Chapter 59 - The Secret Out

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It was a few days later when Daahrio Naharis entered the small council chamber and placed a paper on the table. "Something we should know about?" he asked, a tense tone in his voice. Daenerys took the paper, perused the lines, and her eyes widened. Her head snapped up and she handed the note to Loki. Her Hand accepted the paper and read what was written there.

'Hear ye, people of Kings Landing and all of Westeros,

There is to be a change in the royal family tree, and we are to possibly expect a new order. In the midst of chaos, harmony will rise in the form of former Hand of the Queen, Ser Loki Frostborn. Soon to be King Loki Frostborn, first of his name; King of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. The new heir is now Crown Prince Rhaenar Frostborn, first of his name.

The blood tie to the royal line is stronger than the former Queen Daenerys. She is to be left her husband's holdings of Casterly Rock. We must support the new ruler and family of Westeros.

Long live the king!'

Loki put the letter down, his hands trembling. Jon swooped it up, read it, and breathed a sigh of relief. "At least they don't mention me," he gasped.

"Why would it mention you?" Tyrion asked and Jon stiffened. "Do you have 'blood ties' to the royal line stronger than Daenerys?" Jon swallowed and his eyes shifted to Loki. The Hand was massaging his temples as he tried to think clearly. His mind was spinning in a hundred different directions, and he did not know if he could stop it. The news had gotten out! How had it gotten out?! Only himself, Daenerys, Jon, and their respective spouses were supposed to know; but apparently, Daenerys had not gotten around to telling Tyrion. "Why would the letter mention you, Jon?" Tyrion reiterated.

"Because he also has Targaryen blood, dearest," Daenerys lightly answered. Robb's head snapped up at this and his eyes flicked to Jon.

"Jon? What does she mean by that?" the Warden of the North asked.

"Jon is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark! He's really your cousin, not your brother! And I am the son of Rhaella Targaryen, Daenerys' mother, and Laufey of Jotunheim!" Loki finally snapped. He slammed his fist on the wood and glared at everyone at the table. "And if any of you have a problem with our parentage, you can take it up with the people who are all dead!" Sansa's hand on his shoulder steadied him, and Loki felt calmer again now that he had gotten it out. With the exception of Daenerys and Jon, everyone looked as if they had a bucket of frigid water dumped over their heads. Thor's eyes were the size of saucers, and his mouth was hanging open.

"You know... this... how?" Thor posed. Loki ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Maester Aemon... he was a Targaryen. I met him during the War of Five Kings, and he said in his letter that he recognized certain aspects of my face that resembled Rhaella Targaryen. Also... she described the child she had with Laufey perfectly, and he figured I was the spitting image. So, I'm a child from two realms. Confusing, I know, but... there you have it!" Loki said dismissively. Thor huffed a little and smiled at Loki. "What has you so tickled over there?" Loki sneered.

"In a way, Father was right. We were born to be kings," Thor answered.

"No. He was very wrong. I was never meant to be a king. Whether it was Asgard, or Jotunheim, or Midgard, or Westeros; I was never meant to have a throne. And I don't bloody want one! Do I have to pick up your hammer and beat people over the head with it for them to see?!" Loki declared.

"If you could remain calm, my dear, I would be so grateful," Sansa said determinedly. She stood up and looked between Jon and Robb. "Your new rank doesn't change my feelings towards you. You are my cousin now, but I love you like a brother. And Robb, we'd better formulate a battle plan for when Mother finds out."

"Oh, gods! I forgot about that demon woman!" Loki cursed and Thor had to chuckle quietly at Loki's outburst with regards to his mother-in-law.

"We'll handle her. If she says the wrong thing, you'll probably incinerate her," Robb said and Loki let out a dark laugh.

"Oh! That death would be too good for her!" Loki enlightened and Robb's eyes widened.

"Sansa, it would seem if we don't want our mother to go the way of our father, we'd better keep them separated," Robb told his sister.

"I could have told you that the day we married," Sansa retorted. Robb heaved a tired sigh at this.

"But, I still have a question," Tyrion said, raising his hand and drawing everybody's attention. "Where Daahrio find this declaration?" They all turned to look at the Queensguard and the man frowned.

"I found it on the gates of the Red Keep. When I found it, I sent out the City Watch to see if there were others posted about. They have found twenty some posted in areas of large commute and gathering: the market place, Bronn's brothels, public wells, gates, inns, and so on. And, they've been read by those who can read, and explained to those who cannot," Daahrio said and Loki groaned. He banged his forehead off the table and Sansa winced for him.

"What can we do to minimize the damage now?" Thor asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Here? In Kings Landing? Nothing," Loki answered and everyone gasped. "What else is there to do?! The word is already out, so all we can do is try to keep it in."

"You mean maintain the blanket of security over Kings Landing?" Ser Jorah said and Loki snapped his fingers.

"Exactly! We let nobody out, and nobody in."

"But, what about the merchants and so on? We don't want to disrupt everything so drastically, and we still need to eat," Tyrion reminded.

"I'll handle the merchants. I'll have Bronn bring the food in, sell it, and give the waiting merchants their coin. Merchants are the largest source of gossip, bar prostitutes," Loki commented and Bronn chortled a little. "But, I have another question. What are the people saying about it? Do they believe it or are they calling it a hoax?"

"The whispers I heard were mixed. There are those who believe the Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons is and always will be their queen. And then, there are others who say that the God of Mischief should rule, since he basically won the war," Daahrio answered. Loki and Daenerys glanced at each other, their eyes narrowed.

"Don't fight, children," Jon said, as he leaned in between his aunt and uncle.

"Didn't know you were the joking type," Loki pointed out.

"I learned from the best," Jon answered, but his smile was short lived as Loki cuffed his ear.

"Cheeky devil!" Loki jabbed. Before a fight could actually break out, there was a pounding on the door and it burst open. Ser Loras leaned against the entryway, heaving like he had just run a marathon. "And to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"A raven has arrived from the Eyrie, Lord Loki," Ser Loras said as he handed it to him. "I was told it was of the utmost urgency." Loki's eyebrow went up, wondering what kind of trouble would be added to the heap. He tore it open and skimmed over the wording.

"What the f--k?!" Loki exclaimed, springing out of his chair and knocking it to the ground.

"What? What is it?" Sansa asked, her hand gently on his arm. Loki turned to her, his expression horrified.

"It's from Ser Harrold Hardying. He says that Ragna has gone missing. She's run away!"

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