Chapter 7 - To Asgard!

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Heimdall was surprised to get a summons from Loki on Westeros, especially after two years of blatant silence on the part of the King of Asgard and six years for the Queen of Westeros (due to the time difference in Yggdrasil's branches). It was with some trepidation and uncertainty that he opened the Bifrost and waited for the travelers to come through. When the figures became solid, he pulled his sword from the pedestal, and leveled it at the people. "Declare yourselves!" he ordered. The men stepped forward, and Heimdall looked at them with interest. One was a tanned skinned man with a dark mustache over his lip. He was wearing golden robes, and a spear was attached to his back. He had a sigil on a pendant around his neck: a red sun with a spear through it. The second man had long, brown hair, and a curved blade in his hand. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. The third and final man was large, well over six feet, and was carrying a helm that was shaped like the head of a giant hound. He had a claymore at his side, and Heimdall saw he was wearing some kind of badge around his upper arm. It was of a dark green material, with a golden horned helmet on it.

"I am Prince Oberyn of Dorne, House Martell," the first man said with a smile. "This is Daahrio Naharis, bodyguard of Queen Daenerys of Westeros," he continued, gesturing to the other handsome man with the scimitar. He saluted the guardian with said blade. "And this equally fetching specimen is Ser Sandor Clegane, foresworn of House Frostborn." Heimdall had to raise his eyebrow and the deliberate jab at the man's looks. Half of his face was a mess of scar tissue, and his hair was tossed over to shield the fact that half of his skull did not have hair. He growled something but otherwise said nothing.

"Why are you here, Oberyn of Dorne and House Martell?" Heimdall asked. Oberyn grinned as he produced a scroll.

"We have a proposition for your king."

Thor was thanking all the past gods of Asgard that he was actually in the Golden Realm when people from Westeros had arrived. The last time, he had missed his father going to that new world and speaking with its queen. And Loki. Thor had asked Heimdall many times if he could see his brother in Westeros, and the guardian had told him that Loki still maintained a concealment spell. He still desired to maintain his privacy. "Prince Thor!" called a voice and Thor turned. Tyr, the captain of Odin's Einherjar, appeared from around a corner and approached him. "Have you been summoned to the throne room as well?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Thor challenged rather irritably. He was not overly fond of General Tyr, especially after his men held Jane hostage during the Dark Elf Crisis.

"Considering how your judgement has always been clouded with regards to the God of Mischief," Tyr dared to say. Thor's eyes narrowed and he was about to say something when a hand touched his arm.

"Thor! Come with me, and we'll get a good view of the foreigners," Fandral said merrily. Thor allowed himself to be carted off by his friend before some cutting words were exchanged between him and Tyr.

"Thank you, Fandral. I was about to rip his head off," Thor whispered to his friend.

"I could see that you had one of those stormy expressions on your face. But, enough of that. You have to see the foreigners!" Fandral told him excitedly. Thor soon found himself near the dais where his father was sitting, and that was when he saw them. They looked like normal people, but they had proud bearings, and their sigils were fascinating. Thor's eyes were drawn to the armband the giant was wearing, as he recognized it as his brother's symbol.

"You come bearing news from Westeros, do you not?" Odin asked. Oberyn Martell bowed deeply and held out the scroll to Odin. The All-Father accepted it, opened it, and read its contents. His eyes widened and Thor knew that whatever information it contained had startled him. But his father was quick to put his mask back on and he closed the message quickly. "Ridiculous! The beast has been slain for several centuries. By my own hand," Odin insisted, and that was when Oberyn tutted.

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