Chapter 4 - An Old Enemy

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Loki strode swiftly into the throne room, his black leather coat billowing out behind him. Bronn was a few paces behind him, along with Daahrio Naharis. Daenerys looked up from the letter she was reading. Tyrion was sitting on his throne beside her, and Ser Jorah Mormont was behind them. "A raven has arrived from Lord Theon Greyjoy of the Dreadfort," Daenerys said and she held it out to Loki. The Hand took it from her and began to read.

"Entire village decimated. People tortured and mutilated. One survivor. Awaiting such time as he awakens and can be questioned. Message will arrive soon," Loki repeated before he folded the note up and looked at his queen. "When did the raven arrive?"

"Yester evening," Ser Jorah said. "His majesty was still awake, so he received it." Loki glanced at Tyrion, silently demanding an explanation for why he at least was not informed.

"I thought for sure you had returned to our palace nearer to the bay last night. I didn't know that you were in your suite here in the Red Keep," Tyrion apologized.

"I still could have been informed," Loki said darkly and Tyrion frowned at his dour tone. Loki blinked and wiped his brow. "I'm sorry. I had bad dreams last night. I'm running on very little sleep right now," Loki explained and he turned around, sitting on one of the lower steps of the dais. The dwarf walked over and sat down beside him. He nudged the larger man with his shoulder and Loki glanced down at him.

"Want to discuss it?" Tyrion queried and Loki chuckled dryly.

"Sansa doubles as my therapist," he answered and Tyrion raised his eyebrow as Westeros did not have therapists. "Never mind."

"Would your dreams be considered visions of what happened in this village?" Daenerys queried. Loki ran his fingers through his hair, pulling a couple of strands from the plait Sansa had put it in that morning.

"Maybe. Does a fiery face and a grasping hand count?" Loki posed and Daenerys tilted her head to one side.

"I could have a seer try to divine its meaning if you like. I know how you don't like it when other people can answer questions you can't." The last part was said teasingly and Loki frowned at her. Bronn chuckled, but one look from his master and he quickly shifted it into a cough.

"I don't need a phony to tell me what my own instincts can confirm. I'm afraid I've known about this enemy since before the Targaryen Restoration," Loki admitted and everyone frowned.

"Clear the room!" the queen suddenly ordered and all the courtiers and lesser nobles departed. Loki stood up and turned to face those he trusted and inhaled deeply.

"During the war, Stannis Baratheon was taking orders from a Red Priestess. Melisandre. I dealt with her near the end of the war, but before I removed her from the equation, I discovered who she was working for. The amalgamation of priests and priestess, the Order of R'hllor, really serve a demon of ancient flame," Loki enlightened. Daenerys leaned back in her throne and her one hand went over her swollen belly. "It was said that he was defeated by the All-Father centuries before I was born. As it turns out, he simply vanished and the All-Father lied about killing him. He had found his way to this world, and the secret pathways had closed. He became R'hllor."

"But, who is he really?" Ser Jorah queried.

Loki inhaled deeply before he said, "He is Surtur, the Fire Demon of Muspelheim." To those who did not know the tales of Yggdrasil, the name had no meaning. But for those who had studied it since Loki became Hand of the Queen; Daenerys and Tyrion, stiffened.

"No! The tales involving Surtur describe him as an unstoppable force! In the myths, Gungnir only barely drove him away," Daenerys said before she winced.

"Don't stress yourself, my queen," Missandei urged as she placed her hand on Daenerys' shoulder. She raised her head and gave Loki a hard look. "You shouldn't be talking about such matters with her majesty in such a delicate state."

"Then I recommend that she be taken to her chambers until the birth. If there is anything really important, we will be sure to inform her," Loki said and Daenerys frowned at the suggestion.

"I actually agree with him on this," Tyrion said and Daenerys clearly muttered 'traitor'. He just grinned at her evilly.

"Let us take a vote and decide this matter right now," Loki said and he continued, "all those in favor of power being transitioned to Tyrion until the birth of the baby, raise your hand." His hand went up, Daahrio's hand went up, Sam's did as well, and even Ser Jorah's hand after a second's pause. Daenerys looked at Tyrion and watched as he gave her a sad smile.

"It's for your own good," Tyrion insisted as he kissed her cheek. That was when he raised his hand. "But, we still have another issue to contend with. I insist on staying by my wife's side until the infant is born. Therefore, the right of succession passes to the Hand of the Queen. Loki, you are the ruler of Westeros for the present moment," Tyrion stated and Loki blinked a couple of times.

"He's right," Daenerys conceded, but they could all hear the irritation in her voice at being ousted for something so simple as a pregnancy. "You know this enemy, even if you've never met him. Until I birth this baby, you are the most qualified to lead us. And even when I get back, your advice will still be crucial. If that is what the rest of the council agrees to?" The other members of the small council who were present, all nodded their heads.

"Very well. Ser Jorah, inform the nobles immediately of the power transition until the queen has given birth," Tyrion ordered and the bodyguard nodded his head.

"I will also tell you of the goings on, and seek your permission before any decisions are met," Loki said smoothly, bowing to Daenerys before helping her off her throne.

"By the Seven!" Daenerys suddenly exclaimed and her hand went to her stomach.

"Labor?!" Tyrion asked, all excited and worried at the same time.

"No. Just extreme discomfort," Loki said after using his magic to feel inside his queen's womb. "But, she should be removed to her quarters, and Maester Tarly should be nearby until further notice." Samwell gave Daenerys a smile before he, Tyrion, and Ser Jorah escorted her from the throne room. Loki glanced around at the remaining members of the small council before his eyes wandered to the Iron Throne.

"Don't let it go to your head before it's all over," Oberyn said with a grin and Loki rolled his eyes.

"I haven't in the past," Loki muttered as he walked up the steps of the dais and sat in the throne. His hands rested on the arms of the chair, and his fingers easily curled around the melded hilt of a sword. "Open the doors! Let the courtiers return!" Loki ordered and the Unsullied that stood at the entrance of the throne room did as they were bid. As the nobles flooded back in the room, they had to stare agape as they saw the Hand of the Queen sitting on the throne. "Until the next royal child is born, I, Ser Loki Frostborn, Hand of the Queen, am ruling Westeros," Loki declared firmly.

"His rulings are absolute," Daahrio Naharis iterated as he took up a position behind Loki. Bronn stood next to the assassin, his own hand resting on his sword. Loki took a relaxed position in the chair, supporting his chin with his hand. He could not stop the smirk that crossed his face.

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