Chapter 23 - A Lover's Arms

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Fandral loved the feel of Ellaria Sand's lips as they crawled up his spine. She was plastered to his back, with her husband at his front. Oberyn was playing attention to the scars he bore on his chest, with Loras Tyrell sipping from a golden cup, the lust apparent in his eyes. "Would you consider yourselves good friends of the Hand?" Fandral asked before he gasped. Ellaria had cupped his manhood in her hand and was stroking it rhythmically.

"I have known him for a long time, Dashing," Oberyn answered as he made his way up his neck. "Perhaps, not as long as you, but long enough to get the measure of him." Fandral nodded, as he was not able to formulate a proper response. Ellaria was working him good. Oberyn finally batted her hand away and gently pulled her into his arms. That was when Loras came in and kissed Fandral passionately.

"Why do you ask?" Loras finally queried when he pulled away from Fandral. Fandral shrugged as he and Loras rubbed against each other.

"As you said, I have known him for a long time, and I have never seen him so comfortable with anybody. His ease with you all, the queen, his bodyguards, and especially his wife. It is... I don't know..." Fandral said before Ellaria grabbed his chin and turned him towards her. They kissed again and when they parted, she stuck her two fingers in his mouth. Fandral sucked on them obediently.

"He is at ease with us because he knows we appreciate him for who he is. We adore his magic. The common folk still consider him a god. He is worshipped and even venerated. From what he's told us, that never happened on Asgard. He loves it here, and we love him. You have no idea what I would give to have a god make love to me," Ellaria said vehemently as she pulled her fingers out of his mouth.

"I don't count?" Fandral queried and he had to bite his lip to stifle his cry as she grabbed him again.

"No, Dashing, you don't count."

Sansa moaned as she and Loki rocked together, her hands gripping the headboard of their large bed. She straddled Loki's lap, and his arms were snaked up her sides, playing with her hair and massaging her upper back. Sansa and Loki were glued at the mouths, their tongues battling each other. Sansa leaned back, her hands moving to her husband's shoulders. Loki growled low in his throat, sounding more like an animal. Making love to Sansa was the number one thing to do on his list. Although, plotting and scheming were a close second. Loki suddenly pulled himself out of his sit onto his knees. Sansa was knocked backwards in surprise and now, she was splayed on the mattress like a ripe fruit, waiting for the taking. Loki pounced on her and dove back in, causing them both to writhe in ecstasy. "You aren't intimidated by Thor's presence?" Sansa managed to say as Loki furiously coupled with her. He paused to frown at her. She was now frowning because there was no more glorious friction there. Loki's blue skin started to shift back to pale and Sansa gripped his ear and started to twist.

"Why would it intimidate me? I could have told you he had a small hammer," Loki said with a smirk, which changed into a wince as Sansa applied more pressure to his ear.

"Go Jotun again! You know I love having sex with you when you're blue!" Sansa insisted. She locked her ankles behind Loki's buttocks and kept him in place. Loki grinned as his skin went back to its natural state, and the ridges reappeared. Sansa sighed in relief and he moved again. Loki kissed her, cupping her face with his hand; his cerulean fingers making a stark contrast against her milk white skin. Sansa tilted her head back, allowing Loki to press his lips to her neck. Sansa felt her climax fast approaching, and judging by the powerful thrusts Loki was giving her, he was close as well. Sansa clung to her husband, whispering words of endearment and derision in equal measure. She knew just how to push his buttons at the most inappropriate of times. Finally, they came and lay side by side on their bed. Sansa traced the lines of blue on Loki's skin until they receded and the color faded out. Their breathing went back to normal and Loki pulled Sansa into his arms.

"I'm not intimidated by Thor. I've never been intimidated by Thor. I've been annoyed with him, angry at him, but not intimidated by him. Honestly? There's nothing to be intimidated by," Loki answered Sansa. She smirked as she played with a few strands of his hair.

"But, he always had everything," she said, and Loki glanced at her. "The love of the people, the respect of his father, and the loyalty of his realm. You have all but one here. What is left to be jealous of?" Sansa asked.

"I guess I need to prove he's not as useful as everyone thinks he is," Loki admitted and Sansa made a face.

"That's a little selfish, don't you think?" she asked and Loki frowned back at her. "What? It is! It's one thing to show your brother that you have a perfectly good life without him. It's another to put him in the same boat of 'inadequacy' as you were once," Sansa admonished and Loki sighed. "Come on, my love! You're not that mean," Sansa told him, cupping Loki's cheek in her hand.

"Actually, I am," Loki answered and Sansa punched his side as hard as she could. Loki just chuckled. He had been punched by Thor and smashed around by the Hulk. His wife's petite and dainty fist was not going to do anything to him. "Sansa, you know I'm mean. I never hid what I was when we first met, and for the duration of our time together during the war."

"But you're also kind! And thoughtful, and fiercely jealous!" Loki rolled his eyes, but Sansa jabbed him. "Jealousy can be a good thing. You are jealous of anyone who would attempt to steal Daenerys' throne, jealous of any who would hurt our children, and jealous of any who would want to take me," Sansa said as she ran her fingers through his hair. Loki lay still as Sansa began to kiss his neck, sucking on the skin so hard, Loki knew she was leaving marks. "I love that you're a jealous creature. Makes for interesting sex."

"So you like it rough?" Loki asked as his hands strayed down his wife's back, massaging her smooth skin.

"I like an occasional love, but I'm more inclined to a vigorous f—k," Sansa answered him before she sank her teeth into the tender flesh between his shoulder and neck. Loki growled deep in his throat and turned over so that Sansa was beneath him. She laughed and wrapped her lithe legs around his waist.

"I love you. You great, gorgeous, vivacious, and insatiable creature," Loki whispered in her ear.

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