Chapter 39 - Pirates of the Narrow Sea

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Arya had faith in herself and the skills she had acquired during the war and over the last six years. She had faith in Tyene Sand and her abilities; but the Asgardians had yet to prove themselves to the youngest Stark girl. At that moment, they were meeting an old friend of Ser Davos Seaworth from his smuggling days. Tyene Sand had gotten a lead on him in a little shit hole of a port city. His name was Salladhor Saan. "Are you sure we can trust this man? He is a pirate after all," Volstagg pointed out as all four of them entered a tavern where the aforementioned captain and his crew were cavorting.

"Welcome to Westeros, foreigner," Tyene answered as she eyed a younger pirate with hungry eyes. "We do deals with the darker forces of this world in over to combat the darkest forces of this world."

"Or as Loki likes to call it, doing a deal with the devil. Although, he's usually the devil," Arya commented as she approached the bar and dropped two silver daenari on the stained surface. "I'll take a small barrel for me and my friends," she said. Arya tossed the barrel to Volstagg and Hogun helped her carry the tankards to a table. They sat down and Volstagg poured them all some ale. Arya knocked it back and Tyene nursed hers. Hogan sniffed his before he drank it. He coughed a little.

"Tastes bitter," he said and Arya chuckled as she filled hers again.

"This is definitely not the quality we are used to at the palace or in the houses of lords. But, we make do when we travel incognito. You'll get used to it," Arya responded. Volstagg drained his tankard to the dregs before he filled it up again. Hogun's eyes roamed around the room, narrowed and discerning.

"That man," he finally said, flicking his finger in the direction of a screened off area. They glanced and saw a dark-skinned man surrounded by many beautiful women, drinking and laughing. "He must be the captain we are searching for."

"Excellent eye, Asgardian. Maybe you're good for something after all," Tyene Sand snickered as she stood up. She removed her weapons, handing them to Hogun, before sliding the straps of her top off her shoulders. Volstagg choked on his beer and Hogun's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Arya just smirked as she studied the bottom of her mug. Tyene blew Hogun a kiss as she turned and walked towards the enclosed alcove.

"She seems very... ahem! Flamboyant," Volstagg finally said after he was done coughing.

"She's from Dorne. It's a given," Arya remarked. The three remaining rescuers observed their compatriot push the sheer curtains aside and enter the inner sanctum. Salladhor Saan looked up from the pretty blonde, who was sitting in his lap.

"Who are you, little girl?" he asked. Tyene just grinned, pushed the blonde off his thighs, and took her place. She grabbed his head in her hands, and forced his face between her breasts.

"Valhalla!" Volstagg spluttered as he covered his eyes.

"I feel like you and Fandral should have switched places," Hogun pointed out as he just watched with an air of disinterest.

"Oh, no. Loki chose Volstagg and you for a reason. He knew I would castrate your other friend if he came along," Arya said. They sat there and watch as Salladhor Saan's hands groped Tyene, and the other women started to leave as they realized this feisty creature had the pirate's undivided attention. "That's our cue," Arya told them as she stood up, weapons in hand and slipped behind the pillars towards the alcove. Hogun and Volstagg took a more open approach and were soon standing inside the private room. Tyene pulled away from Salladhor Saan and the pirate looked up.

"Can I help the rest of you? Actually, I only want to help this girl, so f*ck off," he said, stroking Tyene's bare arm. The Sand Snake pulled away at this point and stood in front of Hogun. The Asgardian took hold of her straps and pulled them back up, covering her bosom. "Aw! Now that's no fun at all," the pirate commented, right before a thin blade came across his throat.

"We're not here for that kind of fun, but, we are here with a proposition," Arya whispered. She stepped around the couch where the pirate was sitting and she sat down on a cushion, Needle still under his chin. She flicked the weapon, shaving some hair off the soft flesh of his chin.

"A proposition? Well... if you had come to me with money in your hand and just said that, I would be half tempted to turn you down. However, since you've taken the time to throw two, beautiful women in my lap, I'm intrigued. Say your peace. I'm listening," Salladhor Saan told them.

"I am Arya Stark of Winterfell. This is Tyene Sand of Dorne, and these are Volstagg and Hogun of Asgard. We were sent by the Hand of the Queen to seek your aid in a little task," Arya informed him. Salladhor Saan laughed at this and clapped his hands.

"Ah! I was wondering when the infamous Loki Frostborn would come searching for me. Honestly, it's about time. So, what does he want and what is he willing to pay me?" the pirate asked. The four travelers sat down around him and Hogun decided to speak.

"He wants to use your pirating and smuggling skills to get us onto the island called Dragonstone," the Asgardian enlightened.

"The Lady Shireen, his ward, and Ser Davos Seaworth, are currently being held hostage there by a rogue Greyjoy fleet; commanded by Euron Greyjoy," Tyene Sand continued.

"And we need your aid in getting close enough to the island, sneaking in, and smuggling them out," Volstagg finished.

"But that still doesn't answer my question. What is he willing to pay?" Salladhor Saan asked again.

"How about your life," Arya Stark responded and the pirate raised his eyebrow.

"Your world is being invaded by a race of beings called the Fire Giants of Muspelheim. The largest and their leader, being Surtur, the Demon," Hogun said.

"If we win the war, you continue on your merry way. If we lose the war, you're either enslaved or killed. Those are your other options," Arya said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. The pirate's expression was one of minute surprise. He seemed disturbed by this news, but not willing to show to what extent.

"So, he wants me to do a charitable deed? He must be mad," Salladhor Saan commented.

The Asgardians were about to support him on that theory, when Arya said, "Many believe my brother-in-law to be mad, but only because he's willing to do insane things for what he believes in. He told me the deal is this: you do this, we win, you become a privateer under his pay." The Asgardians frowned at this, but were honestly not surprised. Loki always preferred to either destroy the worst, or have them work for him. Bronn and the Hound seemed like perfectly good examples of that.

"So, I do this for the great Loki Frostborn, and in return, he will let me continue to be a pirate, that is paid by him?" Saan reiterated.

"He wants you to be a pirate against other pirates. The Greyjoy fleet has been given the task, but their fleets can only go so far away from Westeros. Our queen never wants them too far away," Arya diplomatically explained.

"You could sail to places they can't. The lands across the Narrow Sea, for example? I'm sure the kingdoms over there would be very happy if you removed their mariner marauders from their waters," Tyene Sand said. The pirate nodded, stroking his scruffy chin. Hogun and Volstagg shared looks. By hiring this man, Loki basically wanted in on the black market of Westeros. He had his fingers in many cookie jars already, but this would be another way for him and Daenerys to make money. No doubt they would take a cut of his profits in order to ensure his protection. That would then line their own pockets. Finally, Salladhor Saan started to laugh. They gave him a look, while Arya and Tyene looked completely relaxed.

"The fox! Ha! The sly fox has presented me with a bargain he was sure I was not going to turn down! With Yara Greyjoy encroaching on my trade here, he can send me across the sea for a fair cut, I'll wager! Ha, ha!" he laughed. He snatched up some wine and raised his goblet. "A toast! To the Hand of the Queen, Ser Loki Frostborn! The man is evil!"

"Here, here," Volstagg murmured into his cup as they all drank.

"So? You'll do it?" Hogun posed and Salladhor Saan looked at him.

"The Hand has proven faithful in his promises to those that support him. He's raised them to heights they thought they would never reach. That's a ship you attach your boat to," the black man said with a brilliant smile. And that was when he looked at Arya Stark. "I'll do it."

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