Chapter 35 - Returned with Riddles

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When Bronn was the first person through the gates of Kings Landing with Lord Umber, by himself, Daenerys ordered Ser Jorah to send out scouts to see what had become of the main party. Sansa attempted to scry using water, or even to warg into the ravens of the wood, but it was not working. Her magical aura was restricted. "Damnit!" she cursed, knocking a goblet off the side of the small council table. Robb looked up at his sister and wondered what she was angrier about: not being able to see her husband, or not being able to use her magic.

"Calm yourself, my lady," Tyrion said diplomatically. "If what Bronn said was true, they were ambushed, and Loki just ordered him to leave in advance with the prisoner. He shouldn't be too far behind."

"My magic is chained, Lord Tyrion," Sansa said, and everyone raised their eyebrows.

"You just used your magic with my not too long ago," Thor reminded. He had been invited to that council meeting at Sansa's request. 

"Can you hear Mjolnir sing?" Sansa posed in return. Thor frowned, but reached for his weapon. It came when he called, but he did realize that he could not hear it sing anymore.

"How did you know she could?" he queried. Sansa continued in her pacing, fiddling with the necklace Loki had given her so long ago for her first name day in the portis satis tuto. 

"Loki explained that when weapons are created and choose their wielders, they have a sort of presence. They are almost sentient," Sansa enlightened as she looked at her own fingers. "Frigga helped me discover my aura; Loki taught me how to use it. There is something wrong if I can't wield it, and you cannot hear Mjolnir's song." 

"Well, I'm sure the Lord Hand will explain once he arrives," Varys said in his overly tranquil voice. Several times over the past few weeks, Thor wanted to scream, 'How can you be so calm?!'

"Then hold the applause," came a sarcastic voice, and they all saw Loki standing near his empty seat at the council table. Despite their previous argument before he departed, Sansa went to him, and kissed him deeply, gripping the lapels of his overcoat. 

"Sister! That is something I cannot unsee for some time to come!" Robb scolded as he shielded his eyes. Daenerys just grinned and looked down at the papers in front of her. 

"Where is Jon?" Tyrion asked, his head bobbing as he attempted to see a person who wasn't there.

"Oh? I teleported away from the company after we had fought off our attackers, regrouped, and started our journey back," Loki explained and Robb frowned at him.

"So, you left him there," he stated and Loki's shoulders did a little bobble movement. 

"Somebody has to be in charge," Loki pointed out. When he glanced at Sansa, he saw that her own brow was furrowed. "Alright! Fine!" he snapped, waving his hand, and suddenly, Jon appeared beside them.

"Oh! By the Seven!" he cursed as he leaned against the table to steady himself.

"Don't worry, the nauseous feeling will go away momentarily," Loki informed him stiffly as he took Sansa over to his seat at the table. His green eyes caught Thor's for a split second before he sat down. 

"So... we have Lord Umber," Daenerys stated and Loki glanced in her direction. 

He nodded his head before he said, "We do. With some obvious pushing, he, and a few lesser nobles confessed to being in league with the Lord of Light; and to have been shielding Lancel Lannister and his forces. Hope you don't have any sentimental attachment to him, Tyrion. I won't let him live this time." The dwarf shrugged his shoulders.

"None, really. He was one of those cousins, if you know what I mean," Tyrion commented dryly and Loki nodded his head.

"But, the attack against us wasn't a normal attack. It was a trap," Jon said and everyone looked at him.

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