Chapter 42 - The Idle Odinson

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Thor thought he had known boredom when he was a youth before he could fight. It was nothing compared to this. He sat in the throne room and the small council chamber, listening to Daenerys and her husband banter and bicker with the nobles and emissaries from other countries. He occupied Loki's seat, and as Tyrion said, 'kept it warm' for him. "Better not actually tell him to his face when he returns," Thor commented as they dismissed another petitioner for the day.

"I won't tell if you won't. But, what will probably happen when he returns is, he'll sit in the chair, situate himself for a second, look up and ask, 'Thor? Did you sit in my seat?'" Tyrion responded and Thor had to turn his laugh into a cough. Daenerys gave them a sideways glance, smiling a little. Of course, that also could have been because her daughter, Tyria, was tumbling on the floor with her little direwolf, whom she had named Trytas. Even though it had been given as a gift to her brother, she had well and truly adopted it. 

"Next!" Daenerys called and that was when the doors opened, and a woman with fading red hair, and tall,  blonde woman entered. Daenerys sighed and tilted her head in Robb Stark's direction. 

"I thought I said to get rid of her," she whispered. The Master of Justice shrugged and walked down the stairs towards the woman.

"Who is that?" Thor queried of Tyrion.

"That is Catelyn Stark, the mother of Robb and Sansa Stark. Not a very nice lady," the dwarf answered, recalling his own captivity at her hand.  Thor nodded his head in understanding. 

"Mother!" Robb said as cheerily as possible.

"People are to leave now," Varys ordered, and the regular people left. Only the Queensguard and those closest to the royal family remained. Daenerys did not feel like having anything that was said in here getting out to the enemies of her Hand. 

"I have asked for a meeting every day since I arrived, and only now am I being seen," Catelyn Stark commented and Daenerys fixed her with her violet gaze.

"My apologies, Lady Stark. I have more important matters to attend to," Daenerys retorted, not caring that she actually admitted she preferred doing other things than seeing to the Widow Stark. 

"Your contempt of me stems from listening to Lord Frostborn's poisonous whispers," Catelyn Stark said and Thor winced. It was clear from this woman's tone and expression that she despised his brother. 

"You personally insulted my most trusted advisor in front of the entire council. In case you failed to notice, we owe everything to Lord Loki Frostborn. Our success in the war is because of him. It was a joint effort, but he did the majority of the difficult and dangerous tasks. He was wounded in my service, and I will never be able to thank him enough. And I know why you hate him. He makes your daughter very happy, Lady Stark," Daenerys explained and Catelyn Stark's expression became pinched like a lemon. 

 "She married him without consent," Catelyn responded.

"Actually, not without my consent, Mother," Robb said and Catelyn eyed her son. "They both came to me for permission because I was the one to give it. I am the head of House Stark, after all. Not you."

"But I am still her mother! My eldest daughter's marriage was something I should have had a hand in, and you couldn't even be bothered to tell me until I came to Kings Landing and saw them with my own eyes!" Lady Stark snapped angrily. 

"Why have you waited until he was not here to defend himself to come?" Thor suddenly posed and Catelyn Stark glanced over at him. He stood up and took a step down the dais.

"You are one of those Outlanders I heard about. This matter is none of your concern," she said as coolly as she could.

"Well, since he was once my brother, and you are attacking him, I feel it is my business," Thor retorted. Robb smiled a little and Brienne Tarth placed her hand on her sword.

"Do not come any closer to my lady," she warned. Thor looked at her. She reminded him of Sif a little. He did not have Mjolnir on him at that moment, but he knew all he had to do was extend his hand and his beloved weapon would come to him.

"I mean no physical harm to your lady. I merely ask why she insists on besmirching my brother's honor," Thor said.

"Ha! What honor?" Catelyn Stark challenged.

"Enough honor to not let you be killed at the Red Wedding," Tyrion countered and she shot the dwarf a look. 

"Enough honor to get my permission instead of just marrying Sansa as he surely wanted," Robb put in.

"Enough honor to stand with me in offering Tywin Lannister the chance to surrender when he could have simply massacred everyone," Daenerys pointed out.

"Enough honor to protect the woman I love instead of letting her die," Thor said and they all turned to him. "He had no reason to help me, but... our mother was murdered. He wanted vengeance. The woman I love could have been a victim also, but he defended her with his own body. My brother is a complicated man, and yes, he has a penchant for troublemaking. But... I do not believe he is evil. Deep inside, I know he is a good man," Thor admitted and he got a nod from Daenerys. "And besides, when a woman marries, she does not marry the honor. She marries the man." The clapping Thor got from this statement surprised him. Tyrion was the first to start it, followed by Daenerys, then Robb Stark, then so on. 

"Well spoken, Odinson! You might be an orator after all," Varys commented and Thor sighed. Brienne of Tarth dropped her hand from her blade, and Catelyn looked to her son.

"Mother, I love you, but with your hateful words towards my brother-in-law, I've been finding it difficult. And besides, didn't our queen say you were not allowed in Kings Landing?" Robb reminded.

"Ah! So, as my mortal friend, Anthony Stark, said, 'there's a restraining order'!" Thor declared enthusiastically and they all looked at him.

"You have a friend named 'Stark'?"

"What's a restraining order?"

"Oh, I forgot..."    

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