Chapter 6 - Extreme Measures Suggested

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Loki lay beside Sansa in their bed in the chambers of their private house. This house rested on a cliff overlooking Blackwater Bay, and had been constructed not long after the war was over. It was a house of luxury and a house that was shielded by a thick layer of protection spells. Their chamber was open, and their bed was actually on a balcony, in the open air. They were staring up at the stars, the sheets and coverlets tangled around their legs after an hour of passionate love making. However, being the good wife that she was, Sansa could sense Loki's worry. She looked up at him and saw how his eyes were focused on the heavens above them. "Loki, you're rather like a woman in this regard: when you have something to say, and say nothing, the silence deafens me," Sansa said. Loki sighed dramatically before he looked down at her.

"We have dark times ahead of us, my dear. And I'm worried," Loki answered. Sansa propped herself on her elbow and the covers slipped away from her bosom. Husband and wife looked at each other and Loki's one hand went out and he brushed his fingers over her shoulder. "The threat that faces us now is more deadly than anything in the War of Five Kings," Loki admitted.

"How much more deadly?" Sansa posed as she reached out and her fingers traced along an old scar on her husband's body.

"So deadly, the All-Father failed to kill him," Loki said and Sansa chewed on her lip. She never liked it when Loki mentioned Odin. He still gave her the chills (that and she hated him with a passion).

"Why are we paying for that old man's mistakes?" she queried and Loki chuckled dryly as his fingers lightly brushed over her pink nipple. Sansa sucked on her bottom lip in order to keep the moan contained.

"Because if there is one thing he excels at, it is failing, and making other people fix it after the fact," Loki responded and Sansa snorted before she lay her head down on his chest. Loki let his fingers play with Sansa's flaming locks.

"You're delaying."

"What makes you say that?" Loki posed.

"You're playing with my hair. You've been doing that since we were first married, and even before that," Sansa answered and Loki chuckled slightly before he went quiet. "Loki, what is troubling you? Can't you tell your wife?" Sansa said firmly as her fingers made pathways along the muscles and plains of his chest.

"I want to, but I don't want to cause you any concern," Loki said and Sansa clearly took offense to that. She got her fingers on his one nipple, pinch and twisted it. "Ouch!" Loki exclaimed quietly before he glared at his wife.

"Answer the question," Sansa insisted firmly.

"The dangers we are facing are deadly, and I do not know if we can defeat them alone," Loki finally said after a moment's pause.

"We cannot defeat them alone. Meaning they can be defeated if we swallow our pride," Sansa said and Loki groaned.

"I knew you would knock sense into me," Loki admitted dourly.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Sansa queried and Loki frowned at her.

"When swallowing our pride means asking our enemy for help, yes, it is," Loki responded.

"Then, you'd best start swallowing it, and asking."

"I'll have to get permission from Daenerys before contact can be made. And even then, she's got her own opinions of the people of that realm. She won't be too keen on having their warriors as guests in her court," Loki countered.

"When it can save her realm? What is sheltering a few fighters? Nothing in the grand scheme of things," Sansa said firmly and she raised her head to look at Loki. "Think of it this way: use it as a chance to show them that you are adored and appreciated for your gifts in this world. You have carved your place in the court of Westeros. No one can deny that. And this would be the perfect chance to show them that you have washed your hands of their world," Sansa coaxed. Loki growled. She knew just how to appeal to his ego and pride. It was almost annoying.

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