Chapter 88 - Jotunheim Against Muspelheim

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The Fire Giants had to quickly reform their lines in order to not be wiped out by the Frost Giants. Helbindi ordered his archers to release their arrows. The Westerosi avoided the huge arrows, that were more like spears to them, and watched as they not only pierced the thick hides of the Muspels, but also froze them where they stood. "Never thought I would be happy to see a Frost Giant," Fandral muttered as he watched them advance. Ser Loras Tyrell came riding up to him and held out his hand.

"Come back with me, Fandral. We must regroup and follow these new giants on the offensive," Ser Loras said. Fandral nodded and climbed onto the horse's back behind Ser Loras. The Knight of Flowers began to ride his mount towards the Frost Giant lines. The Jotun troops saw them advancing, and a few even recognized the Asgardian warrior. 

"Let them pass. That is Fandral the Dashing, and Ser Loras of House Tyrell," Loki told Helbindi. The Jotun king nodded before he mounted his giant polar bear. He drew the staff at his side and Loki watched as he swung it down. It extended, runes lighting up with a cold, blue light. Helbindi flicked it in reverse and a frosty tip appeared. "Interesting... what is it?"

"This is Kaldtorg, the Cold Grave. It is a weapon that has been past down through the generations. I inherited it when I beat all challengers for the throne of Jotunheim," Helbindi answered. Loki grinned as he swung into Rhaegal's saddle. He stroked the dragon's neck and the beast allowed some heat to come from its nostrils. Loki gave him a slight kick and surged forward. "General Nadir! The spearmen!" Helbindi commanded before he pointed Kaldtorg at the Fire Giants. He grinned as a blast of ice came from the tip. Surtur watched as the ice made contact with a small group of his giants, and sent them splintering into icy pieces.

"Don't just stand there! Kill them! Kill all the Jotun scum!" he ordered and the Muspels charged.

"Spearmen dig in!" General Nadir ordered and the spearmen dug their long spears into the ground in a line in front of them before drawing one of two short javelins at their side. "Release first javelin!" They threw them high and far, the weapons arching before they began their descent. The Fire Giants tried to scatter, but many of the javelins found their targets, skewering them. Surtur growled and looked for Jotunheim's king. He saw Helbindi on his polar bear and lit his sword on fire. However, that was when Rhaegal did a skydive and blasted his own flames in his face. Surtur roared and turned, distracted by Loki. 

"I need to be out there," Thor declared as he started to swung Mjolnir. 

"I will join you as well, my friend," Volstagg declared, running to find a horse. Ragna glanced at Rhaenar and her twin brother just smiled.

"You can feel it, can't you, brother? You sense it, just like me," Ragna said. Rhaenar nodded and closed his eyes.

"It is easy for one of our father's bloodline to sense another. And it's getting closer," Rhaenar responded. Tyrion, Beric, and Thoros all made a face, wondering what the two youngsters were talking about.

"Our elder brother comes." 

Hogun looked up and saw that a frosted sword had saved both him and Oberyn Martell. The Jotun threw off the Muspel and the two glared at each other. "Compliments of Loki, son of Laufey. He sends his regards," the Frost Giant informed them as he snatched his weapon back, feinted to one side, then stabbed the Fire Giant in the chest. Hogun breathed a sigh of relief and helped Oberyn to his feet. 

"And how do you know our Hand of the Queen?" the Dornish man asked of the Jotun. The warrior turned to face them and grinned a little, showing sharp, white teeth.

"He came asking our king, his half-brother, for aid in this war. And here we are," the Jotun explained. 

"Well, I will be sure to thank him myself when this is over," Oberyn stated as he picked up his spear and twirled it.

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