Chapter 50 - Dragonstone Rescue

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True to his word, Salladhor Saan flew the Greyjoy flag and went around the island again so that he might pull in beside ships that had not seen them yet. They moored beside them, and Arya gave them traditional orders that would be shouted on a Greyjoy ship (courtesy of several weeks spent on one). They began their ruse. "The fog will set in this evening. After the rain we had earlier, and the fact that the temperature went up, the fog will be on our side tonight," Arya said as she, Tyene, and the Asgardians swathed themselves in dark garments and took minimal weapons to avoid loud noises. As the sun continued to set behind the castle of Dragonstone, the mist rolled in and a boat was quietly lowered. Volstagg went first, then the girls, then Hogun. They were pushed quietly away from the boat and began to make their way toward the island. Salladhor Saan had three lanterns hung so they could tell which ship was the one they had to return to. Two were hanging from the prow, and the third from the mast. Hogun and Volstagg rowed while the girls kept a look out. They watched the other ships go by and listened to gauge if they had been spotted. But, normal cries from the sailors were heard, some raucous laughter, and the bellow of fights. The fog helped them and they were able to make it past the blockade. The two Asgardians steered their boat into a small cave they had been told was in the rocks on that side of the island. It led to a secret door that would take them straight into the palace. After that, it would just be a matter of finding Ser Davos and the Lady Shireen without causing a ruckus. When they arrived in the cave, the stepped out into the warm, shallow water. Drips and trickles could be heard all around, the wall was covered in mostly wet algae. "They'll either be in separate rooms, or Ser Davos will be standing guard outside her chamber," Arya said as they moored their boat and she worked to picklock the secret door.

"We'll stay together until we find one of them. If they are not together, then we will split up: two will take whoever we find first to the boat; and the other two will seek the last one," Tyene finished as she gripped her knives. Hogun and Volstagg exchanged a look. The young ladies certainly seemed to be in charge of this mission, but they probably knew why. They knew Loki, and the god clearly trusted them more than he trusted the Asgardians. Arya gave a quiet cry of victory as the lock gave and the door opened. She pocketed her set of picklocks, then grabbed a torch. Volstagg took one as well and they slowly advanced up the tunnel. At first, they were walking on wet sand, but that eventually tapered off into rock and they were walking as silently as they could to avoid echoes. After what seemed like an age to everyone, they arrived at another door that looked study and was also locked. 

"Hold this," Arya said, shoving the torch at Tyene. The Sand Snake took it and held it in such a way that it would not burn Arya, but close enough that she could see the lock. Her lockpick set came out again, and she began to work.

"Who taught you how to pick locks?" Volstagg queried.

"Loki did. He taught me that, how to use knives, poisons, and other subterfuge techniques," Arya answered. "The rest of my training I got from an organization called the Faceless Men." Volstagg nodded and glanced at Hogun with a 'what?!' look on his face. His friend just shook his head.

"I could have told you that if you had asked me," he whispered to Volstagg. "Who else would have taught her all that?"

"Just thought maybe it would be the one barrel of ale Loki didn't have his mug in," Volstagg suggested and Hogun had to resist rolling his eyes. The lock gave under Arya's tender ministrations and she pushed it open. The hall was empty, and the only sounds that could heard were the snapping of the torches and the whistle of the wind through the windows. Arya waved her hand and Tyene was the first to advance. Her daggers were not drawn, but she was on alert. Nobody could know they were there. Loki had said to only rescue Shireen and Ser Davos. Unfortunately, the servants would have to remain on Dragonstone. Arya waved her hand and Hogun went up a little farther than Tyene. Volstagg covered their rear and they advanced down the hall. The castle was cold and high, not like the Red Keep in Kings Landing, made with the warm, beige stone. The stones here were grey and held no warmth whatsoever. The torches spluttered and that was when they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Arya hissed quickly and they dove into alcoves or passageways to avoid detection. Hogun and Tyene found themselves in the same little balcony, pressed up against the stone and each other. Hogun looked down at the Sand Snake and she looked up at him. Her dark eyes met his and Tyene smiled. It was not a cruel smirk, filled with mischief; it was a kind one. 

"Um..." Hogun fumbled before Tyene put her hand over his mouth. 

"No need for words, Outlander. Let our bodies speak," Tyene murmured as she pressed her lips to his. It was so sudden that Hogun stiffened and actually had no idea what to do. It had been a long time since a woman had kissed him. He had quelled all his carnal desires centuries ago, and no Asgardian or Vanirian lady had attempted to beguile him since. But this Dornish girl, who burned hotter than the Eternal Flame, had managed to envelop him in her graceful arms, and he liked it! Her lips were soft as silk on his own, and she had managed to undulate her hips against his. He hissed and she broke away, smiling. "I think the danger has passed," she said before leaving the balcony and Hogun standing there. A turmoil of emotions raged inside him: surprise, anger, and... pleasure? Hogun growled and followed her, getting a puzzled glance from Volstagg, which he dismissed with a shake of his head. Tyene suddenly ducked into a side passage and Hogun followed her. Tyene arrived at a door, looked through the keyhole, smiled, and knocked.

"What are you-?!" Hogun asked just as he heard somebody unlocking the door. He stiffened as the door opened, revealing a young lady, dressed in only a nightgown, and with her long, blonde hair flowing down her back. Half her face looked like it was made of scales, and they reminded him of the dragons the queen had. Other than that, she was a growing beauty.

"Tyene?" the young girl asked. Tyene put a finger to her lips and slipped into the room, dragging Hogun after her. She raised her pale blue eyes to look at him in awe. "Who is this?"

"Lady Shireen, Ward of House Frostborn; allow me to introduce Ser Hogun the Grim of Asgard. An Outlander!" Tyene Sand introduced. Shireen gazed up at Hogun in awe and smiled at him. 

"Are you friends with Ser Loki Frostborn?" she queried. Hogun nodded stiffly. "Then, I am most happy to make your acquaintance. Have you come to rescue us?"

"Only you and Ser Davos. Those were the Hand's orders," Tyene responded. 

"But, all my servants and friends-?" Shireen started to ask as Tyene packed her a few things.

"We do not have the time or the manpower, young lady," Hogun said calmly. "We must get you away from here and back to Kings Landing. Your guardian will be most happy to see you," he informed her.

"And I him. But, what will become of my household?" Shireen posed as Hogun covered her with a cloak.

"There is nothing we can do for them. I am sorry," the grim man told her, rubbing her arms comfortingly. Shireen's pale blue eyes filled with tears, but she nodded assent. Tyene stepped up then with a bag full of some of Shireen's possessions.

"Let's move. Quietly. We have to get her back to the boat," the Sand Snake said. Hogun nodded and wrapped an arm around the former princess' shoulders and they left the room. Tyene went first and signaled that all was well. Hogun followed her with Shireen and they just retraced their steps towards the secret door. Upon arrival, they found it hidden behind the tapestry. Tyene gripped the handle, pulled, and... "What?!" Tyene hissed angrily as the door did not budge. Hogun's eyes widened and Shireen whimpered in fear. "Damn that Stark! She has the stupid lockpick set!"

"Damn me what?" asked a voice and all three turned to see Arya, Volstagg, and Ser Davos Seaworth standing there.

"Ser Davos!" Shireen exclaimed softly in delight and she launched herself at the man. The older knight gathered her into his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"My lady! I am glad to see you safe," he told her.

"Sweet reunions aside... open the god damned door, Arya," Tyene said to the young Stark. Arya just grinned as she removed her picklock set and began to work on reopening the door. Arya had just succeeded in opening it when they heard the sounds of guards approaching. 

"In! In! Go, go!" Arya said quickly, pushing Tyene in first. Hogun and Volstagg were quick to get Ser Davos and Shireen into the tunnel, before shoving Arya in next. They followed them inside and closed the door. Darkness embraced them in the secret tunnel beneath Dragonstone.

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