Chapter 45 - Bears Out of Hibernation

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Bear Island was the source of much activity in the days following Jon Stark and Fandral's arrival there. Lyanna Mormont kept her word and quickly mustered 85 able-bodied men to return with them to Kings Landing. "Aren't there other houses we have to go to?" Fandral queried as they watched the men make ready to leave.

"There are, but my queen only gave me a few to choose from. There are some she does not trust, and she would not have them use the war to their advantage; as they would. For example, House Umber," Jon answered as he scratched Ghost behind his ears.

"Ah! That man you and Loki brought back. Right as that spectre mage attacked you," Fandral recalled and Jon nodded.

"Aye. Petyr Baelish!" he hissed between clenched teeth. Fandral recalled the shadow man when he had appeared in the throne room of the Red Keep. He was terrifying, but mostly because of his elusiveness; not because Fandral feared what he could do. Maybe he was wrong to think this way, but he did not know him well. "Did you learn anything about him in Kings Landing from the library?" Jon queried.

"Nay, I did not feel the need," Fandral admitted sheepishly and Jon glanced at him. Jon opened his mouth to speak when Lyanna Mormont came out of the great hall and started walking towards them. Both Jon and Fandral tilted their heads in deference. 

"Master Asgardian. Come walk with me; we will be leaving shortly," Lyanna Mormont said.

"We?" Fandral questioned as he left Jon's side to join her.

"Yes, we. You think I am giving you command of my men without me being there to actually lead them?" Lyanna Mormont posed in return. She turned to face him, and Fandral saw she was wearing a short dress of chainmail, and a small sword was hanging from the belt at her waist. Her fur trimmed, black cloak made her appear a little bigger than she actually was, but Fandral knew better than to assume she could not handle herself. However, she was only a child.

"Forgive me, Lady Mormont, but... I think this is better left to the professionals," Fandral said politely. Lyanna Mormont's eyebrow went up at this. She was mildly insulted, but also, interested.

"Professionals? So, I should let a stranger lead my men? Somebody they do not trust, and probably won't like? You know little of Westerosi, Ser Fandral. We do not bow to a foreign power. Not now, and not ever," Lyanna Mormont assured him.

"You bow to the Hand of the Queen, and he was not born of Westeros," Fandral reminded gently. He did not want to undermine Loki's position, but he wanted to make a point.

"It took him all the years of the War of Five Kings and Targaryen Restoration to get his position of trust with Queen Daenerys. I was but a wee child when we met. I was to be the head of my house, as my elder cousin is now sworn as the chief of the Queensguard. Everyone told me I was a child and a girl; there was no hope for me. Loki said that I was not my house; the house was me. All I had to do was defy all those who said I couldn't do it. He spent some time teaching me his tricks and I handled all threats against me and against House Mormont. So, you see... Loki has earned the trust and loyalty of all Westeros, and his godly status must not be overlooked either," Lyanna Mormont pointed out. Fandral sighed as they continued to walk. 

"Was there anything else you desired to speak to me about?" he asked in a long and tired sigh. Lyanna's hand went out and stopped him. She turned her face to look at him, and he saw a hint of loneliness in her dark eyes.

"You said you sacrificed family for your king and realm. What family did you sacrifice?" she posed. Fandral stopped stalk still, as he had not expected a question like that at all. He realized that he was still looking at a young girl, fragile, despite her tough exterior. Surely, her own mother had been precious to her, and she no longer had her. 

"I... uh... my sister," Fandral admitted and Lyanna tilted her head to the side. "I was asked by my king to give her hand in marriage to a rebellious noble, in hopes of taming him, and using her as a spy. He was cruel to her. She finally committed suicide, but not before sending us her husband's battle plans. The noble was defeated, and I had the privilege of executing him myself." Lyanna nodded her head, her expression softened a little.

"What was your sister's name?"

"Febe. Febe and Fandral. When we were together, we were in inseparable. She didn't want to marry him and begged me not to force her, but... I did. For king and realm," Fandral said and his lip trembled. It had been several centuries since he had thought about Febe. Her golden locks, piercing blue eyes, and cherubic smile. Those had all vanished, and it was all his fault. 

"My mother died fighting for Robb Stark during the war. We thought that would be the end of our house, but Loki told me to pick up the pieces and make House Mormont a house to be feared. I have done what he told me to do, and that is why Queen Daenerys asks for my men to fight beside her in the coming strife. This... demon, as you say... shall not know fear until he sees the Fighting Bears of House Mormont!" Lyanna Mormont declared. Fandral looked up at her words and saw the 85 men as they prepared to leave. They were giants in comparison to even him and Jon Stark. Broad shouldered, serious faces, and huge swords. Their fur lined cloaks surely made them look like bears, and they bore shields with the insignia of their house upon them. They bowed to Lyanna as she appeared before them. "Men! We have been summoned by our queen, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Jon Stark, the brother of the Master of Justice; and Outlander, Ser Fandral the Dashing, have been sent to tell us that war has returned. And it is not like any war we have seen before. Apparently, we will be fighting demons," Lyanna informed them. The men all looked at each other, before drawing their swords and clashing them with their shields. "I know that you will not fail me, or bring shame to our house and island. We will drive this foe back to the fissures of hell from whence it came!"

"Yay!" all the men exclaimed as they clashed their swords against their shields. Lyanna waved her hand and a bay horse was brought to her. One of her knights offered her a leg up and she looked down upon Fandral from her saddle. 

"We fight this war for our homes, and families, and our queen. You find your reason for fighting this war, Ser Fandral. For even though your prince asked you to come, you will fight this war for your own reasons," Lyanna Mormont stated.

"Yes, indeed, my lady," Fandral answered. He gave her a bow and kicked her horse in the sides, urging it forward. Fandral waited until she had past and smiled a little at her words. 'For even though your prince asked you to come, you will fight this war for your own reasons,' her words rang out in his mind. He would find his reasons, eventually.

"Fandral!" called a voice and he glanced over to where Jon was riding towards him, leading his horse alongside his own. "What did Lady Mormont want?"

"Just to ask some questions. I had a few of my own, so we answered each other's queries," Fandral answered vaguely as he swung into the saddle. Jon Stark knew he was leaving something out, but decided against asking him what it was.

"Very well, then... let us move out, Ser Fandral," Jon told him as he also climbed onto his horse. The Asgardian nodded his head and the two men rode behind Lyanna Mormont as she led her 85 men away from Bear Island and towards Kings Landing.    

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