Chapter 30 - The Little Serpent

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Loki dove into the pool attached to their suite and was quick to propel himself through the water. His long arms tore through the ripples, creating small waves in his wake. His muscles undulated beneath his skin, only marred by the few scars that adorned his body. He stood up at the end of the pool, droplets of water sliding down his pale flesh. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing several strands back behind his ears. He could still feel the heat of anger still under his skin, ingrained in his cells. Loki almost punched the wall, but he stopped himself for fear of smashing the stone. "Father?" asked a voice and Loki glanced up. Ragna was standing at the edge of the pool, the wind billowing her green nightgown. Her red hair was up in a braid and her emerald eyes were following him closely. 

"Oh! Darling! What's going on? Why are you here?" Loki asked as he swam over to her and rested his arms on the edge of the pool. Ragna said nothing in response and instead, pulled her nightgown from over her head. Loki was a little surprised when he saw that she was wearing simple white shift underneath. She reached out with her short arms and Loki raised his own. She jumped into them and waved her arm around in the water.

"I can't swim, Father. Teach me," the little girl said. Loki paused for two seconds before a big smile spread across his face. Of course, he recalled teaching her mother so long ago how to swim. 

"Alright, let's start with floating on your back. Not the Dead Man's Float, mind you," Loki said as he carefully positioned his daughter accordingly. 

"You and Mother had a fight," Ragna stated as Loki's one hand remained on the small of her back to support her. Loki sighed, sometimes cursing how perceptive his little girl was.

"Yes, sweetie, we had a fight. Nothing serious or anything for you to worry about," Loki told her and she frowned at him.

"You're lying. Don't lie to me, Father. Please?" Ragna asked. Loki sighed and took his hand away, leaving Ragna to float on her own. She waved her hands and kicked her legs a little, making her body move through the water. Loki followed beside her, making sure that she was fine. She was his daughter, of course she could tell if he was lying. She was just like Hela in that regard. 

"It really isn't anything serious. She just doesn't like that I'm going away. She also doesn't like a new idea that Queen Daenerys proposed," Loki admitted. Ragna raised her eyebrow and straightened up. Loki's hand went out to aid her and watched as she began to tread water. She almost sank a couple of times, but she never went under. 

"What about it doesn't please Mother?" Ragna queried as she took some water into her mouth and spat at her father. It only landed on Loki's chest and he frowned slightly.

"She doesn't like the idea of the position of Hand becoming hereditary instead of appointed," Loki admitted. Ragna was able to push herself to the wall and Loki followed her.

"Hereditary? As in either Rhaenar or I would be chosen to be the Hand?" Ragna asked. A hint of a smirk appeared on her face as she gripped the wall. "I would be proud to be the next Hand after you, Father." Loki's lips pursed together and he leaned against the wall beside his daughter.

"You would be the first female Hand. Targaryen women have ruled in the past, but all the previous Hands have been male. You would experience difficulties, even if you are my daughter," Loki told her. 

"Then I would overcome them. As you overcame yours, Father," Ragna answered.

"Overcame mine? What difficulties do you speak of, dearest?" Loki posed.

"The War of Five Kings and the Targaryen Restoration. None of that would have happened if you hadn't fought long and hard for the queen. You suffered for her and Mother," Ragna said, her hand going out and lightly brushing against the long scar across Loki's torso. Loki pulled back a little and Ragna frowned. "It doesn't still hurt you, Father... does it?"

"No, it doesn't hurt me anymore. Not physically, anyway," Loki admitted and Ragna pushed herself forward, latching onto his shoulders with her skinny arms. 

"Mentally? You planned the accident," Ragna stated and Loki gave her a wide-eyed look. "Well, maybe you didn't plan to be exposed by Littlefinger, but your mind quickly improvised a plan where your enemies would assume you were dead."

"Did your mother carve out a slice of my mind in my sleep and give it to you?" Loki asked in awe and Ragna gave him a look. 

"I'm very certain Mother would only want one of you," she retorted and Loki laughed, gathering her into his arms. 

"I'm fairly certain of that too," he acceded. Ragna smiled and let go, sinking under the water. Loki did not worry for her. He knew better than to worry for her. A second later, she sprang up from the depths, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him and rested her head against his cheek. "You adapt, my dearest daughter. That is your power. You might not think it is one now, but when you grow up, it will be your greatest asset," Loki whispered in her ear, pressing a kiss to her temple. 

"I did steal Clegane's knife and knew how to hunt the rats in the crypts beneath the Red Keep," Ragna admitted. Loki flipped her over his shoulder and looked her firmly in her green eyes.

"You've been to the crypts beneath the Red Keep?" he asked. She nodded her head and smirk appeared in the corner of her mouth. "The prisons as well?" he posed.

"Yes and no, Father," Ragna responded. Loki's eyebrow went up and his head tilted slightly, a silent command for her to elaborate. "I looked upon the queen's enemies, but did not speak to them or give them a sign of my existence beside them. I even saw the defeated Lion," Ragna said, hinting to the fallen Tywin Lannister. 

"The prisons are dangerous, Ragna. If any of the inmates found you and knew who you were, the peril would be great," Loki told her. 

"I am not afraid of them, Father. And even if they did find me, I would... adapt," she answered. Father and daughter looked at each other in silence for a moment, before they both simultaneously smirked.

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