Chapter 25 - Moral Ambiguity

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Sif and Sandor were waiting with the children at the entrance to the Red Keep when the entourage returned. Sansa spurred her horse forward and Sandor immediately advanced, his arms full of Ragna. Sif also stepped forward with Rhaener holding her hand. Sansa slid out of her saddle easily and knelt down on the stone. "Mama!" Rhaenar shouted as he ran forward into his mother's arms. Sansa pressed her lips to his forehead as she glanced over at Ragna. The young girl kissed Sandor Clegane on the cheek before he put her down. She scuttled over to her and fought her brother for prime position for a moment.

"Where is Father?" she whispered.

"He is coming on Rhaegal," Sansa responded. Ragna smirked just as the screech of Rhaegal was heard overhead and the dragon landed in the courtyard. Loki slid down and touched Rhaegal's head.

"God gutt, Rhaegal! Min sønn av band (Good boy, Rhaegal! My son of bond)," Loki whispered. He petted the dragon's face and smiled when he saw Ragna running to him. Rhaegal also noticed the little girl bouncing up to him and the dragon snorted. "Enkel gutt! Du kjenner søsteren din (Easy boy! You know your sister)," Loki warned and the dragon patiently watched as Ragna appeared before him. She leaned forward and her little hand touched his nose. Rhaegal's warm tongue went out and he licked her hand. Ragna smiled up at Loki and he scooped her into his arms. He kissed her cheek and said, "I'm so glad you are safe."

"As am I, Father," she said. Loki snapped his fingers and Rhaegal flew away. Daenerys approached him with her own children and husband by her side.

"They are taking the lone survivor to the keep. He will be put in the pits," Daenerys told him.

"Not too close to Tywin Lannister, I hope?" Loki posed and she nodded.

"Isolation should do the trick," she said.

"The lone survivor?" Sif asked as she approached Thor. He nodded and looked down at Mjolnir, covered in blood in his hand.

"The queen ordered that all but one be killed. If it had happened in combat, I would not feel so guilty. But..." Thor let his voice trail off and Sif raised her brow.  

"They were not slain in battle?" she queried and Thor shook his head.

"Nay, dear Sif. They surrendered." Sif gasped and shook her head.

"Surely Loki would remember the rules of combat!" she said.

"He refused to acknowledge them. The soldiers followed their queen's desires. All but one were slaughtered. That is the prisoner they are leading away," Thor explained. Sif looked at Loki. He was holding his daughter, his son nestled against his side, and grasping his wife's hand. She could see the reasons for Loki doing what he did: he had a family to protect. It was not his first family, and she could already tell, he was not about to go through the same pain of losing them again.  

"To the throne room!" Daenerys commanded and her retinue moved to the Red Keep. 

"Take the children to our suite," Loki ordered Sandor Clegane, and the Hound bowed to him. Sif had to go with them, but she cast a warning look in Thor's direction. Thor did not know what he was supposed to say before the queen. He knew that if he spoke out of turn, Loki would cut him to the quick without hesitation. It was not his way to suffer soft-hearted fools. He followed silently, observing how Daenerys' head tilted from one side to another. Loki was on her right side, and Tyrion was on her left. They were both talking to her. He knew that she would value their advice more than his. But, surely the queen possessed morality? It was necessary for a ruler to have such a quality in order to rule. Thor winced at this thought though. He knew that his own father had a slightly twisted sense of morality, and if he brought it up, Loki would point it out. 

"Out!" Tyrion said and all the courtiers and lesser nobles fled the room. Daenerys stalked up the stairs to the throne and sat down, tossing her skirt over her legs. Tyrion sat down beside her and Ser Jorah Mormont stood behind her. "My love?" Tyrion asked and Daenerys reached out, clasping his hand in hers. 

"I am alright, my dearest. I just want answers. Who were those men that attacked us? Why target the children?" Daenerys asked in return.

"Our children are the future, and the reason we fought the previous war," Sansa stated and everyone glanced at her. "Your children are the future heirs to the throne of Westeros. Ours are considered exotic and possibly powerful because their father is a deity," Sansa said and Thor's eyes flicked to Loki. The Hand of the Queen was touching his lips rhythmically with his pointer finger. 

"We know at least that Rhaenar is powerful," Robb whispered to Jon as they thought about their nephew. However, they both stiffened when they thought about the death glare their niece would send them if she heard them say that.

"Of course, let's not discount Ragna either," Jon said back. 

"I want the prisoner kept in solitary for three days. No food and no water," Daenerys said and Grey Worm bowed.

"That is inhumane!" Thor insisted and the queen and king looked at him. Loki's eyes traveled to Thor and he shook his head. 

"That is what must be done to get the answers I need," Daenerys responded with a cold air.

"He is a prisoner of war, and must be treated as such," Thor insisted.

"He surrendered!" Fandral said and Daenerys slammed her fist into the meat of her thigh.

"This is my kingdom! This man led an attack that could have killed me, my husband, my children! How would you Asgardians react to such an offense?" Daenerys challenged.

"I'll tell you how Odin would respond to such an affront," Loki suddenly said and he walked up to Thor. Standing before his former brother, he continued, "He would have had the man strung up before the city and beaten to the point of death. He then would have made him apologize before the world; and then he would have killed him."

"Father would not have done that," Thor insisted.

"The All-Father is a good king, Loki," Volstagg said and Loki chuckled darkly. 

"You want to know why he didn't do that?" Loki looked back at Sansa and she was wincing, her hands gripped tightly together. "Because he would have me do it in the dark of night; and I was the one who had to live with the man's blood on my hands. Of course, he couldn't have the golden prince do it. And tarnish your perfect honor? Never!" Thor folded his arms across his chest. 

"And of course it's my fault," he said with a hint of derision in his tone of voice.

"Ahem!" Sansa suddenly said and they both looked at her. She walked over and stood between the two former brothers, her blue eyes icy and stormy. "I understand that there are differences here that must be discussed in detail-"

"You think?" both men asked simultaneously.

"At a later time!" Sansa said firmly. "We were just attacked on the Queen's Road by renegades in broad daylight. My children and the queen's children could have been harmed. Now, speaking as a mother, I would not have tolerated that and I would have killed the bastards myself," Sansa informed Thor. "Surely you understand a mother's love for her children?"

"I do," Thor answered, recalling his own mother with fondness. "My own mother was a warrior."

"Loki has told me so. Now, I understand you are calling our principles into question because the queen has decided to keep a man who surrendered in solitary for three days. He will not be fed or given water because those are rewards he can look forward to if he talks. If he talks, mind you. Otherwise, he can starve in the pits," Sansa said. "And that is how we do it in Westeros."

"Any other declarations of opinions you feel like making?" Daenerys asked in an irritated fashion. Thor glared at both Loki and Sansa before his eyes shifted to Daenerys and he shook his head. "Very well. You are dismissed. I expect you and your friends to stay out of our way for the next several days. Good day, Odinson." 

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