Chapter 87 - Flaming Counterstrike

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Surtur was surprised that the Westerosi put up this good of a fight, considering their greatest warrior was no where to be found. Yes, they had Thor, but Surtur had never considered Thor a great threat. Thor was just a weapon; Loki was a weapon and a great mind. He was a threat. But, even without him, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, and the people of Westeros, were defending their lands with such passion and dedication that Surtur could see why Loki had taken a fancy to them. However, their passion was fouling up his own plans. The Golden Company was struggling to make ground on the plains, and more enemies had stopped his Greyjoys from landing on the beaches. Euron Greyjoy's fleet seemed to be making moderate headway against Yara Greyjoy's ships, but there were pirate vessels that were fighting alongside Yara against Euron. "My lord," one of his giants said. "We merely await your command." Surtur nodded.

"Make Hell a place on earth," Surtur ordered. The Fire Giant smiled and raised a flaming spear overhead. The other giants all did the same thing and bellowed some kind of battle cry that sounded like thunder in the distance. This caught the attention of all the Westerosi, and they gaped as they saw the Muspels advance.

"By the Seven!" Ser Loras swore as he watched the giants move towards them, their unsightly weapons swinging overhead as they attacked the Westerosi. The Unsullied tried to spike them on the end of their spears, but their hides were too thick. The Dothraki tried to cut them down with their scimitars, but their horses were either kicked to the side, or crushed by the Muspels mighty clubs, or trampled underfoot.

"Look out!" Fandral cried, tackling his lover to the ground in order to save him from having his head taken off. The offending giant growled when his target disappeared and he did not remove his head. Fandral pushed Ser Loras back and twirled his rapier. "Come on then. I haven't got all day!" Fandral taunted. The Muspel swung his bladed club and Fandral rolled away, laughing as he aimed his blade at the tendon at the back of the giant's ankle. His Asgardian blade punctured the hide and the Fire Giant wobbled uncertainly. Fandral reversed his sword, doing the same to the other ankle. The giant went to the ground and Fandral was quick to slit his throat. Ser Loras approached him once the giant was down and glared.

"I can fight beside you," he pouted. Fandral allowed himself a moment to brush his lover's cheek.

"Your weapons are not strongly forged with magic to do battle against these creatures. Your weapons will break and you will die. Please, find Robb or Ser Jorah Mormont and tell them to try to pull their men back and deal with the Golden Company. I'm afraid at the moment, Hogun and I are the only ones who can kill the Fire Giants," Fandral said. Ser Loras looked like he was in denial at this, but nodded his head. "Now go!" Fandral ordered. Ser Loras swung up into the saddle of a riderless horse and made his way through the soldiers in search of Robb Stark or the Commander of the Queensguard. Fandral heaved a sigh and looked back to where two giants were approaching him. "Well then... I suppose I better crack on." 

Hogun and Oberyn Martell made quite a pair in combat; mace and spear working in perfect sync as they battled. Hogun would glance back to see how his future father-in-law was doing every once in a while, but after a time, Hogun felt there was no need. Oberyn Martell clearly knew what he was doing. He and his spear were one; the perfect extension of his arm. No wonder Loki likes him. They bonded over spears, Hogun thought as he smashed the skull of a soldier of the Golden Company. Oberyn Martell did not seem to be paying attention to Hogun at all, but in reality, he was watching the man who was going to marry his youngest daughter and take her away from them. The Outlander was a capable warrior. At least Oberyn did not have to worry about his abilities to protect Tyene. He would make a good husband, and he had a position in his realm to ensure the security of Tyene as a well-placed lady. Thoughts like these were going through Oberyn's head as he spiked a Golden Company soldier on the end of his spear, flipped him over his head, and propelled himself into two more. Hogun felt the tremor of the earth and spun around in time to see a Muspel behind him. He dodged between its legs and brought his mace crashing up its behind. The giant released an undignified squeak and fell to the ground. Hogun brought his mace down on its neck, crushing the flesh, muscle, and bone beneath his mighty blow. Oberyn flipped away from another Fire Giant as it attempted to burn him. Oberyn ducked away and watched as the flames began to consume the grass, turning the green blades into grey ash. "Careful, mortal!" Hogun warned. "Your weapons were not designed to take on beings of our level! You cannot harm the Fire Giants of Muspelheim!"

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