Chapter 51 - Kings Landing Chaos

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The first warning Westeros had of the destruction of Sunspear, was the rain of ashes that fell from the dark clouds that had been blown into Kings Landing. The children stopped playing in the streets, the merchants stopped dealing in the market, and the guards on the walls looked up to the heavens. The queen was informed and she stepped outside of her palace, followed by her husband, her guards, and Robb Stark. Robb stared up at the falling ash and watched as it landed lightly on their heads and arms. Daenerys brushed a flake or two off her skin, and it smeared. "What is this? What's happening?" Tyrion queried as he watched the ash continue to fall from the heavens.

"Something is burning," was all Daenerys said. Her voice was distant and her violet eyes sparkled, and Robb knew they were unshed tears. Suddenly, they all heard a tremendous boom that seemed to shake the entire land. The ground trembled and they all held onto something for support. The screams of people could be heard, along with the neighing of horses and the cawing of birds. Daenerys also caught the distressed cries of her own pets. "I need to see what that is!" she declared as she spun on her heel and left the balcony. Her husband, Master of Justice, and guards all followed her. She made her way to the armory, which was filled with the Unsullied as they prepared. They bowed to her and she acknowledged them. Doors at the end of the rows of spears, swords, and helms were thrown open and inside on its own stand, was Daenerys' suit of armor. Loki had commissioned it to be made after the war was over and her crowning had taken place. He had given the smiths Valerian steel and it was fashioned of thin plates designed to look like dragon scales. The helm was a roaring dragon's head, and the tail curved down one arm as extra protection. Daenerys had Missandei remove the flimsy dress and slide the leather pants and long-sleeved shirt on. It was tied down the front, then she put a dark silver trench coat over top of that. Very light (and masterfully [magically]) stitched with Valerian steel threading, it served as a comfortable, but thick covering for underneath her plating. The dragon scale over coat was placed over top of that, and the dragon tale metal sleeve. Finally, Missandei braided her hair and put the dragon helm on her mistress' head. The chin strap was secured as well as the spurs on Daenerys' boots.When she stepped out, Robb Stark had donned chainmail beneath his leather tunic, and gripped his broadsword in one hand. Tyrion was in his specially made armor, with his helm and sword being held by Podrick. Ser Jorah Mormont was ready with the Queensguard, and Ser Loras Tyrell was waiting for his orders. Daenerys inhaled and exhaled deeply. She had flown Drogon during the war, but she had seemed far removed from the actual fighting. Wearing this armor and seeing everyone who looked up to her also similarly attired made the situation more real and dire. 

"We await your commands, my queen," Ser Jorah said and Daenerys nodded.

"We do not yet know what is the cause of this ash, but it comes from the South. Ser Loki went there with his company, and only just recently, Ser Loras informed us that he summoned Prince Thor to his location as well. We can only assume that something has happened, but what extent, we still don't know. We must attempt to keep the people calm and instill order quickly. I want everyone to be sent to their homes and kept off the streets. The gates are to be closed, and the Unsullied are to take to the walls. Lord Robb," Daenerys said, looking to her Master of Justice. He straightened up. "I want you to send a raven to your brother in the North. Have them call the banners. And I want you to remain with my husband." Robb bowed a little and glanced at Tyrion. The dwarf's eyes flicked in his direction for an instant before he approached his wife. They held each other's arms, just looking at one another.

"I would fly with you if I could, but... I think standing and pissing off the edge of the Wall is as high as I will get," Tyrion said, lightening the mood briefly. Daenerys laughed a little, before she leaned down and kissed him passionately on the lips. When they parted, she brushed the strands of his golden hair behind his ear.

"You were always better with both feet planted on the ground," she whispered. Tyrion patted her arm as they parted. "Ser Loras! Take your men and secure the populace in their houses. Ser Jorah, I'll only need you and Daahrio to accompany me to Drogon. The rest of my Queensguard are to take Missandei and secure my family, and the family of Jon Stark. Keep them safe, even at the risk of your own lives," she ordered. Ser Loras bowed and quickly left to carry out her commands. Ser Jorah and Daahrio followed Daenerys as she left the armory. Robb glanced down at Tyrion and the two men just shared a moment of silence. 

"So... anything exciting going to happen today?" Robb queried as they walked out side by side.

"Honestly... probably. Personally, wished otherwise," Tyrion responded. Robb grinned a little at the king's candid answer. "But, let's try to look on the bright side. Some drunk fool will come up with a ditty about this." That statement drew a guffaw from deep within Robb, and Tyrion was quick to join him. 

Ser Loras had seen quite a bit of fighting in his twenty-eight years of living. He had fought (and loved) beside Renly Baratheon while he lived, and then because of Loki's machinations, he had found himself on the same side of the Dragon Queen. There had been the odd rebellion since her coronation, but those had all been handled expertly and quickly per Loki's expectations. Now, he felt a strange sense of panic settle in his core as he and his men had the citizens of Kings Landing go to their homes and bar their doors. Nobody was asking why. They saw the falling ash and fled. There were a few screams, but the city was still under control. The city watch had closed the main gate and were acting as support for the Unsullied on the walls. Ser Loras had more of the city watch go to the port as well to cease the movement of ships. All ships had to stay moored in the port and he had given the order for the ships to be brought together to basically form a barrier. The Greyjoy fleet was the furthest away, and Yara was itching to let some of her anger out. Each ship was armed with a small catapult that was to be used when enemy craft got closer. It had been Loki's idea, as well as placing archers in the crow's nest overhead and having them fire onto the main deck of the other ship before they boarded. So far, nothing had appeared on the horizon, and they were just waiting. The ash continued to fall, and eventually, they heard another sound on the wind. It sounded like harsh cries, the torn shrieks of someone in pain. It froze the blood in many a good man's veins. "Stay strong, Ironborn," Yara commanded as they distant cries continued. "We cannot let the land men see us turn tail and run, now can we?" All her men shook their heads and readied their weapons. 

Meanwhile, in the courtyard of the Red Keep, Daenerys was mounting Drogon, and Viserion was waiting for them to take off. Ser Jorah and Daahrio watched their queen as she gripped Drogon's horns. "Keep yourselves safe down here," she told them.

"We wish the same for you in the air, your grace," Ser Jorah responded. Daenerys smiled and nudged Drogon in the flanks ever so slightly with her spurs. She never had to use much force on him. Both Ser Jorah and Daahrio leapt back as the dragon spread its wings and took off. Viserion was right behind him and they flew over the walls. Ser Jorah sighed and glanced at Daahrio. "Let us go to the parapets. I want to watch over my queen as best I can."

"Aye," Daahrio agreed and they made their way to the parapets of the Red Keep. There was not much they could do but wait and watch. Once Daenerys was high enough over the city, she turned her eyes towards the south. A dark and ominous storm cloud could be seen coming towards them, but it was still far enough away that she did not need to be worried about it yet. However, the state of mind of her people and her army were her immediate concern. The falling ash was not a good sign. Daenerys urged Drogon forward and Viserion followed close behind his larger sibling. 

"What is going on?" Daenerys asked, but she gasped when she saw what looked like red lightning split the sky, and a loud roll of thunder follow on its heels. The very air seemed to vibrate, and it affected the dragons. Drogon turned away from the south and Viserion cried out. Daenerys pulled on Drogon's horns in an attempt to put him back in the right direction. She wished that she had a bridle like Loki did for Rhaegal. She yanked again, but Drogon still refused. "What is wrong? What evil can you sense that I cannot?" she asked. That was before she heard a mighty roar that was anything but human. She gasped and looked towards the south, where another flash of lightning. "By the gods! What is that?!"

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