Chapter 84 - The Battle of Blazing Ash

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Sansa stood still in the armory as Bronn strapped her into the armor that she had requested be made for her a few years ago. It was done in the Northern style: thick leather surcoat, strengthened with Valerian steel weave, a chainmail shirt beneath, and a cloak with fur trim. The symbol of House Stark was woven onto the cloak, but the symbol for House Frostborn was etched into her leather vest. Sansa's red hair was up in a braid, and she recalled how Shae's hands trembled as she put it up for her that morning. Bronn's hands were definitely steadier as he buckled on her rapier, adjusted her vambraces, and reached for a steel cap. Sansa took it from him, placing it on her head, and securing the strap under her chin. "My lady," he said and Sansa glanced at him.

"You are to stay by my side the entire battle, Bronn. I'm sure my husband would not be happy to find that you left me all alone in my condition," Sansa reminded, placing a hand over her stomach lightly.

"I'm sure he would not be happy to find you fighting in your condition at all, my lady," Bronn chided. Sansa waved her hand dismissively and gripped the handle of her rapier.

"This is one fight I cannot afford to remain on the sidelines for. I have to be out there. House Frostborn has to be well represented in this battle. I can assure the security of the futures of my children this way. Do not think even for an instant that I will suffer my heirs to get anything less than what they have a right to," Sansa informed him with a snap of her fingers. That was when Alfie jumped down from the rafters and landed on her shoulder.

"If you die, it won't be much for them," Bronn pointed out.

"Well, that is the difference between you and me. I have faith," Sansa rejoined as she walked out of the armory.

"Faith ain't going to stop a blade," Bronn muttered to himself as he followed behind her. When Sansa entered the courtyard, she was given angry glares by her brother and cousin.

"You're pregnant!" Robb exclaimed as Sansa swung into Ashfall's saddle.

"Loki will have our heads if anything happens to you!" Jon bellowed.

"Then you better make sure nothing does," Sansa retorted as she pulled on the reins and swung around.

"That's easier said than done!" Robb called after her as she rode off. Bronn just sighed and mounted his own horse. He glared down at Alfie as the cat slunk across the courtyard to follow his mistress. Bronn kicked his horse in the ribs and followed after the Lady of House Frostborn. Robb exchanged a look at with his cousin and sighed. "Loki will kill us if something happens to her and that baby. We stay by her side." Jon nodded, swallowing as he contemplated calling Viserion to his aid if necessary. Would the dragon answer to him or no? That was the question.

Daenerys landed with Drogon in front of her united Westerosi forces. Ser Jorah Mormont and Daahrio Naharis were riding on their steeds by her side. The ranks of the Unsullied, Tyrell, and Mormont soldiers parted to allow Sansa Stark the room to come forward followed by her family. Daenerys looked at her and raised her eyebrow. "Lady Frostborn," she said in greeting.

"Your grace," Sansa responded as she drew her rapier and shifted her head to look down at Alfie. "Skift, mitt dyrebare kjaeledyr. Bli min hoyre hand (Shift, my precious pet. Become my right hand)," Sansa commanded. A gentle meow turned into a fiercesome growl as Alfheim began his transformation. His claws extended, his fangs grew and his entire bone structure changed. Daenerys winced when she heard his bones seemingly crack as he finished growing. Alfie's eyes glowed green and he hissed. Sansa grinned as she rested her rapier on her shoulder. "Shall we begin?" she queried. Daenerys nodded to her sister-in-law and tapped Drogon's neck.

"Where are they?" Daahrio posed. Just as he asked, they heard drumming and the sounds of men chanting.

"There's your answer," Ser Jorah remarked grimly.

The Golden Company banged their spears against their shields, and started shouting, "Surtur! Surtur! Surtur!" From over the edge of a hill, flames spewed forth and smoke concealed the ridge from sight. Daenerys shushed Drogon as the dragon started to growl, feeling the presence of a powerful being of fire.

"Quiet, my child. Our time will come," Daenerys whispered. Surtur stepped out of the flames, followed by several more giants.

"What can we hope to do against such foes?" Ser Loras asked Fandral.

"Only our best. Stay safe out there," Fandral told the Knight of Flowers. Ser Loras smiled at him, pulled the Asgardian in, and kissed him.

"Ahem!" said a voice and they parted to see Hogun giving them a look. Normally, he would not care, but since they were about to engage in combat, he considered this an inappropriate time.

"I hope Lady Tyene Sand helps cure you of your prudish ways, my friend," Fandral commented.

"And I hope you pay attention enough during this fight, so I don't have to save your ass," Hogun fired back.

"You need not worry, my friend!" Ser Loras declared. "I shall save his ass myself."

"Gods have mercy on me," Hogun muttered to himself. He looked towards his future father-in-law, and saw that Oberyn was also shooting Fandral a glance. However, that was when Surtur's booming voice was heard echoing across the fields, and that drew everyone's attention.

"Today is the day, Queen Daenerys. Will you still maintain your pride and condemn your people to ruin?" he challenged.

"If by that, you mean defend my honor and maintain our way of life, then yes! I do!" Daenerys responded. The Fire Giant laughed and drew his sword, flames consuming the blade. Drogon spouted some from his own mouth, along with Viserion.

"Then today you and all who follow you shall die!" Surtur declared.

"Advance!" Ser Lancel Lannister ordered and the Golden Company began to move. Daenerys turned to Ser Jorah, Daahrio Naharis, and Greyworm.

"Watch out for flanking maneuvers and may the Seven watch over you," she told them before she urged Drogon to take off. Ser Jorah and the rest watched as Viserion pursued her sibling and followed her mother into the skies. Ser Jorah turned to Sansa and watched as she turned Ashfall around and began to ride towards the shoreline, with Alfheim chasing after her. Bronn was right behind her.

"Where's she going?" he asked. The wind whistled around Sansa's helmet as she galloped hard towards the outlining cliffs that surrounded Blackwater Bay. She could hear the creaking and groaning of the ships as they moved through the water and the whistle of arrows as the archers fired from the main masts. When she arrived and looked down, she saw the two Greyjoy fleets engaging in naval combat. However, that was also when she saw longboats, bearing enemy soldiers, landing on the beaches below the cliffs. She turned just as Bronn arrived.

"Bronn! Report back to the others: the rogue Greyjoys are sending part of their men to the beaches to come up behind us. Have the Mormonts sent back to greet them," Sansa commanded.

"And what will you do, my lady?" he queried.

"As much as I don't want to, I cannot do much fighting this time. I will act as field scout and report enemy movements as quickly and efficiently as I can," Sansa responded as she scoped the surrounding area again. Bronn hesitated for a moment before he saluted her and started riding back towards the main army. Sansa closed her eyes and drew a deep breath of the deep sea."Don't wait too long to spring your trap, dearest husband. The loss of human life will be great if you do," Sansa whispered.

Loki straightened up and his eyes narrowed. Helbindi noticed, but did not say anything. Loki tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes as he responded, Do not worry, my precious wife. My arrival shall be heralded the greatest in our nation's history.

"What's wrong?" Helbindi posed when Loki opened his eyes.

"It's started. The Battle of Blazing Ash has begun!"

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