Chapter 43 - A Cold Eyrie

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Sif was impressed by the fortifications and strategic location of the Eyrie. The narrow, rocky path they had to take to get there, and the impregnable gate that awaited them at the end. "Who comes to the gates of the Eyrie?" the guard asked as they stopped walking about fifteen yards away from the doors.

"The Hound, Sandor Clegane, Obara Sand, and Sif Sylvansdottir. We are escorting the children of Lord Loki and Lady Sansa Frostborn: Rhaenar and Ragna Frostborn," Clegane announced. Sif tightened her grip on Ragna's hand by instinct and the little girl glanced up at her. She kept her eyes on the towering wall of rock in front of her. The guards eyed them for a second before nodding.

"Enter! Ser Harrold Hardying will greet you in the Moon Hall," the soldier said. The great doors opened and the travelers entered. Sif picked Ragna up and carried her up the path. Sandor did the same with Rhaenar, setting the lad upon his shoulders. Obara Sand followed quietly behind them, her dark eyes always observing the foreign men around them. When they arrived in the actual castle, Sif studied the high, cold windows, and the flickering torches. Tapestries hung in front of the windows to help stave off the chill, but she had a feeling that the people here were always cold. The banner of the House Arryn hung overhead, and the banner of House Frostborn hung behind it; a reminder of who their real overlord was. 

"So, the people here have accepted Loki as their master?" Sif asked the servant who was leading them towards the Moon Hall. 

"The House of Arryn is weak, my lady," the maid answered. "Young Robyn Arryn is sickly and frail, and incapable of ruling. Lord Harrold Hardying was especially chosen by Lord Frostborn to be his representative. As the Hand of the Queen, he doesn't have much time to be here and rule over the Vale. Lord Hardying consults him before any decisions are made. He is a good lord and master and we are honored to be housing his children."

"You must not breathe a word of this to anyone outside," Sandor warned emphatically. "They're safety is paramount, and if word got out where they were, they would be in danger."

"Of course, we all understand," the maid said as the doors swung open and she led them into the Moon Hall. Sif looked around. A very high dais was there, with an intricate chair sitting high above. It was not quite like the Iron Throne, but it was certainly not an ordinary seat. Then, there were these bench like structures around a door in the floor. Sif had heard it called the Moon Door, from which a person would fall a great height. It was said that the Lords of the Vale had executed many people that way. 

"Welcome! Welcome to the Eyrie!" said a voice, and the blond, Lord Hardying appeared, coming down the steps towards them. Sif almost bowed to him, when she remembered he was not Thor; merely his double. "Ser Clegane! Greetings!"

"My lord," Sandor said with a slight tilt of his head. "You remember the outlander, Lady Sif?" Harrold Hardying turned to Sif, smiled, and took her hand.

"My lady. It is a pleasure to see your beautiful face once again," Harrold said as he kissed her fingers. Sif looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Sandor roll his in response to Ser Hardying's gallantry. 

"Thank you, Ser Hardying. For sheltering us and protecting the children," Sif said, glancing down at Ragna. The keen eyed Frostborn fixed Harrold Hardying with her concentrated gaze. He shivered a little. She was every inch her father's daughter. 

"Lady Ragna and Lord Rhaenar. You are both growing so fast!" he declared.

"About as fast as any other children our age," Rhaenar answered and Ragna smirked.

"Ah," was all Hardying said before he turned his eyes to Obara Sand. "Lady Obara Sand. It is nice to-"

"Thank you, but save your pleasantries for an actual lady," she interrupted. Sif smiled at Obara's bluntness and surprisingly, Ser Harrold took it in stride.

"Of course! You must all be tired from your journey," he commented and he clapped his hands together. "Warden! Take them to their rooms! Lady Sif, I have you and Obara sharing a chamber with the Lady Ragna for protection. The same goes for Ser Sandor Clegane and the Lord Rhaenar." All three adults nodded and followed the warden out of the Moon Hall. 

Ragna sat on her bed, a knife in her hand. She looked at her reflection in the metal. Her flowing, red hair was just as beautiful as her mother's. Her emerald eyes as deep as her father's. Her face still had several years to go before she lost the baby fat and her structure became cutting and angular like her parents. Her mind was working furiously. She and her brother had been brought to the Eyrie for safety, and her protectors were counting on the loyalty of virtual strangers to keep them out of Baelish's clutches. Ragna's grip tightened on the hilt of the dagger. She wanted to drive this weapon into the black heart of the man once called Littlefinger. Her mother had told her and her brother the story of how he exposed their father and almost got him killed. How Loki had had his revenge upon him and removed him from the game of thrones. Ragna raised her chin, the light glinting off the steel. She would be a player; a participant, not an observer of that same game. Her mission would be to ensure the survival and continued dominance of her house. Ragna would gladly trample anyone her father told her to. His wishes would be her commands.

"Ragna?" asked a voice and the little girl looked up. Sif approached her and sat down on her bed. "What are you thinking of so seriously?"

"Many things; but mostly what part I will play in this war," the young Frostborn responded.

"Your part? You are but a child, and too young to be thinking of such things," Sif scolded lightly, taking the dagger from her. 

"I am not too young. I already have people who want me dead, or worse, dishonored. I am in danger for simply existing. It makes you think," Ragna answered and Sif sighed. She pulled Ragna into her lap and gently ran her fingers through her fiery locks. 

"Then you think too much. I am here to protect you. And Sandor Clegane and Obara Sand. Don't you trust us to do that?" she queried and Ragna and the Asgardian looked at each other. Ragna reached up and her small hand touched Sif's cheek.

"I trust you; but will you always be there? Will you always be at my side?" she posed in return and Sif had no answer. Of course she would not. Once this war was over, she would return to Asgard with her prince and her friends. Then, she would leave Ragna behind. "I thought not. You will leave me and you will forget."

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