Chapter 16 - Facts

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Daenerys came to in her own bed chamber, with Tyrion and her children safely beside her. Daahrio stood on one side of the bed, while Ser Jorah was on the other. Daenerys moaned and that drew their attention. "Sam. She's awake," Ser Jorah said and her maester appeared.

"I am glad the effects were not long lasting, your grace. Drink this," he told her. He held the cup to her lips and Daenerys took the drink. It was cool, but still tasted bitter.

"Bluh! Samwell, if I ordered you to make only sweet medicines, would you do it?" Daenerys asked. Sam made a face as he poured another cup and went to Tyrion.

"Well... if you ordered me, I suppose I wouldn't have much of a choice," Sam responded and Daenerys frowned. She tilted her head when she heard cooing and saw Sansa sitting beside the bed, rocking Draegon. She pressed a kiss to his lips before raising her head and smiling at Daenerys.

"Here's your son," she said as she stood up and placed him in the queen's arms.

"Thank you for protecting them," Daenerys said as she felt Tyria nuzzle her leg. Sansa nodded her head. That was when somebody grabbed her dress and pulled. Sansa glanced down and saw Rhaenar and Ragna look up at her.

"Oh! My babies! Ragna! Your hair!" Sansa shrieked. Ragna brought her hand up and played with the shorn ends of her locks.

"I had to make a choice. Logically, it was my hair or my head," Ragna responded. The Asgardians entered as the little girl said this, and they gasped.

"That's my daughter. Always looking at the angles," Loki said as he slipped past them and scooped her up into his arms.

"Process of elimination. I'd rather eliminate my hair," Ragna said casually as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Loki grinned and ran his fingers through her hair and green sparks flew. Her hair grew back as he weaved his fingers through the tendrils. "And I was going for practicality."

"I have to keep reminding myself that she is six-years-old," Fandral said.

"Her mind is so far advanced, I've stopped being surprised by it," Loki responded as he kissed her and put her down. She held her mother's hand until Sandor Clegane walked into the room. He was standing a few feet to the right of Sif, and the Asgardian shield maiden glanced at him. He did not even turn his head to acknowledge her gaze. She did see the tight line of his brow unravel when he caught sight of the two Frostborn youngsters. Rhaenar giggled and slid out of Sansa's grasp to go to his protector.

"I sunk the ghost, Sandor! Did you see?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh, did he put another hole in the floor of the throne room?" Tyrion enquired, trying to hide his grin and failing miserably.

"Don't worry. I fixed it," Loki answered and the king nodded his head. "But, I'm more concerned about the ghost himself. His entrance was most certainly interesting," Loki said.

"He said he was merely the product of his creator. And that we were to blame him for his transgressions," Thor said, recalling clearly what the demon had told them.

"Meaning what, exactly?" Oberyn Martell asked as he gently stroked the bare arms of Ellaria Sand.

"Meaning that everything he does from here on in is to be blamed on the person who pushed him to become what he is now," Sansa mumbled, but Loki heard her. Loki gave her a sideways glance and frowned.

"But, he is not Surtur," Thor reminded and everyone looked at him. Thor gave them a weak smile before continuing, "Surtur is a demon of Muspelheim. He is a giant, of equal to greater height than a Frost Giant." This made Loki shoot him a 'really' look. Thor looked a little sheepish for a few seconds. "That figure in the fog never really took a shape and was about the height of a normal man."

"A pawn?" Hogun suggested and Thor nodded.

"Makes sense that Surtur would send a lieutenant to shake us up first. He's testing the waters and seeing how we respond to this threat," Loki answered.

"We do have to have some kind of response to it, though," Robb Stark pointed out and Daenerys looked at him. "He did this in the throne room in front of many of your nobles. They expect you to react with the ruthlessness that made you famous during the war."

"But we still don't have a real target to focus on yet," Daenerys reminded. She looked at Loki and lightly tapped the coverlet of her bed. "We can mobilize in the event of a physical threat, but I need my small council to attend to discovering where this other threat will strike. Loki is in charge, and the Asgardians will be the might." Daenerys sat up straighter and her one hand went out, gripping Tyrion's. "We have fought hard to win this war and this realm. I will not lose it now to some demon who thinks he has a claim to my people and lands." Loki and the rest of the small council saluted her and left the chamber. Sif turned to follow Thor and the Warriors Three, and she bumped into Sandor Clegane. The giant of a man was holding Rhaenar while Ragna was playing suspiciously with his pant leg.

"Your pardon, sir," Sif said with a tilt of her head. Sandor's dark eyes observed her as she backed up. Sif looked down at Ragna and gave the little girl a genuine smile. "You were brave in the throne room today. You will be a great warrior someday," she told her.

"I intend to be," Ragna responded coolly.

"You must be proud of them," Sif told Sandor and the Hound grunted. He adjusted Rhaenar before he picked Ragna up by the back of her shirt and rested her on his shoulder.

"I'll be prouder of them if they live to adulthood," the knight answered and Rhaenar chuckled.

"But we will, sweet Hound! We're going to live longer than you and anyone else. We're demigods," the heir of House Frostborn said to his bodyguard.

"Not if your recklessness has any bearing on the matter," Sandor reminded. Rhaenar stuck his tongue out at him before he leaned his head against his shoulder. Sif jumped a little at the little boy's statement. Of course, he was speaking the truth. Loki was an immortal and his children were going to be extraordinary. They were extraordinary now, definitely gifted youngsters. That brought a chill to Sif's veins. If Odin knew what Loki's young offspring could do, he would undoubtedly seek their end. Nobody would know what they would grow up to be, but if they were powerful now, they would be unstoppable as adults. "Excuse me, lady," Sandor suddenly said, pulling Sif back to the present. "I would take the children back to their nursery."

"If I speak to the Lady of House Frostborn, can I assist you in handling and protecting them?" Sif queried. Sandor's burned brow went up a little and Ragna's own lips pursed a little. There was a twinkle in her green eyes that Sif did not miss.

"Please. The extra help would be appreciated," Rhaenar said diplomatically. Sif nodded and turned to where Sansa was talking to Loki. The Hound glared at both children.

"You did that on purpose," he growled.

"Maybe. That's for us to know and you to wonder," Rhaenar retorted, his father's signature smirk smeared all over his face.

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