed. 

"I'm pretty sure he would appreciate us not spying on him," Loki commented.

"But he hasn't hit his middle youth yet," Sansa said and Loki rolled his eyes.

"Same difference," he answered, before he turned back to Thor. "You remain here. I want Fandral to journey to the other houses with official documents from the queen to call their banners."

"Has it come to that?" Daenerys asked tiredly and Tyrion embraced her.

"If Lancel Lannister has his army and a portal to Muspelheim was opened in Dorne, then, yes. We need to call the banners. Fandral, as an Outlander, being trusted with this, will hopefully send a message that the queen has faith in you all," Loki explained to Thor.

"Has faith in us? You sound like you don't," Thor pointed out and Loki shrugged.

"Hindsight's twenty-twenty," he answered and Thor frowned. "I want Jon to go with Fandral as well. Being the brother of the Master of Justice, will also be a powerful tool in the persuasion department."

"And we all know you're all about persuasion," Jon said dully as he folded his arms across his chest. 

"Well, I hate twisting people's arms," Loki retorted sarcastically. Jon was about to counter himself when Sansa snapped her fingers, determined to keep a fight from breaking out between her husband and her half-brother.

"Any other delegating we should do in this moment?" Daenerys asked tiredly. She was exhausted, as Draegon had not been sleeping well of late; therefore, keeping her and Tyrion up at night. Her husband wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hand.

"As of right now? Those are the orders. Bronn will come with me and Sansa. Robb, I expect you to take care of things with Daenerys while I am gone. Oberyn, you are also more than welcome to come with us. It is your homeland after all," Loki reminded and the Dornish man nodded his head.

"Indeed! It is my homeland, and I will be more than pleased to draw spears with you again! It has been too long since the war!" Oberyn declared enthusiastically.

"Not long enough," Loki muttered before he looked around at everyone else. "That is our plan. I suggest we move out."

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