Chapter 79 - Negotiations with a Demon

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Sansa had never actually seen negotiations of this nature up close. But, Daenerys had insisted that she accompany her and Tyrion and the Queensguard. Sansa put on a dress of chainmail and wore a cloak of black with silver wolf's fur on the trim. Her rapier was on her hip and her red hair was up in a braid. Daenerys had put on her dragon armor again and took Drogon with her. Sansa decided that she would ride Loki's horse, Ashfall, and rode the black stallion ahead of the Queensguard, while Daenerys flew above them. Sansa galloped quickly to the hill that overlooked the city and was the same hill where Loki and Daenerys had asked for Tywin's surrender during the Third Siege of Kings Landing. Upon her arrival, Sansa pulled hard in the reins as she saw the ranks of the Golden Company covering the plains before her. Tyrion, Jon, Robb, Ser Jorah, Daahrio, and the rest of the Queensguard arrived a moment later and they saw it as well. "By the Seven!" Tyrion quietly exclaimed. 

"I've seen worse," Robb commented. That was when they heard a rumble of thunder from the south and they all turned to look at the bay. Smoke rose up from the ocean and a path that looked like volcanic rock was suddenly carved to the shoreline. 

"What the hell?" Jon asked and that was when they saw them. Beings that were nine feet tall with molten, smoldering skin. They had horns protruding from their skulls, and fangs that seemed to glow red. And there were so many of them.

"You had to say something," Sansa retorted, glaring at her elder brother. Robb looked pale and pulled back on the reins of his horse as Drogon landed with Daenerys. The Queen of Westeros looked at the Fire Giants and her eyes narrowed.

"Where is he? Where is this Surtur?" she asked. Sansa looked back towards the Golden Company and watched as they parted for Lancel Lannister on a horse. Petyr Baelish materialized a few yards away from all of them and gave Sansa a lustful glance. Sansa's hand went to her rapier and rested on the hilt. 

"Look away, demon. Or I might just take your eyes as punishment," she threatened.

"So much more pluck now that you have powers," Baelish said. "Oh, wait! You can't use them now, can you?" 

"Sansa? What does he mean?" Jon queried. Sansa's hand slid away from her rapier and it lightly came to rest over her abdomen. Both her brothers saw it and they gasped. They moved their horses between her and Baelish.

"Stay back! We won't let you harm our sister or her unborn child! Another child of House Frostborn!" Robb promised. Baelish just grinned and moved to the side, allowing Surtur to step forward. The leader of the Fire Giants allowed his sword to rest with the point in the ground, immediately turning the patch of grass to ash. Daenerys urged Drogon forward and stood before him. 

"You're trespassing on the sovereign lands of Westeros. I am its queen, Daenerys Targaryen, first of my name; Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Khaleesi of the Green Grass Sea, and Protector of the Realm," Daenerys said firmly. Surtur chuckled darkly as he stooped down so he would be on more of a level with her.

"Protector of the Realm? You lost your Protector of the Realm when you made him your enemy," Surtur stated.

"You're speaking of Loki," Tyrion said and Surtur glanced at the dwarf king.

"Of course. You cast him aside like refuse; but then... he should be used to it by now. The cast off second prince, the abandoned, disgraced child. You should have been sympathetic to his situation, for it was so similar to your own. But one little secret and you turned on him. Makes me wonder who the real serpent was," Surtur said.

"That 'little secret' involved the life of my brother," Tyrion justified, but Daenerys glared at him over her shoulder. 

"And you still turned on the only true friend you had," Surtur retorted. He looked back at Daenerys before lifting his hand, gesturing at his gathered forces. "I have the Golden Company at my beck and call. My own giants have entered your world through the portal I created. I know that the God of Mischief has abandoned you and the Odinson is weak without him. You are outnumbered. Your choices are to adhere to my demands, or die attempting to oppose me." Daenerys' eyebrow went up and she petted Drogon's neck.

"And just what are your demands?" she queried. Surtur grinned.

"You are to abdicate as Queen of Westeros and I am to rule in your stead. There must be regular sacrifices to me; burning is preferred," he said and her lip twitched. "Tywin is to be released and reinstated as head of House Lannister. Petyr Baelish has his own demands, but those are not going to be made to you; they will be made to House Frostborn." Baelish grinned again, glancing at Sansa, since she was the only member present. "You, Daenerys Targaryen, will be banished to Essos with your family for the remainder of your life. I will not kill you, or your children."

"And I can trust that?" Daenerys challenged. Surtur waved his hand.

"Take it or leave it," he said in return. That was when he glanced at Petyr Baelish and his right hand stepped forward.

"My demands are specifically designed for House Frostborn," Baelish said, making both Jon and Robb frown at this. "Loki is to be surrendered to me to do with as I please. The same is to be said for his family and all his possessions. The dragon can go; I have no use for a beast like that."

"Over my dead body," Daenerys rejoined. Baelish ignored her.

"Sansa, you will become my concubine-"

"Are you out of your mind?!" Robb exclaimed, while Jon hissed angrily.

"And your children shall be dispensed with according to my desires. That includes the one in your womb right now," Baelish continued. Sansa glared at Baelish and her rapier came out, pointed in his direction.

"You can try to destroy my house, but you will not succeed. Neither I, or my children will bend to your will," Sansa informed him. 

"They are merely children. You can't think that they could resist somebody like Baelish," Surtur pointed out. 

"You underestimate my children, ser," Sansa retorted. "They are the spawn of mischief, after all."

"That's the problem," Baelish commented. Suddenly, he hissed in anger and a large black panther appeared from the tall grass. Ashfall attempted to get away from it when it walked up beside him, but Sansa held the horse steady. 

"Hello, Alfheim. I'm happy that you came," Sansa told the cat. The former house cat glanced up at her with large green eyes and nodded its head. 

"You think a cat is going to terrify me?" Littlefinger posed.

"Well, you didn't seem too pleased when he showed up," Sansa reminded.

"That's only because I can smell your husband's magic all over him," Baelish explained. Alfie snarled at this, flashing his claws and his fangs. 

"Mention him and my husband in the same sentence, and he will carve you up," Sansa informed him. Baelish looked like he was about to speak again, but Surtur cut him off.

"Well, what will it be, Queen Daenerys? Will you surrender and ensure the survival of the majority of your people? Or will you hope to resist me and have mass genocide occur?" the Fire Demon queried. Daenerys glanced back at Tyrion and her husband just gave her a slight smile. Daenerys and Tyrion had a silent conversation for about ten seconds before she faced Surtur and heaved a tired sigh.

"Unfortunately, I must decline. These are my lands and my people. Their lives are mine to decide, and they would rather stand against you then randomly offer their loved ones as sacrifices to you, monster. My army will stand its ground against yours," Daenerys responded. Surtur chuckled darkly and raised his hand. The Fire Giants of Muspelheim behind him began to form ranks.

"In the bounds of 'sportsmanship', I'll let you have a day to say your prayers. Tomorrow, you die," Surtur told her. 

"However, my fun starts today," Baelish said and he vanished in a puff of ash. Sansa immediately wheeled Ashfall around and started riding back towards Kings Landing. Alfheim was right on her heels, tearing through the tall grass.

"He's going after the children!" Jon exclaimed as began to pursue his sister.

Robb turned to Surtur and said, "If your pawn harms my nephew and niece, I will personally take the retribution out on you!" Surtur just grinned and watched as the Westerosi party returned to their city.    

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