Chapter 71 - Rhaenar Intercedes

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The young mage was invisible to the eyes of all as he made his way towards the chambers of the queen, whom he now understood to be his aunt. It took much of Rhaenar's concentration to be able to do this, but he was his father's son. That, and he had the whispers of his grandmother guiding him at night. Rhaenar had never told either of his parents or his sister that Frigga of Vanaheim visited him in his dreams. She taught him the secrets of incantations that Loki said he was not ready for. Invisibility being one of them. Rhaenar did not wish for his mother to find and stop him before he reached his aunt and uncle. Also, he was able to elude Obara Sand, who was acting as protector in Sandor Clegane's absence. As he got closer to the small council's chamber, he heard the voices from within and focused. The people inside were Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Varys, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Yara Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont, and Robb Stark. Oh, Queen Frigga, Goddess of Motherhood, give me strength to plead my family's case to my aunt, he asked.

It is already given, young grandson. All you have to do is use it, was Frigga's response. Rhaenar nodded and teleported himself into the room. There were gasps and he opened his eyes, seeing everyone staring at him. Rhaenar fell to the floor with a dull thud and Oberyn was quick to pick him up. Rhaenar came to in his lap at the table with everyone gazing down on him curiously.

"It would seem the apple does not fall far from the tree," Varys commented with a smile.

"But, the apple is still small," Daenerys said as she held out her arms. Rhaenar hesitated, looking up at her with big, blue eyes. Daenerys smiled at him and continued to hold her arms out. Finally, Rhaenar allowed himself to be past from Oberyn to Daenerys, and the Queen of Westeros nestled the head of her nephew on her shoulder as she used to do when he was a babe. "Why have you come, Rhaenar?"

Rhaenar looked up at her and said, "I have heard whispers that myself and my family must prepare ourselves to meet the Seven. For there can only be one heir to the Iron Throne and one ruler to sit upon it." Daenerys gasped and looked at Tyrion and the dwarf shook his head. She knew that he would not order the death of their friends and family without her permission. That, and she had basically acknowledged Loki and his family as possible heirs should her branch of the family tree die out or be extinguished. The same was said for Jon's family after Loki's. Were people really thinking that she would condemn Loki and his family to death to remove a rival for the throne?

"Who said this to you, Rhaenar? It is untrue and I would never allow them to come to pass," Daenerys promised and Rhaenar smiled a small smile.

"But... is it true... Uncle Tyrion?" he queried vaguely, glancing at the dwarf king, "that you have sworn off my father and my family?" Tyrion felt all eyes on him and swallowed.

"It was a dispute between us, young Rhaenar. One that does not concern you," Tyrion responded.

"That's my father you threw off. It's our family name that is now discussed by the gossips; I'm afraid Uncle Tyrion that it is very much my concern," Rhaenar told him. Tyrion blinked a few times and Oberyn cleared his throat.

"I think we should accept that there is nothing much we can conceal from the offspring of Ser Loki Frostborn. They are ahead of their time," the Prince of Dorne said.

"A disconcerting thought," Doran Martell commented as he leaned back in his wheelchair.

"But a truth none the less," Yara Greyjoy rejoined. Rhaenar squirmed out of his aunt's arms and slid to the floor. He smoothed his clothes and straightened up to his full height, which was only a little above their waists. The adults had to smile a bit at his show of power, but they waited to see what he would say and do.

"I would plead for mercy and leniency on behalf of my family. My father surrendered to you, but we all know that he could have annihilated all of your Unsullied and anybody else you sent after him. My mother has recently conceived another baby. I and my sister are to have another sibling." This news had Daenerys' eyes flick to Tyrion.

"I ran into her in the hall as she made her way to visit Loki. The boy is correct. However, how did you know?" Tyrion queried.

"Every being gives off an aura that you can sense. My grandmother is teaching me to feel these auras as she taught my mother. I can feel the magical presence of this baby. The color is purple. I dream of it often," Rhaenar said, his voice seeming far away, and the Westerosi accepted that the discussion of magic of that sort was above their comprehension. "My sister is missing, run away or kidnapped, we don't know. I am the eldest and it is my duty to be the head of my family while my father is held."

"You are too young to be saying something like that," Daenerys said seriously.

"These are uncertain and dangerous times we live in. We don't know what the future holds. And I will do what I can to ensure the safety of my house," Rhaenar answered. Daenerys knelt down in front of Rhaenar and took his small hand in hers.

"You are wiser than most grown men, Rhaenar of House Frostborn, also of House Targaryen," she said.

"Don't let Ragna hear you say that. She'll take offense," the young boy quipped. Yara Greyjoy chuckled deeply and even Oberyn grinned.

"Nevertheless, you have intelligence that does you and your house credit. I can promise you that nothing untoward will be done to your family by my orders. And if anybody attempts to do so, they shall face my wrath and shall be stripped of their positions," Daenerys assured him. Rhaenar bowed to her and pulled away respectively.

"Thank you, your majesty. I shall tell my mother that we have your protection and your love," Rhaenar answered. Daenerys smiled at the boy's modicum of decorum and watched as he made his way to the door. It opened without a hand touching it and Rhaenar exited the small council chamber. Tyrion turned to Daenerys and placed his hand over hers.

"You do know that his children are either going to be the death or saving of us," he said and Daenerys laughed.

"Our entire world spins on the whims of their father, and I'm sure that once they fully mature, other worlds will rotate on their axis," she responded.

"Now that is a disconcerting thought," Varys pointed out in his unnaturally quiet voice.

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