Chapter 37 - Separate Roads Taken

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Thor still wanted to see some action. That little skirmish on the Queen's Road could hardly be called 'action'. It was a light brush with death as far as he was concerned. And now, he was watching all his friends leave to go have their first real adventures here, and he was stuck in Kings Landing. "It's almost as if he doesn't want me to reveal what I can do," Thor muttered to himself as he stood beside Daenerys and Tyrion on the steps to the Red Keep. 

"I don't think that's the case," the dwarf piped up and the God of Thunder glanced down at him. "Loki is leaving you with us because while he is gone, you are the next best thing. He doesn't want to leave Kings Landing without the protection of some supernatural person. So, he left us you. Don't consider that an insult."

"With Loki, I consider almost everything an insult, unless he clarifies otherwise," Thor answered and Daenerys smiled a little. 

"Don't bemoan your lot, Odinson. Loki and I both unfortunately share the same premonition: that war will find its way to Kings Landing soon enough," Daenerys stated and Thor heaved a sigh. He watched as Fandral bid farewell to Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand with a kiss. Ser Loras also stole one, but it got a little too passionate and Loki beaned the both of them with ice marbles. They looked at him and he pointed to where his two children were standing beside their horses, watching the whole thing.

"They were going to learn soon enough," Ser Loras assuaged, but Loki shook his head.

"And if you were to be the one to teach them, your sister would have to write your eulogy," Loki flung back and the Knight of Flowers gave Fandral a quick peck on the cheek and darted off. "Man-children," Loki muttered to himself as he faced Rhaenar and Ragna. They were both looking at him seriously, especially Rhaenar, who was holding his arm out so Loki could put the bracelet on. "Know, that this is not meant to hurt you in anyway. This will shield you from Baelish's prying eyes. I will not have him attempt to harm either of you again," Loki explained.

"I know, Father," Rhaenar said seriously. Ragna just watched and held her twin's other hand as the dampening bracelet was placed on his other wrist. The effect was almost immediate: Rhaenar's face paled, a sweat broke out on his forehead, and he sagged. Both his father and his sister caught him, and his mother came over. She knelt down next to Loki, and they were all four in a little circle. 

"You will get used to it, but for right now, you will be a little tired," Loki informed Rhaenar and his son nodded his head, giving him a weak smile. Loki smiled back before he gathered his two children and his wife into his arms. He kissed them all on the forehead. "No matter how many miles separate us, we will always be together in bond," Loki whispered. He felt Sansa's grip on him tighten, and he could only imagine what Ragna was feeling on her end of the embrace. When they parted, Loki nodded, and swept his children up. He turned to their guardians respectively and said, "Your lives are second to my children's. Know that their survival is all that matters."

"My lord," Clegane said as he bowed. Sif just nodded. She took Rhaenar from his father and watched as the Hound accepted Ragna. Ragna's arms latched around Loki's neck, and he almost could not hand her over. He unlaced her fingers and gave her a kind look, but he shook his head as well. Ragna frowned and would not spare him a second glance after that. Sandor Clegane gave Loki a pitying face (as close as his face could get to making it) before he put her in the saddle and swung up behind her. Sif did the same with Rhaenar and made sure her arms were around him as he was still swaying from the bracelet. Loki turned away, and Sansa waved as the Hound, Lady Sif, and Obara Sand began their ride to the Eyrie. Loki got a tap on the shoulder, which turned him around, and he found himself catching the hand of Ygritte Stark as she attempted to slap him. 

"Whoa!" Loki said with a hint of a grin on his face. 

"You're taking him away again?" the Wildling woman all but screeched.

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