Chapter 91 - Elements Collide

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Loki let go of Rhaegal's reins. He would have to get rid of them when this was over. Now that Rhaegal's transformation was complete, and he had accepted the other half of his heritage, they were connected to each other on an entirely different level. It was a mental connection now. Loki tilted his head and Rhaegal suddenly flew to the side, avoiding a sweep of Surtur's sword. Loki raised his one fist and a whip of ice came out of his hand. He swung it up and it wrapped around the Fire Giant's wrist. Loki just had to begin to think and Rhaegal dived down, pulling Surtur's hand along with him. Surtur was knocked off balance and Thor came in, Mjolnir sending out sparks and tendrils of lightning as he too struck a blow.

Suddenly, the long, lonely howl of a wolf reached the ears of everyone. It was heard by the soldiers on the battlefield and the civilians inside the walls of Kings Landing. Both Rhaenar and Ragna straightened up as they watched everything from the walls of the city. "What the hell is that?" Tyrion asked.

"The Hell Hound of Niffleheim," Rhaenar responded.

"Our elder brother, Fenris, firstborn of Loki, God of Mischief," Ragna finished. Tyrion blinked and had to admit later, if he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it. A huge, black wolf bounded over the hill, leapt over the Jotuns as they shielded the Westerosi, and glared out over the field of battle. 

"Sansa?" Robb asked.

"Fenris!" Sansa called as she stepped forward, pushing past the Frost Giants and standing before him. The wolf turned and studied, sniffing her and quickly picking up the scent of Loki's magic on her and within her. His nose lingered near her stomach. "Yes. You have another sibling growing inside me. Loki had you released and sent here. Don't let a single enemy survive. I know you'll make your father proud," Sansa whispered. Fenris licked her lightly before he sniffed again and turned his head. Alfheim sneered up at the wolf, and Fenris frowned back at the cat. "And you two play nice. Make me proud too," Sansa informed them as she turned her back and walked away. If the two animals could have smirked, they would have. Instead, they spared each other another quick glance and charged forward. 

"Shields up!" a captain in the Golden Company commanded, and the men formed a line of defense. Fenris shook his head and howled again, this time, a ripple effect occurred. The very air trembled and the ground shook. The Golden Company troops stumbled on unsteady ground and their weapons wavered. "Spears out!" the captain all but screamed, but it was too late. Fenris smashed into their lines like a hammer breaking glass. Alfheim jumped onto his back and over their heads, swiping at them with his claws. When Fenris swallowed the first five soldiers, the Westerosi just stared in gobsmacked awe as he crunched them, armor, bones and all. 

"That's Loki's first son?! How's that even possible?!" Robb exclaimed.

"Loki was wed to Angriboda, his first wife. She conceived Fenris on the night of a full, blood moon. The Fates took it upon themselves to spell the child in her womb and thus Fenris was born a wolf, destined to be the Hellhound of Niffleheim," Sansa explained. 

"He was not lucky in that regard," Bronn commented. Sansa tilted her head and looked at the men around her.

"You think that's a surprise? His second son is called the Midgard Serpent." All the men's eyes popped out of their head. "Thought that would get you," she said before she turned back to see the carnage Fenris and Alfheim were leaving in their wake.

Ragna grinned as she watched her elder brother and the family cat cut a swathe through their enemies. "That's incredible," Tyrion said.

"Our father's offspring are nothing if not incredible," Rhaenar answered as he looked at Ragna. She was entranced with Fenris and watched as he pounced, squashed, and batted his opponents to the side. Their weapons had no effect on his hide and did not penetrate. 

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