Chapter 64 - Plans Take Shape

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The people of Kings Landing were irritable. They were kept in their homes in lieu of an attack that had still to come. Yara Greyjoy was still blockading the ports, but Salladhor Saan had gone out to scout and returned to say that Euron's fleet was fast approaching. "So, it will begin soon. Once they have us blocked by sea, it won't take long for the landside to be besieged," Loki commented as he stood on the walls of the Red Keep with Sansa, Daenerys, Tyrion, Jon, Thor, and the rest of the small council.

"We still have our dragons," Daenerys reminded, "and there's no time like the present to learn how to fly one," she added, looking at Jon. He gave her a nervous look and shook his head.

"No time like later when I can do it without worrying about being shot at," Jon said.

"I do agree with Jon on this one, Daenerys," Loki spoke up. "I don't want him dying from his own inability to control Viserion in combat."

"Why did you make it sound like it would be my fault?" Jon queried.

"He would more than likely be a danger to himself and us than the enemy. Let's wait until this conflict is over," Tyrion advised, winking at Jon.

"I don't know how effective your dragons are going to be against Surtur," Thor commented and everyone looked at him. "I only mean I saw Loki battling Surtur on Rhaegal over Sunspear, and Surtur did succeed in batting them out of the air like they were a fly."

"Thank you for reminding me," Loki said dourly. Sansa frowned at Loki as he had not told her about that.

"And another thing... will your men be able to withstand the heat?" Thor asked and they all paused. They had not thought of that.

"But, there's only one giant? Does he give off that much heat?" Robb Stark queried.

"He opened a portal near Sunspear," Loki iterated. "He wouldn't have done that just because he felt like it. He opened it for a reason."

"He opened it to bring his army across!" Thor exclaimed and Loki buried his face in his hands. The odds were mounting against them. He knew full well the mortal forces they had at their disposal would not be able to face the Fire Giants of Muspelheim. It would be a flaming slaughter. Loki turned away and walked down the parapet. Sansa was right behind him, her hand grabbing his shoulder.

"I know you're not running away, but you better not be giving up as well," Sansa said to him. Loki turned around and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed a fervent kiss to her lips to silence her. When they parted, he rested his forehead against hers.

"I never run away. But, I'm afraid of the only recourse of action I have left. It's not a pleasant one... for me," Loki said in response. Sansa smiled and ran her hands along his cheeks and jaw, using her magic to summon the hints of blue and the ridges of Loki's father's heritage.

"Don't be afraid. The time for fear has past. There is only the future to look to," Sansa whispered, before she winced. Loki frowned at her display of pain and sent a wave of his own magic throughout her body to find the source of her discomfort. "It's alright. I already know. I've been resisting the change for as long as possible, but now, I have to resort to my feminine charms," Sansa joked. When Loki found the source, a smile came to his face and he kissed her again.

"Another baby," he whispered to her and Sansa nodded.

"Another baby. That's why I want you to fight. Pull out all the stops, Loki. I think the God of Mischief needs to go rogue," she said. Loki looked at her and she nodded her head.

"Alright, but I want Alfheim with you at all times. I think he and I will agree that we rather have some eye on you," Loki said and Sansa laughed.

"Maybe it is the end times. You and Alfie coming to an agreement," Sansa laughed and on cue, they heard a meow. Alfie's green eyes appeared overhead and he dropped down onto his mistress' shoulders.

"She carries another heir, Alfie. You know what to do," Loki told the cat. Alfie just looked at Loki with a bored expression on his face. "The feeling is mutual," Loki informed the feline and Alfie yawned. "I hate that bloody cat!" Loki hissed and Alfie hissed back.

"The feeling is mutual, darling," Sansa repeated with a light kiss to his cheek. That was before she pressed something wrapped in cloth into his hands. "You'll know what to do with this when the time comes." Loki raised his eyebrow slightly and felt through the cloth to decipher what it was she had given him.

"Ah," he finally said, causing Sansa's gift to disappear into the Nether Realm. She winked and they walked back to where they had left the others standing on the wall.

"Are you alright?" Tyrion queried when they rejoined them. Loki nodded quickly, but cast a sideways glance at Thor. The Prince of Asgard had a knowing look on his face, but kept his mouth shut.

"We need to be prepared for anything. If Surtur uses the portal in Dorne to bring his people across from Muspelheim, the citizens of Westeros are going to have to be ready for the unexpected. And when I say unexpected, I mean mind blowing," Loki told them.

"How would you have us deal with it?" Varys queried in his ever calm and quiet voice. Loki turned to the Master of Whispers and grinned.

"Use your little birds; spread the word about the concept of fire giants: beings who are enormous in height and have skin that smolders like embers. I want people to accept that there are very different beings out there," Loki said and Varys bowed.

"As you wish, my Lord Hand," he answered, leaving them. Loki looked out over the city, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the main gate of Kings Landing. He tilted his head as if he was listening before he gasped.

"Rhaenar's home!" he declared, grabbing Sansa and disappearing. Thor's head snapped in the direction of the gate. Daenerys looked as well, holding Tyrion's hand. The dwarf gently stroked her hand with his thumb. He knew she was still scared for news of Ragna. The girl was still missing, and they had always liked her. She was their niece, after all.

At the gates, Loki and Sansa gathered Rhaenar into their arms and thanked Obara Sand for returning him. "Sandor and Sif?" Sansa queried as she ran her fingers through her son's ebony locks.

"They went after the Lady Ragna. I have no doubt they will find her," Obara answered. Loki nodded, but he was unsure. If both he and Sansa were unable to find her with magic, how were Sandor and Sif going to find her with normal means? Looking at Rhaenar, Loki saw something in his son's eyes. Rhaenar held up his braceleted hand and Loki saw him tear up.

"Take it off. Please?" Rhaenar begged. Sansa tried to stifle her own tears, but it was too much. Loki put his hand on Rhaenar's wrist.

"If I do, Baelish could find you that much easier," Loki informed him. Rhaenar nodded his head.

"I don't care. It hurts! Father! My magic and I are one and can't be parted," Rhaenar said and Loki knew his son's pain.

"Alright... but, it's going to hurt to take it off as well," Loki said and Rhaenar closed his eyes. Sansa wrapped her arms around her son as Loki used his own magic to remove the binding. Rhaenar jerked violently and Sansa almost lost her hold on him. Tears streamed down his face and he moaned. Obara Sand stepped back, giving the family its moment alone. "Shush! It's alright! It's over! You won't have to wear a binding bracelet like that again," Loki promised, using his magic to burn it in the palm of his hand. Rhaenar gave Loki a tired smile, reaching out and wrapping his arms around his father's neck. Loki stood up, carrying Rhaenar with him. Sansa put her hand on his arm and like that, they walked back to the Red Keep.

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