Chapter 44 - Dragonstone Approach

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Hogun never imagined that ever in his life would he be grateful to have a pirate on his side. But, he had to hand to Salladhor Saan; he had class. He had style, and his crew responded immediately when their captain told them they were sailing that night. They left the tavern, went to their ship, and were surprisingly functioning well enough to get it under full sail and be out of the port. Hogun was now standing at the prow of the ship with Volstagg, Arya, and Tyene. The Sand Snake had wrapped a light coat around her shoulders in the evening breeze, while Arya seemed to raise her head and smirk at it. Hogun removed his cloak and placed it on Tyene's shoulders. She glanced up at him and smiled a little. "Thank you, Outlander," she said. Hogun just nodded in response.

"Well, honored guests!" Salladhor Saan called as he joined them, "we are underway! If you would do me the honor, I will show you to your cabin."

"I'm sorry, cabin? Singular?" Volstagg queried, but the pirate captain either did not hear him or had chosen to ignore the Asgardian. Salladhor Saan led them across the deck and down the stairs into the bowls of the ship. A few of the pirates made comments to the ladies as they passed, but growls from Arya and glares from Tyene silenced them. Finally, Salladhor Saan opened a door and waved his arm dramatically.

"Behold! Your prestigious quarters!" he declared and the four guests entered. Two hammocks were strung between the pillars on opposite sides of the room. A window was facing out and they could see the ocean streaming away behind them. "Have a peaceful rest," Salladhor told them and he closed the doors. The two women and two men exchanged looks.

"Right. I get one hammock and Tyene gets the other. We will give you two our cloaks and one of our blankets to make your beds," Arya said, taking off her cloak and handing it to Volstagg. The voluminous warrior accepted it without question and Arya climbed into the first hammock. Tyene gave her cloak to Hogun and scrambled into the second hammock. Hogun and Volstagg exchanged looks, shrugged, and made their beds on the floor. The girls were quiet as they lay down beneath them to sleep. Both Asgardians figured they had already fallen asleep. "How many wars have you fought?" the voice of Arya suddenly asked. Hogun and Volstagg stirred and glanced up. Arya twisted in her hammock and looked down at them. "How many wars has your king commanded you to fight?"

"Too many to recall in one night," Hogun responded. That was when Tyene looked over the edge of her bed to see him.

"But... maybe one or two?" she queried. Even without having recently imbibed alcohol, Volstagg was quick to leap into telling stories. Hogun added his own voice every once in a while, but it was mostly Volstagg. Arya and Tyene listened with interest, posing questions when something did not make sense. Volstagg talked and talked and talked, till finally, Hogun asked him to be silent. Volstagg closed his mouth and they both listened. A few seconds after they both went quiet, they heard the gentle breathing of both girls as they slept. 

"They're an odd pair. But then... I think everyone here is a little strange," Volstagg commented and Hogun snorted. 

"They probably think the same about us, Volstagg. I suppose it is only natural," the grim warrior responded.

"That Tyene girl seems to like you, though," Volstagg said and Hogun kicked him. "What?" he hissed back. "She does."

"She's a child compared to me. I will not allow a child to entertain thoughts of that nature about me," Hogun retorted as he tried to forget how she looked without her top on earlier that evening. 

"You can't stop her. And she will continue. She's got that Dornish blood in her and from what I've seen and Fandral's experience, they burn hot. Her father and mother certainly seem dead set on bringing Loki and his wife in on their extramarital activities," Volstagg pointed out.

"Well, I know, at least on that front, Loki will never let that happen. He'll only ever show one person his prowess, and that is the Lady Sansa Frostborn. The Dornishmen will have to fantasize," Hogun growled as he turned over, bringing Tyene's cloak firmly under his chin. Of course, that meant her scent was tickling his nose. She smelled like vanilla and jasmine, a wonderful mixture that assaulted Hogun's senses. He had always been the most moderate of the Warriors Three. Fandral bragged about his conquests, and Volstagg had so many children with his wife, it stopped being funny after the tenth offspring. Hogun was no virgin, obviously, but he had not had a lover in close on ten years now. All the wars he fought by Thor's side seemed to sate him. However, here was a young girl, fresh and deadly, who clearly wanted him (if Volstagg was to be believed). Hogun raised his eyes to look at the hammock that was hanging over his head. Sleeping there, was a beautiful girl, who could cut any man she disliked. And yet, she seemed to fancy him? Odin's beard! May the Norns shield me! he prayed before he drifted off to sleep. 

Hogun felt somebody pushing roughly on his shoulder and that was what woke him up. Tyene was crouched next to him on the ground, her brown eyes burning. "The pirate said we are close to Dragonstone. Gird yourself, Asgardian," she said as she snatched her cloak off of him and left the cabin. Hogun quickly roused himself and gathered his belongings together. Volstagg was swiftly collecting his things as Arya vanished from the cabin. 

"I didn't hear anything," Volstagg commented, but Hogun just shrugged and made to leave the room as fast as could. When they both arrived on the deck, they found both Arya and Tyene standing at the prow again, gazing off into the mist. 

"See that promontory?" Arya asked, indicating a rocky outcropping still several miles away. 

"Dragonstone!" Tyene said with enthusiasm. 

"We cannot go any further," Salladhor Saan said as he walked up behind them. "We must sail around the island until we can find a weak spot where we can get you through. I cannot advance us any further without clashing with rogue Greyjoy ships."  

Arya turned back to Salladhor Saan and asked, "Can you get us close enough that we can swim?"

"What? Swim?" Volstagg queried, his voice filled with horror at the prospect. 

"Actually... no need to worry about getting your pretty feet wet. I cannot sail my vessel through theirs, but... I can hang Greyjoy flags I stole from one of their ships I... may have... raided a few years ago," Salladhor Saan admitted. Arya gave him a look and he preened under her gaze.

"You sunk one of Lord Yara Greyjoy's ships? You stole her banners?"

"I never knew when they would come in handy; and behold! I am about to sail into the heart of a Greyjoy fleet! Only a mad fool would attempt this! I want you all to tell the Hand of the Queen how I boldly sailed my ship into the heart of the enemy to rescue his young ward!" Salladhor Saan dramatically declared.

"I'll be sure to leave him a note," Arya answered, a bored expression commanding her face.

"Loki got to her young," Volstagg whispered to Hogun.

"Yes, very young," the grim warrior answered. He had read a history book while they were in Kings Landing, and that book mentioned that Loki was Arya's first teacher.  Undoubtedly, he had left an impression on the young wolf cub. 

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