Chapter 92 - New Future Dawns

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Loki opened his eyes and found himself staring at line after line of dead men. Corpses, some new and many old. Loki stared at them, recognizing that thousands of them were from Westeros. Others, had garb and body armor from Midgard? How was that possible? Loki turned and saw five humanoid beings sitting on top of dead horses and looking down over their troops. Loki turned and saw a single figure standing against them. A wolf helmet was hiding the person's face until they removed it, and a river of red was allowed to flow free. It was a young woman. She raised a sword with an ebony blade over head. She threw back her head and howled, and when she opened her eyes, they sparkled green. That was when the leading dead man turned to Loki and returned his gaze.

That was when Loki awoke. He was lying on a bed in his suite of rooms inside the Red Keep. He put a hand to his head and glanced around. Sansa was lying next to him, her head on his shoulder. Rhaenar and Ragna were curled up on his other side and Fenris had his head resting on the foot of the bed. Alfheim was asleep on Sansa's hip. "Awake, my loved ones," Loki said and Sansa was the first to open her eyes. Her sleepy blue orbs looked into Loki's green ones and she smiled.

"Welcome back, my darling. We've missed you," she told him. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his and they made it long and tender.

"Ew," was the only warning they got to inform them their children were awake. Glancing over, they saw Rhaenar and Ragna were looking at them. Loki paused as he found himself staring into the same green eyes from his dream.

"Where is Thor? Daenerys? The others?" Loki queried.

"Hush! Everyone is safe. Our casualties were... as much as you anticipated when the plan was made," Sansa responded.

"Anyone we know?" Loki posed. Sansa propped herself up more and sighed, running her fingers through Loki's hair.

"Ser Loras Tyrell was an unfortunate fatality. We have already sent word to High Garden and Margaery at the Dreadfort," Sansa answered. Loki nodded his head, knowing that Fandral would be broken up by the demise of his lover.

"Anyone else?"

"Yara Greyjoy is in dire straights. The healers are not sure if she'll make it or not. Thor has gone to Asgard for healing stones," Sansa informed him. She got up and Loki was immediately smothered by Rhaenar and Ragna. His two children kissed him and hugged him and he put his arms around them. Loki looked up and saw Fenris watching them with his sharp, emerald eyes.

"I am happy that you are returned to me, my eldest son," Loki informed his first born. Fenris snorted and moved up the bed, smothering everyone else with his size. Loki smiled and then raised his eyebrow as Ragna wrapped her arms around his snout. Fenris crossed his eyes to look at her and his pink tongue came out and covered her face with saliva. Loki grinned at the affection that was taking place between his eldest son and his youngest daughter. Thinking of that, he turned suddenly to Sansa and held his hand out to her. His wife came to him and took his hand. She placed it on her stomach and smiled at him.

"Don't be worried. Frigga protected us. Your next child is safe in my womb," Sansa told him. Loki breathed a sigh of relief, pulling Sansa down to his level and pressing his lips to hers.

"Mother! Father!" Rhaenar scolded as he scrambled off the bed and away from them. That was when there was a knock on the door.

"Enter!" Sansa commanded and the door opened. Bronn, Beric, and Thoros walked in. Loki raised his eyebrow as he had no idea who the other two were. "Yes? You have news?" Sansa queried as she picked up Alfie and began to stroke him.

"Prince Odinson has returned and begs to visit and give you a healing stone," Bronn responded.

"I have no need for one. But tell him thank you for the thought and gesture. He should go visit others who are in greater need," Loki said.

"Glad you think so well of me, brother," said a voice and Thor rounded the corner, a pouch in his hand. Loki straightened up in the bed, and swung his legs over the side. He winced as there was some internal pain, but not enough to warrant a healing stone.

"I don't think well of you. One good phrase out of my mouth does not vindicate you," Loki retorted and Thor smirked.

"I have already been to such as Yara Greyjoy. I gave her the healing stone, but a coma has taken hold. Your Maester Tarly said that there was some kind of poison in the weapon that wounded her. We must wait and see," Thor explained. Loki nodded, wincing a little as he pressed his fingers to his temple. Thor stepped forward but Fenris got in between them. "Fenris! I am so joyous to see you," the God of Thunder told his nephew. Fenris growled a little, but that was when Ragna reached up and grabbed hold of his whiskers. She pulled him in the direction of Beric and Thoros.

"This is my eldest brother, Fenris Lokison. These are the men from the Brotherhood Without Banners I told you about. Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr," the little Frostborn introduced. Fenris lifted his head to smell them. The two mortals allowed him to do so, mostly because they were afraid that if they made any sudden moves, he would pounce. Loki smiled at them before looking back at Thor.

"Are there any others who could stand to benefit from those healing stones?" Loki queried as he pulled his shirt off to see the state of his torso. He ran his hands along his pale skin, seeing a few bruises, and a scar along his elbow where the bone had been broken, but nothing to cause him concern.

"None of note or of import to a house. But, your queen has asked that I take a few to her Unsullied and save as many of them as I can," Thor responded. Loki nodded as he splashed his face with cold water before rubbing himself dry with a towel. Sansa handed him a new shirt and overcoat. Loki braided his hair out of his face and held his hands out. Ragna came to him, climbing up his leg, side, and arm to perch on his shoulder. She looked down at Thor and grinned. Rhaenar clung to his mother's side, pressing his face over where his sibling was growing and whispering something about purple auras. Sansa just smiled and pressed him close. Fenris stood up and walked up beside them.

"Well... shall we go?" Loki suggested and everyone bowed slightly to them.

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