Chapter 8 - Loki's Kingdom

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Thor and his friends followed the three Westerosi as they were led through the halls of the Red Keep, the main fortress of the Targaryen family. Thor glanced around and watched as the servants, courtiers, and nobles stared at them and pointed. He knew they must be a sight for them, but hopefully they would stop being a novelty soon. "You will be greeted properly by the Hand of the Queen. Her majesty has been taken to her chambers in preparation of birthing her second child," Daahrio informed them.

"We must wish her congratulations then," Thor said diplomatically and Daahrio chuckled. Thor glanced around and saw the giant knight whisper to Oberyn Martell. The Red Viper nodded his head and the man took a separate corridor away from them.

"Where is he off to?" Fandral asked as he stared after his retreating figure.

"Oh? Sandor? He's gone to his charges. He is the foresworn of House Frostborn, so his first duty is to them," Oberyn answered nonchalantly. Fandral nodded his head but that was when they arrived at the high doors with more soldiers standing outside. The great doors were of heavy oak, and the handles were shaped to look like dragons.

"Think we'll see one?" Volstagg whispered to Hogun and the grim warrior shrugged his shoulders.

"Open the doors! I bring the delegation from Asgard!" Oberyn declared and the Unsullied nodded and threw the doors open. Thor saw many staring faces and heard many gasps as he and his friends entered the room. Thor tilted his head to look up at the color glass that was in the center of the ceiling. Braziers were wrapped around the pillars and were lit. Flags hung from the balconies that lined the hall: black backdrop with a red three headed dragon in front. Of course, that was not what stole Thor's breath away. As he looked up to the dais, he saw the throne. He had heard it was called the Iron Throne; a chair made from many blades melded together by dragon fire. And the person sitting in it made Thor stop. Long black hair was braided out of his face, a green leather trench coat coming down to his knees, where his boots ceased. The torchlight gleamed off the ever impressive horned helmet. Finally, emerald eyes focused on the Golden Prince and Thor had to swallow. They had not lost their fire. "My lord! I present Thor Odinson, Crown Prince of Asgard; Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three!" Oberyn said dramatically. A red haired woman appeared from behind the bladed throne, her hand lingering on Loki's shoulder before she took a seat beside him.

Must be his wife, Thor thought to himself. "We have come to aid you in your time of need. But, this is also a diplomatic mission. I am to learn your ways," Thor said humbly. A smirk crossed Loki's face, but as of yet, he had not said anything.

"Shall we clear the throne room, your grace?" Varys whispered in Loki's ear, and the head of House Frostborn nodded. The Spider straightened up and clapped his hands loudly. "The Hand has requested that the throne room be emptied! He will speak to the Outlanders alone!" The nobles and courtiers were not surprised. Loki always changed their world when there was no audience to observe him. Soon, the room was empty and Loki had still not officially greeted his one-time brother. Thor was starting to sweat, but he figured this was Loki's game, messing with him. Meanwhile, his friends beside him were equally disconcerted. Sif was getting angry, and her hands were clenching and unclenching at her sides. She also found the redhead was eyeing her darkly, and she finally bared her teeth. The redhead smirked and leaned over to Loki, whispering something in his ear. He grinned.

"I have come, Loki. The least you can do is say something," Thor said, still maintaining control of his temper.

"You have come." The three words sounded like honey rolling off Loki's tongue as he finally spoke. "Well, aren't you just so considerate? Assisting in cleaning up Asgard's mess."

"Surtur is not Asgard's fault," Sif said from between clenched teeth and Loki's eyes sidled over to his former lover. He leaned back in his chair and tapped the arm with his tapered fingers.

"Well, it most certainly isn't our fault, and since the All-Father was supposed to kill him long ago... well... I'll leave your challenged minds to figure it out," Loki taunted. Thor growled and his grip tightened on Mjolnir. Everyone could feel their hair stand up from the static electricity emitting from the weapon.

"I have not come to be insulted by you!" Thor said, pointing the hammer at Loki. Suddenly, he felt a blade being pressed to his throat, and it took him a second to realize that another man had slipped up behind him and could slice his jugular if he wished. Sif made a move to defend her prince, but she was blocked by Daahrio Naharis. Fandral was covered by Oberyn and his spear. That left Volstagg and Hogun, and they reached for their weapons. Suddenly, Hogun's ankle sunk into the stone ground, and he gasped. As Volstagg turned around, he found a large claymore was only a few centimeters from his nose.

"Enough!" Loki shouted and he rose from the throne. Hogun tugged on his ankle and wondered if Loki had done this. That was until a small black haired boy came into his line of sight. He was grinning at the warrior, his blue eyes flashing. "Rhaenar! Ragna!" Loki hissed, and a red haired girl weaved her way between the knights till she reached the dais. With graceful leaps, she jumped into Loki's arms, and he smoothed her hair down. The boy, called Rhaenar turned away from Hogun and also made his way to the throne. The red haired woman took him and looked haughtily down at the Asgardians.

"I sunk him, Father! I sunk him!" Rhaenar declared and Loki smiled.

"Yes, my boy. You have made me very proud," Loki told him. Thor growled as the knife was pressed even more into his skin. "Bronn! We need him alive in order to defeat Surtur, unfortunately. That being said, please release him," Loki ordered. The sells-sword grinned and stepped away from Thor. When Thor made a move to advance on the dais, something stopped him by pulling on his cape. He glanced over his shoulder and gasped when he saw a small blade pinning his red cape to a crack in the stone floor. Loki sighed and looked at Ragna, who held his gaze innocently. "And I am also proud of you, my little assassin." He kissed her, before waving his hand and releasing Hogun's foot. Sif passed Daahrio and unpinned Thor's cape from the stone floor. She looked at the blade, a small missile, but deadly accurate in the hands of one who knew how to use it. That made her look up at Ragna. Of course, all the Asgardians knew that name had Nordic roots, and they studied the child to whom it belonged to. She had a serious expression on her face, and her green eyes flashed around as she scrutinized them in return.

"I believe this is yours," Sif said, extending the blade to the small girl. Ragna's eyes shifted instantaneously, and Sif found the knife removed from her grasp by Sandor Clegane. He frowned at her and sheathed it in his boot. He approached the dais and frowned at Ragna.

"You stole this from me again," he said dourly. The little girl smirked. That was when Loki shifted her in his arms and handed her to her mother. He walked down the steps and Oberyn and Daahrio and Bronn all joined him facing the Asgardians.

"You are here to help us, Thor. That being said, you will take your orders from me. Trust me when I say if I could have gone through the rest of my life never seeing you again, it would have been too soon," Loki said and Thor's lips became a thin line. "But! We need your help in order to defeat Surtur. So, you will be given suites in the Red Keep, you will attend feasts in your honor, and you will treated like the royalty you are. Just know this," Loki said and he leaned to whisper to Thor, "do anything to endanger this world, and I will end you."

"At the risk of war with Father?" Thor queried and Loki gave him his sick smirk.

"I would see his demise above all others," Loki hissed before he turned away.

"Father!" Ragna called out and Loki gave her a genuine smile. "Will the strange people be staying?"

"For a time, my precious, they will," Loki said as he took her back. He kissed his wife and left the throne room. Thor looked like a lost child until Oberyn stepped up.

"You will be summoned to the small council chamber to discuss the strategy in detail tomorrow. We shall show you to your chambers, and tonight, there shall be a feast to celebrate your arrival," Oberyn Martell said. Thor nodded and raised his eyes to look up at Loki as he left the dais with his family. His brother did not glance at him, but focused entirely on his wife and children. Thor sighed and followed Daahrio Naharis and the man called Bronn out of the throne room.

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