Chapter 9 - Foreign Festivities

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Thor's rooms were grand, and he certainly felt like they had been made for a royal. A mosaic of a great battle was on one wall, and Thor was quick to pick Loki out among the warriors under the Targaryen banner. "Excuse me?" Thor asked the maid who had brought in a change of clothes. "What scene is depicted here?"

"Oh, that is the Third Siege of Kings Landing. It was the final battle fought in the war for Targaryen Restoration," she said with a smile. She placed his clothes on a high backed chair and went to light the candles.

"And are there any survivors of the opposing forces?" Thor queried as he studied the clothes he had been given.

"Only Tywin Lannister, and he is kept in the deepest, darkest dungeons beneath the Red Keep," the maid said. She finished lighting the candles and went to where some curtains were drawn. She cast them aside, and revealed a balcony that overlooked the city. "The sea breeze will reach you if we open these curtains, your grace," the maid said.

"I thank thee," Thor said as he stripped off his leather armor and undershirt. The maid eyed his chiseled chest and sighed rather loudly. Thor paused before he glanced in her direction.

"Beg pardon, your grace!" the poor girl immediately said, curtsying and fleeing his chambers. Thor cleared his throat and continued changing. He found the clothes he had been given were all according to his color scheme: silver, dark blue, and red. There was a deep blue shirt that when Thor slipped it over his head, it revealed most of his chest in a V. Thor tried to close it as he never exposed so much of his torso in public, except when he was training. Try as he might, he could not and had to deal with it. The trousers were black velvet, and stuffed into a supple pair of boots that molded beautifully to his feet. Thor then slung a red coat over his shoulders, and fastened it in the front (it was also too low to conceal his rippling pectorals). A silver chain with a pendant was the final piece of his ensemble. It had his hammer etched into it.

"How considerate," Thor muttered as he tied his hair up in a ponytail. A knock sounded on his door and he spun around. "Enter!" The oaken door creaked open and Sif and the Warriors Three entered. Thor looked at his friends and smiled at their attire. Sif was in a dress that went down to her ankles, but was strapless, and showed her midriff. It was a deep burgundy color, with a design of golden vines. A ruby necklace and earrings had been contributed, and they made her look stunning. Her black hair was flowing down her back, but one side was done up with a golden net, interlaced with more rubies. Fandral was in a sleeveless green tunic that had a high collar. He wore golden bands on his upper arms, and a belt that kept the tunic from falling open any further, revealing his own chest. Hogun was wearing a simple black and silver hunting jacket, but it was braced in the front with belts. A black undershirt poked through, but he had finagled his style to hide his Vanirian glory. Volstagg was wearing a brown robe that stretched to his ankles. A belt kept it in place, and a white shirt with a simple gold chain was what completed his garb. "Well, now that we look the part, we might as well go down," Thor said and he offered his arm to Sif. She smiled, but shook her head. Thor frowned for a second before silently agreeing and walking on. Fandral held out his arm to her instead, and she frowned deeply.

"Fine, milady," he said with an amused smile on his face. When they stepped out of Thor's chamber, they saw that the man called Bronn, was waiting for them in the hall.

"My master said you would all congregate at the prince's chamber. He said I am to escort you to the banqueting hall," Bronn told them and he extended his arm. Thor nodded and he and his friends began to follow him.

"Tell me, man Bronn, is my brother your master?" Thor queried as they walked along.

"He is my benefactor in many ways. I still serve his majesty, King Tyrion, but Lord Loki is the one I answer to most often now," the man answered. He paused a second and glanced over his shoulder at Thor and raised his eyebrow. "But don't let him hear you call him 'brother'. He'll be affronted by it." Thor nodded and knew that Loki would never look at him in the same light ever again. Sif was about to say something when they stepped into a large hall. Raised areas were lining the walls, and they were supported by pillars. Nobles were milling about in them, drinking wine, and cavorting. Three tables were set up in the center: one on the right, one on the left, and one on a raised dais. Silence took over the room as Bronn brought them in. Everyone was looking at the infamous Asgardians. A clapping made everyone turn and see that it was Loki from the high table. He stood up and gestured at them with a graceful flick of his fingers.

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