Chapter 10 - Hangovers

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Sif woke up the next morning, feeling like a ton of bricks had landed on her at some point in the evening. She rolled over and wondered how she had made it back to her chamber. Her hand went out and she felt something or somebody lying next to her. Sif stiffened and drowsily turned her head to see who it was. Her mouth dropped open when she caught sight of Daahrio Naharis, lying on the bed next to her. His long, brown hair was disheveled in its braid, and he was clearly naked beneath the covers. Sif's lips became a thin line and she reached for a knife on the table by her bedside. Somehow, Daahrio knew she was going for it, and he woke up. He reacted by instantly pinning her down to the mattress; his entire, naked, muscular body covering hers. "Now that's not a nice way to greet people in the morning," he teased, an insufferable smirk on his face.

"Who says I wanted you in my bed?!" Sif snapped back, feeling humiliated that her body still was not responding after everything she had consumed the previous evening. "What did you slip into my drink?!"

"I didn't slip anything into your drink, Lady Sif," Daahrio responded as he nuzzled her neck and licked a trail up to her ear. "That was our special Nordic mead. Loki brought the recipe with him from Asgard, and perfected it. It only makes an appearance at special occasions, and he ordered casks to brought up for the feast last night." Sif groaned at the thought of getting drunk at an official gathering; or at least smashed enough to foolishly take a stranger to her bed.

"Well, I might have slurred and you mistook that for an invitation, but I want you to leave now," Sif said. Daahrio smiled at her before he pressed his lips to hers and sucked on her tongue. Sif finally got the strength to push him away, and Daahrio collected his discarded clothes and left the chamber. Sif groaned and buried her face in her hands. I need a cold bath, she thought to herself. She rolled out of bed and moaned in pain as her head throbbed when she made impact with the floor.

"Milady?" asked a voice and she turned to see a maid looking at her. "I'm sorry, but I was sent to assist you in bathing. The Hand stated that all of you might need assistance this morning," the young girl said. Sif growled deep in her throat, but did not refuse the assistance as she knew she would indeed need it.

"Thank you," she said slowly as the girl helped her to her feet.

"Tis my duty, milady," the girl said and Sif eyed her as they entered the washroom.

"What is your name?" Sif asked as the maid filled the tub with warm water and poured in oil for scenting.

"Era, milday. I'm from Dorne," the girl said as she aided Sif in stepping into the bath.

Fandral felt somebody kissing up his back and he had to smirk. He had been all but delirious when he had been dragged from the banquet hall by Ellaria Sand and Oberyn Martell. There had been kissing, pillow talk, and finally, they had arrived at their chambers. Fandral sighed with pleasure, knowing that he would have persistent bedmates for the duration of his visit. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He finally rolled over and found himself staring into the blue eyes of Loras Tyrell. "At what point did you enter the scene last evening?" Fandral asked, completely calm and not at all surprised that Loras had wormed his way in, considering how he had been eyeing him the previous night.

"I was asked to accompany you by the prince as you left the banquet hall. I was more than happy to join the fun," Ser Loras admitted, grinning and surging forward to kiss Fandral.

"Enough, boys," said a voice, and Ellaria pulled them apart. She instead kissed Loras just to make him squirm.

"You insulted her by not showing her any attention last night," Oberyn said as he plastered himself to Fandral's back, and began to twirl the end of his mustache.

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