Chapter 31 - The Departure

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Loki walked into the courtyard of the Red Keep, slipping his riding gloves on. Jon was already present, standing beside his horse, whispering to Ygritte. The Wildling woman was heavy with Jon's second child, and in Loki's opinion, should not be up and about. Glancing around, Loki saw that Thor was standing near his own mount, Ashfall, holding the reins of the black stallion, and stroking its nose. Loki heaved a tired sigh and approached his former brother. Thor heard him and turned, a slight smile on his face. "I wish I could come with you and see more of this kingdom," Thor said as Loki took the reins from him.

"Maybe someday, you will get your wish. But not today. The queen desires you to remain here, in Kings Landing, in case the rebels should return. She wants you to train with the Unsullied and the Tyrell soldiers as much as possible. Please tell the Warriors Three this," Loki said as he gave Ashfall a treat and swung into the saddle. Thor looked up at him, putting his hand on Loki's thigh. Loki glanced at the hand on his knee, before his eyes flicked up to his former brother's pale blue orbs.

"Why must you speak so coldly? Have not we had a thousand years between us? More than enough time to be friendly?" Thor posed. Loki yanked quickly on Ashfall's reins, causing him to pull away from Thor.

"A thousand years was enough time for me to realize just how I was viewed on Asgard, Thor. Not just by the people, but by those I thought were supposed to love me. Mother was the only one who truly cared," Loki stated.

"I love you, brother. I have always loved you. And... I love your wife and children," Thor admitted and Loki's green eyes started to burn. "Sansa Frostborn is my sister by marriage, and Rhaenar and Ragna are my beloved nephew and niece-"

"Don't think I've forgotten so easily how you cast aside your previous 'nephews and niece', Thor! It was convenient for you to chain Fenris to a rock, throw Jormungandr into the depths of the sea, and to banish Hela to the pits of Niffleheim!" Loki hissed angrily. His arm shot out and gripped Thor by the throat. Thor did not resist, knowing better than to start a brawl on Loki's turf. "The only reason all of you are here is because Sansa convinced me that having you fighting for us would be for the betterment of Westeros. If you or Odin ever contemplate harming my family, I will burn Asgard and all that you hold dear to the ground. Do you doubt my determination to bring such destruction upon your head?" Loki asked, squeezing slightly. Thor shook his head.

"I never doubt your drive, Loki. You have always had the means to bring your desires to fruition," Thor answered.

"Good boy," Loki mocked, releasing him just as Daenerys and the small council came out of the keep. Sansa, the Frostborn children, and their bodyguards were next. Thor smiled when he saw Sif holding Rhaenar's hand, and Ragna sitting on Sandor's shoulders. Sansa had an unreadable expression on her face, and she was stroking Alfie as the black cat perched on her shoulders. Loki kicked his horse in the sides, and Ashfall trotted over to them. From the saddle, Loki did an elegant bow to his queen. She tilted her head towards him out of respect.

"I wish you all the best in this venture, Lord Frostborn. May you, and Lord Jon Stark find all the answers to the questions that trouble our royal minds," Daenerys said. Loki nodded.

"Your grace, I hope that the Unsullied and the Tyrells will provide the safety and security that Kings Landing needs in these dire times," Loki answered. Daenerys smiled at Loki, reaching down and taking Tyrion's hand. Loki's eyes slid over to Sansa, who had Alfie's black tale curled around her wrist as she petted him. He bowed to her. "Farewell, wife."

"Farewell, husband. I will pray to the Seven for yours and my brother's safe return," Sansa responded. Everyone heard the tone they used with one another and the atmosphere changed slightly. Loki looked to his children and gave them a smirk.

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