Chapter 55 - Loki Has Questions

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Jon held Ygritte's hand as she continued to push. The babe was giving her more trouble than Bradyn had, and he was starting to get worried. Sam had already been sweating before, but he was pouring off him like in the rainy season. He was clearly nervous and Ygritte's swearing was not helping the matter. "Darling, I know you're in a lot of pain-" Jon said to her.

"You think I'm in a lot of pain?!" she asked indignantly. 

"I know you are!" Jon snapped, startling everybody. "But, we need you to remain as calm as possible, and follow Sam's instructions, and both you and the babe will come out alright!" Ygritte nodded after a second and looked to Sam for commands.

"Right!" the maester finally said after he got over his shock. "Open your legs a little more and I actually want Jon to sit behind you. He'll help you push." Jon did as he was bid and caged her legs with his own. He held her hands and they both leaned forward when ordered by Sam. 

"Where is Jon?!" Loki bellowed as he stormed through the keep, not allowing anyone to get in his way. The servants all scattered before him, while Daenerys and her guard followed on his heel as fast as they could. 

"His wife is in labor! I'm sure he's by her side," Ser Jorah said as his armor clanked with his swift gait. 

"Have patience-" Daenerys started to say before Loki spun on her.

"I have no patience for this!" he snarled, which caused both Ser Jorah and Daahrio to draw their swords. Loki's hand went out and an invisible force sent them flying backward. Daenerys was afraid for her life when suddenly a side door opened and Oberyn Martell and Bronn came stumbling through, carrying an unconscious Sansa. 

"Oh, the gods!" Daenerys exclaimed and Loki leapt forward, cradling Sansa in his arms.

"How?" Loki asked, but that was when Alfie jumped out of the little room, flicking his tail and looking like a Prince of Cats. "Alfheim," Loki whispered and the cat acknowledged him with a bat of his eyes. "Of course! I ordered you to protect Sansa and you brought them through the portis satis tuto."

"Which was strange, let me tell you," Bronn commented as he glanced back at the sanctuary. The door closed and Ser Jorah went to it. Gripping the handle, he threw it open, but it was just another passage in the keep. 

"Where did it-?" he tried to ask, but Loki's focus was not on him. It was on Sansa. He held her close and whispered some spells of revival and her eyes opened. Sansa gasped and Loki clasped her to him.

"I'm here. I'm right here, my darling heart," he whispered in her ear. The thudding of boots was heard and Thor came pounding up alongside Ser Loras Tyrell.

"My queen," the Knight of Flowers said, "the refugees have been brought back and the lookouts have spied a column returning. They fly our banners and we believe it is Ser Fandral Dashing with reinforcements."

"Well, that is good at least," Daenerys said before she turned back to Loki.

"I'm here, Sansa. Don't worry anymore. Rest. Regain your strength," Loki whispered to her. 

"Loki, oh, Loki! What happened to Sunspear?" she queried desperately, clinging to her husband. 

"Hush! Sansa! There's nothing we could do. The city is gone and we will have to rebuild after we've secured the future," Loki assuaged. Sansa nodded and he stood up, gently setting her on her feet. They touched foreheads and Daenerys turned away. That was when Tyrion came down the passage, holding Tyria's hand. 

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