Chapter 69 - To Love a Hound

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Sif almost fell off her horse from pure exhaustion when it stumbled along the road. Clegane was ahead of her, walking his horse, but also seeming to be faltering as he walked the path. Sif stopped her horse and slide from the saddle. She patted its neck and began to lead it. "Clegane. Clegane!" she called and Sandor turned to look at her. "We're tired. Our horses cannot go any further. There's a village ahead. Let us find an inn and take shelter and rest for the night. Please?" she asked. Sandor gave her a small smile and nodded his head. They looked ahead and saw the lights of a village and made their way towards it. A few drunkards were about and Sandor pushed them aside as they arrived at the only inn in the town. The stable boy jumped to when Sandor presented him with a gold coin and quickly took care of their horses. Sif was startled when Sandor took her hand and led her into the tavern. The smoky atmosphere choked Sif and her eyes stung. The raucous laughter of men rang out clear and the lilting giggle of whores reached her ears. Sandor kept her close as he made his way to the bar and dropped a few coins on its wooden surface.

"A room for the night. Bed, warm food, and drink," Sandor commanded.

"Of course. This way, if you please," the innkeeper said and he took them through the crowd towards a set of stairs and up to a second floor. They ran into more tenants of the inn and Sandor pushed a few aside that got in his way. Sif simply followed behind him, surprised by her own demure attitude throughout the entirety of the trek. His grip on her wrist was so strong, it was almost as if he was trying to possess her. When they arrived at the door of their room, the innkeeper threw it open and stepped aside. The room was plain, but it had a bed, a fireplace, and a small tub for bathing. "I'll have the kitchen heat up some water for you for a bath," the man said, bobbing his head and quickly leaving. They closed the door and looked at each other awkwardly. They had kissed each other, but had not gone any further than that. Sif was no stranger to the goings on between men and women, but wondered how Sandor was as a lover. The Hound himself was curious as to how Asgardian shieldmaidens behaved in the sack. He shook his head a second later, banishing those thoughts from his mind. Sif was a lady and he would treat her like a lady.

"You can go first in the bath," he said and Sif nodded.

"Thank you, Sandor," she responded as she undid her sword belt and unstrapped her other weapons. Sandor did the same thing, stacking his in the corner by the bed and placing a dagger under the pillow. The servants came in a moment later and filled the tub with hot water. Sif waited until they left then began to strip. She did it slowly, knowing that Sandor was watching her closely. Sif removed her outer jacket and the chainmail that was underneath, right down to her tunic. Her boots were put aside and she began to unbind her hair. The black tresses came loose and Sif admired them as they ran between her fingers. She remembered when she had hated the very sight of them, and now, they were a part of her. Sif reached to pull her tunic off, but large hands stopped her. She turned and saw Sandor was standing behind her, and he had taken his outer clothes off, so that he was only in his trousers and an undershirt.

"Lady Sif," he said, his voice strained as if he was trying to control some inner beast.

"Ser Sandor," she answered. Clegane pulled her tunic up and threw it over her head, admiring her pale and spotless skin. His rough hands wandered over the expanse as he pulled her close. "Sandor!" Sif gasped as his mouth began to worship her. She arched into him, wrapping her arms around his giant frame and clinging to him as if her life depended on it. Sif started to pull his own shirt up and Sandor allowed her to toss it aside. Sif rubbed her pelvis into his and they moaned in unison, kissing each other with abandon. Sandor scooped Sif up and carried her to the bed, depositing her there as gently as possible. Sif undid her trousers and watched as the Hound divested himself of his own pants and crawled on top of her. He hovered there as if awaiting her permission. "You have it, Sandor," she whispered. The Hound gave her a half grin as he kissed her, feeling between her legs. Sif gasped as she felt two fingers enter her and she gripped Sandor's shoulders.

"How long has it been, my lady? How long since a man has touched you like I am?" he queried.

"Many years. I... have not... had many men who... would risk... entering my bed," Sif stammered as he moved his fingers betwixt her legs.

"So, I'm special," Sandor said with a smile as he kissed her again. Sif felt a pressure build in her womb and she just moaned an answer. Sandor seemed fine with her inability to speak as he picked up the pace and worked his fingers in and out of her. Sif suddenly cried out and bit Sandor's shoulder as he pushed her through her orgasm. She came down from her high and gave Sandor a look. She reached down and gripped his manhood, guiding it to her core. Sif hiked her legs up around his hips and urged him forward. When her and Sandor became one, Sif felt a warmth take root in her heart and in her womb. Any and all remaining influences of Loki's curse would vanish with this consummation. Sandor was surprised by his own gentleness in the act. Sandor used to sleep with whores and he had been rough about it, but those days had ceased when he had sworn loyalty to House Frostborn. This was his first time in a long time as well and he was taking his time with Sif.

"Oh, Sandor!" Sif moaned as she pulled him down to her. The Hound took that as an invitation to lick and kiss her neck and collar bone. Sif arched her back like a bow and Sandor took that opportunity to slide an arm under her and pull her even further into his lap. He sat up and Sif's arms went around his neck. She kissed him long and deep and Sandor growled like the dog he was. When they parted to catch their breath, Sif let her head fall back as she felt her second orgasm approaching. Her breaths were cut short by each of Sandor's thrusts and she felt as if her heart would burst.

"Come with me," Sandor whispered right before he nibbled on her ear. Sif cried out and Sandor roared his completion. Sif sagged against him, breathing hard and sweating.

"Our water's probably cold by now," she commented and Sandor laughed deeply. He drew her in for another kiss as they both fell on the mattress. Sandor ran his fingers through Sif's inky tresses and pressed feathery kisses across her face. Sif laughed, feeling light hearted for the first time in ages. The last time a lover had been this generous with her in bed, she had been Loki's mistress. She quickly banished thoughts of him from her mind as she looked at Sandor. He was already starting to fall asleep. She ran her fingers across his chest as his eyes slipped closed and his grip around her slackened minutely. "You're a good man, Sandor Clegane. And I will do my best to be your good woman," she whispered, kissing his cheek and falling asleep beside him.

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