Chapter 48 - Brothers Unite

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Thor continued his assault upon Surtur while Loki had Rhaegal fly around him. He was surveying the battle, seeing how well Thor was doing against his opponent and gauging any weaknesses Surtur might have. The giant swung his sword at Thor, and the thunder god was able to avoid it. Rhaegal roared at Surtur and the demon turned to look where Loki was. Loki was forced to send Rhaegal into a nose dive in order to save them from being crushed. He was still in his Jotun form, as the heat tickled him. It was irritating, but was even more irritating was the fact that Loki felt like the Muspel was toying with them. He was not even really trying to kill them. Maybe bat them out of the way like annoying flies. Well, this fly has a mighty sting! Loki thought as he wheeled Rhaegal around and flew up and under Surtur. The giant turned to look merely a second too late. Loki threw his spear after turning it into an ice pike. It pierced Surtur under his jaw and punctured all the way into his mouth. He bellowed in pain and swung his arm out. Thor was not expecting it and was sent flying into the ground, creating a rut there. Loki yanked on Rhaegal's reins, pulling him out of the way of the flaying limbs of the Fire Giant.

"How dare you?!" Surtur finally asked after he reached into his mouth and pulled out the spear. He crushed it in the palm of his hand. Loki turned to look at Surtur, summoning the Casket again.

"So that's where it went!" Thor exclaimed as he pulled himself up. Loki just shot him a look and shook his head. He looked back at Surtur just as the giant aimed a blow at him with his sword. Loki concentrated and used his magic to teleport himself and Rhaegal to safety on the other side of Surtur. The dragon was a little woozy from the transport as Loki never needed to do it before. The beast blacked out. Loki felt the change immediately and wrapped his arms around Rhaegal's neck as they started to fall.

"Wake up!" he yelled in the dragon's ear. Luckily, Rhaegal's wings were still open, so it provided air resistance, which slowed their descent slightly. Loki decided desperate times, desperate measures. He slid himself out of the saddle and down Rhaegal's neck. Once he was close to his face, he placed his icy hand in Rhaegal's ear. The beast reacted instantaneously. Rhaegal reared up and Loki almost fell off. "F*ck it!" Loki cursed as he barely slid his feet into the stirrups and grabbed the reins. He pulled Rhaegal out of their dive and the dragon was able to right himself and they flew up. Thor swung his hammer and was in the air beside him.

"What is your plan, Loki?" Thor asked as he was able to fly alongside his former brother.

"I'm working on it," Loki growled. Thor raised his eyebrow at him and got a puzzled expression on his face.

"But... you always have a plan," Thor stated and Loki shot him a glare.

"That's the problem! I always have to have the-! Watch out!" Loki warned, jerking Rhaegal's head to the side to hit Thor and remove him from the path of Surtur's sword. Thor just narrowly missed the blade, but both Loki and Rhaegal were knocked out of the sky. Rhaegal hit the ground hard, but somehow managed to curl around his master in a protective manner.

"Loki!" Thor called in panic. Neither Rhaegal or Loki moved and Surtur seemed satisfied that they were out of his way for the time being. He continued his march to Sunspear. Thor landed next to Loki and dropped Mjolnir. Rhaegal raised his head and watched Thor as he picked up Loki. "Open your eyes! Come on! Think of your family!" Thor ordered as he cradled Loki close. He noticed that some of Loki's clothes were on fire and he quickly padded them, smothering the flames. Thor checked the burned-out holes to see if Loki's skin was harmed by it. To Thor's amazement, Loki was completely untouched by the sparks. His skin was as pale as it had ever been. Odd. He should have burns. He is a god and can heal quickly, but any wound from a being like Surtur would take longer to heal. What magic is this? Thor wondered to himself. Loki groaned and opened his eyes, his vision blurry. When it cleared enough for him to see Thor, he pushed him away and looked to Rhaegal.

"Er du ok, Rhaegal? (Are you alright, Rhaegal?)" Loki asked, and the dragon snorted, a few flames coming from his mouth. Loki smiled as he stroked his snout and Rhaegal leaned into his touch. "Det er bra. Damn! Det fallte et nummer på meg. Det ville vært verre om du ikke hadde skjermet meg. Takk skal du ha. (That's good. Damn! That fall did a number on me. It would have been worse if you had not shielded me. Thank you)" Loki told his winged steed. Rhaegal nodded his head and Thor just watched master and beast converse. Loki finally rolled himself into a sitting position and groaned. He looked down at his burned clothes and frowned.

"You are unharmed," Thor said and Loki glanced at him. "Your clothes were on fire and I put it out, but you have no burns whatsoever."

"I have magic, you know that, right?" Loki taunted as he stood up with Thor's help.

"But Surtur is not your average Fire Giant! He is their king! How are you unscathed?" Thor questioned. For some reason, Surtur's words rang out in Loki's head again.

It would seem you need to be educated, little mischief maker... your own (past) as well." Loki knew that he would have questions when he returned, but right now...

"Oh, no," Thor said and Loki turned to see Surtur laying waste to Sunspear. With his enormous sword, he was flattening buildings with a single swing. Both men watched as the city began to collapse and burn. "What should we do?" Thor queried as Loki turned to remount Rhaegal.

"We have successfully evacuated Sunspear, but there are plenty of villages nearby. We need to get those people to safety. That is our priority," Loki answered as he urged Rhaegal forward. Thor nodded and swung Mjolnir. Both men took off towards the nearest village. Surtur saw them, but decided to let them go.

"Flee from me now, Laufeyson and Odinson. You will feel my wrath soon enough," he said,right before he leveled the palace with his might blade.

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