Chapter 24 - Raid

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Fandral gave Loki several glances the next day when they rode with Daenerys down to the gates of the city. He was thinking about what Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand, and Loras Tyrell had said about Loki the previous evening. During their passionate love making, they had said things about their Hand that had Fandral wondering. "Thor," he said and the Crown Prince glanced at him. "Have you asked anyone extensively about Loki since we arrived?" the dashing knight asked. Thor's brow furrowed as he glanced at his brother. Loki was riding with his son in front of him on his horse, with Sansa beside him, and Ragna in front of her. Sandor Clegane was riding behind them, and Sif was with him, not them.

"Not overly extensively. I didn't want him getting wind of it and saying I was prying. I did however hear from the King himself, that Loki has a cantankerous relationship with his mother-in-law. The former Lady of Winterfell apparently doesn't approve of his marrying her eldest daughter," Thor said. Volstagg, who had been listening to their conversation, snorted.

"Speaking from experience, it is the secret clause of all marriages that there must be an in-law you hate, and who hates you," Volstagg said. That was before he looked up at the great gates of the city of Kings Landing. "Why are we here again?" he asked.

"Something about greeting the army of a high standing family," Hogun answered dully. He was bored. His dark eyes slid over to where Loki's manservant, Bronn, was riding with the Princess Tyria in front of him. The Crown Prince Draegon had remained in the Red Keep with the Sand Snakes to guard him. Arya rode beside the Asgardians, shooting Fandral dirty looks if he so much as breathed in her direction. Their horses stopped in a row behind the steeds of the small council, and they were behind the royal family. Daenerys did allow Loki and Sansa to be on the same level as them, and Thor knew that was a sign of her love and respect for his brother.

"Hopefully these official greetings won't prove too dull for you, Outlanders," Varys said in his quiet voice beside them. "Ser Loras quickly sent word to his grandmother and father in High Garden. The Queen of Thorns has a soft spot for the Hand, and he as an affection of sorts for her. Rumor among us members of the small council is that they planned the death of the Mad Stag, Joffrey Baratheon, together."

"Loki murdered a boy?" Hogun queried.

"Joffrey Baratheon was no boy, Ser Hogun. He was a sadistic little twit, with delusions of grandeur. I can assure you, the Hand did this world a favor by killing him. If he was involved. His connection to the crime is purely hypothetical," Varys explained. Thor winced at the idea, but knew it was not out of the realm of possibilities. The All-Father had had Loki perform tasks like that for him. Thor was drawn from his reverie by the sound of trumpets and he saw a column of horses and foot soldiers approaching. The common man stepped aside to allow them to pass, and they began whispering. A rather portly gentleman was leading the soldiers, and four pages were carrying a liter.

That must contain this Queen of Thorns, Thor thought. He watched as Loki led his horse forward and dismounted, leaving Rhaenar still on his steed. The liter was lowered and Loki opened the door. He reached in and helped an old lady out. She was dressed in fine silks and satins, a headdress covering her surely white hair.

"Olenna!" Loki greeted and the old woman looked up at him.

"Say anything about my wrinkles, and my fan will be introduced to your face," she told him. Loki laughed and stooped down to kiss the Queen of Thorns lightly on the cheek. "You haven't changed a bit. I guess that's the advantage of being a god," Olenna commented before she looked back to the queen and the rest of the entourage. "Your grace," she said with a bow.

"Lady Tyrell, it is always a pleasure to see you," Daenerys said with a smile on her face. Olenna nodded before she looked at Sansa as the Lady of House Frostborn dismounted and approached her as well.

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