Chapter 75 - Brother(ly) Advice

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Thor found himself in his chambers later that same day, a bandage wrapped around his torso and his mind a muddle of questions. Maester Samwell Tarly said the wound was rather deep, but not dangerous. "I figure it was more the shock that sent you into a faint than the blood loss," Sam said as cheerfully as he could. He could tell that Thor was in a foul mood since he and Loki faced each other, and the portly man did not feel like suffering his wrath.

"What?" Thor asked, turning his head towards the maester.

"Oh, I said..." Sam stuttered before Thor waved his hand.

"Never mind then. I'm sorry I did not hear you. My mind was wandering," Thor rejoined, interrupting him. Sam nodded and gathered his things. As he turned to leave, the door opened and Jon Stark entered.

"Hello, Sam! How's the Prince of Asgard today?" Jon queried.

"You can ask him yourself. He's awake and I feel he needs some company," Sam answered honestly, lightly tapping Jon on the shoulder. The former Brother of the Night's Watch nodded and approached the bed. Thor smiled when he saw Jon walk up and sit on the edge of the mattress.

"Greetings, Jon Stark! Or, should I say 'Jon Targaryen'? I'm confused," Thor admitted and Jon smiled.

"So am I. Robb is terribly concerned about how the North will view this when the word gets out about me. But, I feel I should pay homage to both my parents. I shall be Jon Stark-Targaryen," Jon responded and Thor smiled.

"That is excellent to hear! I only wish Loki was as amenable as you when it came to acknowledging his ancestry," Thor confessed and Jon gave the Asgardian a tired look.

"Loki is amenable. At least to us. I feel that with you, he still has residual anger, and maybe we can help each other," Jon said and Thor raised his eyebrow.

"Help each other? What has you befuddled, young Jon?" Thor posed. Jon scratched the back of his neck and sighed.

"Ever since I met Loki, I felt like he was irritated with me. I asked him questions and try to get him to explain to me what he wanted out of us. Us being myself, Robb, Daenerys, and everyone else. He never gave me a straight answer. As we worked more with each other and saw one another more often, I could feel a shift in his attitude around me. He was less closed off and a little more open. Then, that's when I saw it. The guiding hand, the shoulder of support. He sort of become like another elder brother to me," Jon said and Thor propped himself up on his pillows, listening.

"You're a younger brother to him," Thor breathed and Jon raised his eyebrow. "He's always been the younger brother, the little one. Now with you, he can finally be the elder one."

"Maybe, I suppose that's what he wants," Jon said. "Although, technically, he's my uncle. He's the firstborn, and his mother is my grandmother. His younger brother, Rhaegar, was secretly married to my mother, Lyanna Stark."

"You'll always be a younger brother to him. He won't want you to call him 'uncle'. He'll say it'll make him feel old," Thor explained and Jon chuckled.

"Well, isn't he?" Jon queried and Thor started to laugh. He stopped when he felt some pain and he touched his side.

"In Asgardian terms, Loki is still a young man around thirty-years-of-age. He's in his prime and will be for quite some time," Thor said and Jon hummed. That was when the Thunder God leaned forward and took hold of the younger man's hand. Jon's head snapped up and they looked at each other. "Let me tell you something, Jon Stark-Targaryen. Whenever Loki commands you to do something, listen to him. Whenever he asks you to do something, do it right away. Do not laugh at him; laugh with him. Do not just lean on his shoulder, let him lean on yours as well. Take this advice from a fool who was a terrible brother," Thor pleaded. Jon gave Thor a sad smile and a squeeze of his hand.

"I don't think you were a terrible brother, Thor. Just a tepid brother," Jon corrected. Thor chuckled and leaned back against his pillows. There was a knock on the door.

"Enter!" Thor commanded and they opened, revealing Hogun, Volstagg, and Fandral, being supported by Ser Loras Tyrell. Also, Tyene Sand was right behind Hogun and Lyanna Mormont was on Fandral's other side. "Ah! Guests! Just what the doctor ordered, as the Man of Iron would say," Thor exclaimed cheerfully.

"I must meet this Man of Iron. He sounds dense," Lyanna Mormont commented as she and Ser Loras made Fandral sit. Thor's eyebrows vanished into his hairline and Jon guffawed.

"Maybe you will. This realm is open to travel and you can leave if you wish," Thor reminded. Lyanna Mormont nodded as she stood beside Fandral, trying to ignore how Ser Loras was tenderly stroking the Asgardian's neck. Hogun suddenly stepped up, holding Tyene Sand's hand. Thor looked at him and asked, "Yes?"

"I want to inform you that I am to be married once this is over," Hogun announced.

"You sound excited," Jon commented before he made a face. He cleared his throat and said, "I've been around Loki so much, he must have rubbed off on me." Hogun gave him a hint of a smile before he put his arm around Tyene's waist.

"The Queen Daenerys has agreed to legitimize Tyene Sand and she will soon be Tyene Martell. She and I will wed in Vanaheim and unite the Realm of Vanaheim to the principality of Dorne," Hogun explained.

"I assume you are telling me this because I will have to be the one to tell the All-Father that one of his knights now has ties to Westeros?" Thor queried and Hogun nodded. Thor sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Father won't approve."

"I don't care," Hogun said and Volstagg choked on a piece of meat he had been chewing on.

"Where did this come from, Hogun? You've never done anything against Odin's orders," Volstagg pointed out. Hogun looked down at Tyene, who just grinned up at him.

"Westeros has set me free and I thank the elder gods for it!" Hogun said as he bowed to Thor and walked out of the room with Tyene. Thor just stared after him, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

"You might want to close that, your highness. You'll catch flies," Lyanna Mormont said and Thor's mouth closed with a snap. He looked to Fandral, who had yet to say anything.

"Did you know this was happening?" he queried and Fandral shrugged, wincing a second later.

"Nay, Thor. I had my own matters to attend to," Fandral responded, glancing up at Loras Tyrell.

"Ugh! I'm surrounded by lovesick fools! I might vomit!" Thor exclaimed, covering his eyes.

"There is a child present," Jon reminded and Lyanna Mormont fixed him with a cold glare.

"Call me a child again, Lord Stark, and I shall feed you to the bears," she threatened and Jon raised his hands in mock surrender. Thor settled against his pillows and sighed on the inside. This was the reason that Loki was happier in Westeros. These people spoke their minds to Loki, and that was all Loki ever wanted. That, and they seemed to know how to express their gratitude; something Asgard had never been good at.

"Yes, Loki will be happy here... once I leave," Thor whispered as he closed his eyes.

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