Chapter 17 - Kings Landing

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"Do you venture outside the keep frequently?" Thor asked as Loki and Oberyn Martell led them through the crowded city streets.

"Business sometimes drags me outside the walls. I'm not averse to going outside, but I prefer to have a good reason for doing so," Loki responded. They were all wearing cloaks to shield their faces, and Thor was openly holding Mjolnir in his hand. The common people parted for them, clearly sensing some level of danger from them and knowing to avoid them.

"The commoners seem very well off," Volstagg commented as they passed a group of youngsters all clean and wearing good clothes.

"It is part of our queen's charity works. She always makes sure the poor are taken care of; that everyone can find employment, and that their families are fed. Of course, she does realize that certain establishments must remain the same," Oberyn said as they stopped before a red oak door that led to a large, sand stone building. Loki rapped on the wood once very loudly and pushed his hood back. His black plait came free and he dusted the shoulder of his cloak. The door opened and a large man looked out. His eyes widened as soon as he caught sight of Loki.

"Your grace!" he exclaimed and he immediately stepped aside to let Loki pass. The Hand of the Queen entered a large entry hall, with a fountain in the center. Exotic birds were twittering in cages, and beautiful plants were wrapping around the pillars or growing in vases. It took the Asgardians a split second to realize where they were.

"A brothel?!" Hogun exclaimed with a hint of disgust. Both Loki and Oberyn cast him a dirty glare over their shoulders.

"We don't call places as nice as this here 'brothels'. We call them, 'Houses of Pleasure', 'Silk Houses', or 'Halls of Beauty'. These establishments are above your normal tavern whorehouse," Loki countered dryly. "I acquired this place during the war." Thor choked at the idea of his brother being in control of a place like this. "The original owner foolishly signed it over to me without a second thought. I used the money it generated to fund both Daenerys as she came from the east, and Robb Stark in his efforts to the North. When the war ended, I signed it over to a new proprietor. You've already met him." That was when Bronn appeared in a loose bathrobe, and a beautiful woman on his arm.

"My lord! And guests! Welcome!" he boomed and that was when a swarm of women buzzed around them. Thor felt soft hands stroke his muscular arms, and a different array of scents assaulted his nose.

"Oh! Hello, ladies!" Fandral said with enthusiasm as a buxom courtesan began to rub herself against him.

"Girls!" Loki said sharply and they all split. Loki cleared his throat and glanced back at Bronn.

He might not be the owner anymore, but they still fear him enough to obey him, Thor thought to himself.

"Bronn, and Shae," Loki said, addressing the woman. "My wife give you a day off today?" Thor's eyebrow went up, but he guessed that this woman was Lady Sansa's handmaiden.

"She gave me permission to see my man. She said that she wanted to spend some time with your children," Shae responded and Loki smiled.

"Well, I'm here to spend some time with your bedfellow. As odd as that sounds," Loki said and Bronn rolled his eyes.

"I'm laughing on the inside," the one-time sells-sword said and Loki snickered.

"In your office. Please," Loki said and Bronn nodded, turning to Shae and pulling her into his arms.

"I'll see you later?" he asked.

"You'd better," she responded and they kissed. Thor looked away to give them privacy and saw a petite brunette grinning at him. She looked a little like Jane, but was not Jane. He gave her a sad smile and shook his head. She took it better than he thought she would. She simply winked and turned away, talking to another man. Fandral seemed a little disappointed that Loki had sent the ladies away, but he figured they were there for more official business. Of course, he remembered how to get there, and he would have to impose on Bronn in the future.

"Well, I guess I'm taking you to my private study," Bronn said and Loki nodded. He took them through the winding halls, past rooms that were clearly occupied. Thor knew places like these existed in Asgard, but he had not come into contact with them. And here were members of the queen's small council freely walking the halls. Loki had taken his cloak off and draped it over his arm. Oberyn was winking at the beautiful women who passed them. His infidelity to his wife made Thor wince, but his wife seemed to be of the same disposition (or was it a cultural thing?), so he guessed they worked with it. Fandral seemed to enjoy it for sure. Thor was so deep in his daze that he bumped into Oberyn from behind, and he nudged the Martell into Loki, who was right behind Bronn. Bronn kissed the wood of his own study door as he unlocked it.

Loki spun around with hate in his eyes as he glared at Thor. "Watch where you're going, dolt!" he hissed angrily.

"Remember, we need him alive," Oberyn assuaged.

"More's the pity," Loki mumbled as Bronn led them into his study. He had changed things about it since Baelish's days. It had weapons scattered around and Loki snorted when he saw discarded clothing on the floor before the window lounge seat. "I also pity anyone who caught an eyeful of you going at it, Bronn." The sells-sword snorted and grabbed an empty cup. He threw it at Loki, but the Hand simply waved his finger and the cup dropped mid-flight.

"Well, you didn't come here to poke fun at my sex life. You came here to find out if my ladies heard anything," Bronn stated and Loki grinned mischievously.

"Whores are your spy network?" Volstagg asked, and Bronn looked legitimately injured. Loki let out a tired sigh and glanced at the voluminous warrior over his shoulder.

"Yes, whores are my spy network. You want to know why? Because men tell these whores everything!" Loki explained. He stood up, walked over to the window seat and picked up a small whip that was lying on the floor. He frowned at it before he flicked it. "In the throes of passion, men with small minds (and penises) like to divulge to women what they do in an attempt to embellish their status and make themselves seem important. Those women, in turn, tell Bronn and myself what they say. We've stopped treasonous acts from happening simply because of what those women have heard," Loki said. Bronn nodded his head and took another swig from a water skin. "You boozer," Loki commented as he reached over and snatched the water skin from him.

"Oi! This is my place now," Bronn whined. Loki waved the offensive container of liquor, popped the top off and grinned.

"You're a boozer because you don't share," Loki added and he tipped it back, pouring the contents into his mouth. "Don't I always share with you?" Loki asked as he gave the skin back.

"You share when it's convenient, my lord," Bronn countered and Loki grinned.

"This is what I like about you. You're honest," Loki complimented, before he turned back to face the rest of their party. "When it's convenient."

"Always has to have the last word," Bronn muttered under his breath. Thor watched as Oberyn snickered and Loki snapped his fingers.

"It's in my nature."

"Satisfaction's not in my nature."

"Surrender is not in mine."

"Thor?" Thor shook his head and found everyone looking at him.

"Day dreaming. Again," Loki said dryly.

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