Chapter 5 - Fears Confirmed

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The gates of the Red Keep were opened for the Knight of Flowers as he came galloping up the cobblestone streets of Kings Landing. He had been hard pressed since leaving the Dreadfort to bring the news of the details of the destruction of Whaleman's Village. The boy had woken up and after much sobbing and wailing, had told the Lord and Lady of the Dreadfort what had happened to his village. Ser Loras was now in haste to deliver the news to his queen and king. "Where is her majesty? I have urgent intelligence to convey to her," Ser Loras said as he stripped his riding gloves off and clenched at a private letter from Theon Greyjoy to the Hand of the Queen.

"Her majesty is confined to her chambers in preparation for her labor," Greyworm said as he escorted Loras to the throne room. Ser Loras made a face until Greyworm continued, "Ser Loki Frostborn has been given control of the realm until such time as the queen can return." Ser Loras nodded and waved at the Unsullied, who stood on either side of the doors to the throne room. They bowed to him and opened it, letting him pass. Greyworm followed him and the nobles parted, letting Ser Loras arrive at the dais unhindered. Loki glanced up from where he was going over some scroll with Varys. He waved the eunuch away and focused his intense stare upon Ser Loras.

"You have returned from the Dreadfort, Ser Loras?" Loki queried and the knight nodded his head. "So, you bring news about what happened to that poor village?"

"I could scarce believe the news myself when it was told to me," Loras said as he waited for the signal to approach. Loki's fingers did a little dance and the Tyrell advanced up the steps until he was right before the Hand of the Queen. "It is delicate, Ser Loki, and I don't want to create a stir without cause," Loras whispered. Loki nodded, always knowing that causing chaos without a reason was annoying. He snapped his fingers and the nobles all shuffled further away from the throne to give them some semblance of privacy.

"What is it that has you so disturbed?" Loki queried as he rested his elbows on his knees, and his fingers against his lips.

"The boy that was rescued from the village told us what had happened. He said it was just a normal day for the village and the boats were going to go out. Suddenly, all the flames in the village took on a life of their own." Loki's eyebrow went up at this, but he said nothing and allowed Ser Loras to continue. "They drove everyone into the center of the village and that was when the demons arrived."

"Demons?" Loki asked, his voice low and suspicious. Ser Loras nodded.

"That was the reaction of both the Lord and the Lady of the Dreadfort. They almost did not believe him until he showed us where he had been branded like all the others. I had a picture drawn for you," Loras said as he produced the letter. Loki undid the ribbon and unfurled it. He separated the drawing from the letter and looked at the symbol that had been sketched: a single flame with horns flanking them. Loki crumpled the image in his hand as his eyes flicked to the letter.

To Ser Loki of House Frostborn, Hand of the Queen,

My friend, I have sent Ser Loras Tyrell with this letter because I need guidance and advice. The carnage that I beheld at that village was not unleashed by anything human. No human could have done to those people what was done to them. Men were tortured, women were raped, and children were mutilated.

What made me nauseous and send my own wife from the room was the knowledge that only one man was responsible for the rape of the women. The boy said he had to watch his own mother and sisters get assaulted by the brute. He said that he was extremely cruel to women who happened to have red hair. The children were all tortured by one man as well.

Now, my men are terrified for their families and the Dreadfort has become a sanctuary for those who live in small communities. They are not farming their lands out of fear for their lives. These 'demons' have not struck again, but they only needed to attack once. They have gotten the fear they most surely wanted.

Please, Ser Loki; tell me what to do. Send a raven soon.

Theon of House Greyjoy, Lord of the Dreadfort

Loki folded the letter and glanced back at Ser Loras. "One man was responsible for raping all those women, and one man was responsible for brutalizing those children?" Loki queried. Ser Loras nodded.

"And he said one devil killed all the men in the village and removed their... ahem! Genitals," Ser Loras said in a quieter voice. Loki's lips became a thin line. He had recognized the symbol on the paper. How could he not? He had seen it in many history books while studying in Asgard as a child. It was the ancient sigil for Muspelheim, and the ruler who had controlled that flaming realm with a fist of iron. Loki raised his head to Ser Loras.

"Did the boy describe the cohorts who accompanied the demon?"

"He did not want to, and when we pushed, he tried to slit his own wrists," Ser Loras answered. Loki frowned.

"I might have to pay this lad a visit so that I might glean their descriptions from his memory," Loki mumbled, more to himself than to Ser Loras. Suddenly, somebody cleared their throat, and both men turned. Sandor Clegane was standing a few feet away from them, his hand resting on the hilt of his great sword.

"Pardon me, milord, but your wife sent me to inform you that your children are anxious for you to join them for the midday fast break," Clegane reminded and Loki sighed. Even though he was the temporary ruler of Westeros, Sansa was ever present to remind him of his first duties to his family.

"Please tell her that I shall be along momentarily," Loki answered and the Hound bowed to him. Loki thumped the arm of the Iron Throne loudly and the nobles turned to look at him. "Court is dismissed for the midday fast break! We will reconvene later this afternoon," Loki announced and they all bowed to him. He stood up and Bronn and Daahrio were quick to flank him. "Take some refreshment. Come to the small council chamber after the meal," Loki said to Loras and the knight bowed to him. Loki watched as he walked away before he advanced down the stairs, leaving the throne room. "How are things in the pleasure houses, Bronn?" Loki queried of his bodyguard. After the war was over, Loki had signed over the rights and ownership of Baelish's houses to Bronn as he had no need for them anymore. It was an extra source of revenue for the bodyguard.

"Excellent, milord. All the girls are exceptional and talented. Especially one that just arrived from across the Narrow Sea. Pretty little thing," Bronn said in response and Loki snorted.

"It's a new one every week with you, Bronn. I've given up on you," Loki said sarcastically.

"This one is different," his manservant insisted and Loki actually laughed.

"And that's what you've said about the last three!"

"This one is," Bronn maintained and Loki just shook his head.

"What's her name?" he finally asked. He knew Bronn would drop her like a hot rock by next week, but he decided to put in the effort to learn the poor girl's name.

"Her name is Shae, my lord," Bronn responded and Loki nodded his head.

"As I said, one week," Loki sniped and Bronn raised a fist, but quickly lowered it. Not that he was afraid that Loki would have him killed for striking him, but he figured Loki would break his arm simply because he could.

"I'll take that as a challenge, milord," Bronnanswered and Loki grinned.

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