Chapter 80 - The Jotun Castaway & the Jotun King

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The darkness was the first thing Loki noticed when the secret path he took to Jotunheim deposited him at his destination. He left Rhaegal on the mountain top as he figured that a fire breathing dragon would not be welcomed on a frozen realm. The darkness and the cold wrapped around him like a familiar blanket. Loki looked around, knowing this place to be far more dangerous than the Wall to the North of Winterfell. Even though King Helbindi had extended the olive branch of peace to Loki, the Hand was aware that there were plenty of Jotuns who still wanted him dead for luring their previous king into a trap. Loki adjusted the collar on his coat and started to walk. The snow swirled around him and Loki wondered how the Men of the North would handle a place like Jotunheim. It would take a while for the cold and dark to chew them and spit them back out, but it would eventually.  It was footsteps on either side of him as well as behind him confirmed his suspicions of being followed. Loki did nothing as he did not come there for a confrontation. He was there with a proposition. "You've come a long way to die, Laufeyson," a menacing voice said.

"Except for the part where I'm not going to die, and you know it," Loki responded as he walked through a hall of pillars. All carved in ice and sparkling in the darkness. Loki liked what Helbindi had done with the place. Even without the true source of Jotunheim's power, he was building everything from the ground up and doing a good job. Giants were whispering on either side of Loki, but they were not the ones who had his attention. It was the runt sitting on the throne at the end of the still being constructed hall. He was wearing full pants, but his feet were bare. A loose, dark grey shirt was covering his chest, and long, black trench coat was billowing about him. The collar and sleeves were lined with the white fur of a polar bear, and a circlet of gold and black pearl was adorning his forehead. He also had long, black hair, but his ears were pointed like an elf's. Sitting on a throne beside him, was an actual elf from Alfheim. She was bundled in thick furs and at first, Loki could not see more than her bright blonde hair. Finally, he did see her silvery-blue eyes as well.

"I honestly never thought I would see you here, brother," the Jotun king said.

"Well, the situation being what it is, I find myself pushing aside my own revulsions to make bargains," Loki said, trying to sound indifferent.


"You're one to talk, murdering traitor!"

"Son of a whore!"

"Peace!" the Jotun king declared and the hall became silent. He leaned forward in his throne, resting his chin in his hand and a smile appearing on his face. "I was called a son of a whore as well. My mother had no choice in the matter... just like your mother. I don't think we should be responsible for the sins of our parents. Don't you agree?" he queried. Loki nodded his head in agreement.

"Aye. It's not my mother's fault she was kidnapped from Westeros, just as it was not your mother's fault for being taken from Alfheim. They had no control," Loki wisely answered. The Jotun king smiled even wider and waved his hand, indicating for Loki to advance. Loki stepped forward, but took note of the Jotun giant guards who also created blades of ice in case he attacked their king. When they were facing each other properly, the other runt held his hand out. 

"Helbindi, son of Laufey of Jotunheim and Aslaug of Alfheim; King of the Jotuns."

"Loki, son of Laufey of Jotunheim and Rhaella Targaryen of Westeros; Hand of the Queen." Loki shook his half-brother's hand and a sort of peace settled over him. His fear of the other half of his heritage was put to rest in that handshake, a true sign of peace between them. Helbindi let go of his hand and stood up before him. They were both tall for normal people, but still too small for Jotuns. 

"Walk with me," Helbindi said and Loki nodded. Before they left, the second brother turned to the Light Elf and said, "Go with your maidens to our chamber, love. I will join you when business has been concluded."

"Yes, my husband," the elf maiden said, curtsying to him and Loki and walking away with an escort of four Frost Giants. Helbindi smiled as he turned to Loki and they walked off down the dark and snowy corridors.

"My marriage of choice and hers. I fought off suitors from other realms to marry her, but none would keep me from my one true love; my Opal," he said with hope in his voice. Loki nodded and smiled.

"My marriage certainly didn't start out at love at first sight, but it has matured and I wouldn't part with her for the worlds," Loki rejoined and Helbindi's eyes sparkled.

"What's her name?" he queried.

"Sansa. She's given me two children already, with a third on the way. Which is why I come to you now," Loki said seriously, taking his brother's hand and letting his skin turn blue. Helbindi looked at Loki and they stared at each other for a moment. "I can give you what you crave in exchange for your aid."

"What do I truly crave, brother? If you can tell me that, I would be ecstatic," Helbindi told him with a grin on his face. Instead of answering, Loki reached into the Nether Realm and revealed the Casket of Ancient Winters. 

"Jotunheim needs this in order to truly prosper and I will gladly give it back to you, its true king, if you promise to bring your strongest warriors to our aid against Surtur," Loki informed him.

"The Fire Demon? So, he still lives? The All-Father had us believe he was slain centuries ago. And it was a lie?" Helbindi posed, without really looking at the Casket.  

Loki was confused at Helbindi's lack of reaction at the offer of returning the source of Jotunheim's power, but continued, "Yes, Surtur really escaped into Westeros and became the founder of a religion that demands sacrifice of human life by burning."

"That would be how he gains his powers. Evil. Even we monsters of the night would never sacrifice our own to appease a god we cannot see. The lives of our children are too important for that," Helbindi commented as he looked out over his realm. Loki stood beside him and saw the Jotuns working to build houses out of the ice. He heard the laughter and chatter of children, the singing of the workers and wondered how he and Thor could have missed this the first time they were there. "Our father inspired fear, not joy. He wallowed in his defeat instead of repairing what was broken. That is why I fought so hard to claim the throne. I did not want Jotunheim to sink into oblivion because of one man's arrogance. That is why I will come to your aid, but not for the Casket." Loki blinked several times in pure shock and Helbindi threw his head back, laughing as he placed his hand on Loki's shoulder. "The Casket of Ancient Winters is not what I desire above all else. It was peace with you."

"Peace? With me? But... I murdered our father-" Loki started to say before Helbindi cut him off.

"He was never a father to either of us. You were taken by Odin and I was locked in a tower most my life. That's not parenting; we are merely the result of two people copulating often. I do not think he loved my mother.  Your mother was the one he truly loved.  Ironic.  In the end, we were all he wanted: 'normal' children he could plant in his enemies' courts. Not a father," Helbindi reiterated. Loki swallowed but relaxed when he felt Helbindi's hand on his arm. "You said that you have children. What are their names?"

"Sansa and I have twins, a boy and a girl. Rhaenar and Ragna," Loki answered. Helbindi smiled at that.

"I'm assuming Rhaenar is a form of Westerosi name?" he queried.

"Yes, and Ragna was named by Sansa," Loki responded. 

Helbindi pulled Loki into his embrace and whispered in his ear, "Then know that I will fight beside you against the Muspels for your children and mine to come." When the two brothers parted, they shook hands and both had matching smirks on their faces.

"There is one other thing," Loki said and Helbindi tilted his head to one side. "There's another child of mine kept here and I would very much like him to be set free. I want to hear his howl again."    

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