Chapter 82 - Sansa Gives Thor a Task

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Thor was putting his armor back on after Samwell Tarly said he was all healed when Sansa entered his chambers without knocking. "Really, woman?!" Thor queried until he caught sight of his niece and nephew. "What happened to them?" he asked in shock as Sansa placed them on his bed. 

"Petyr Baelish attempted to take his revenge. He won't be a problem anymore," Sansa answered. She turned to Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr. "Stay with my children. If you care about my daughter, you will defend her and her brother with your lives."

"Understood, my lady," Beric answered, bowing to her. Sansa turned back to Thor. 

"Tomorrow, we meet Surtur on the field of battle. I want you to remain in the city," she informed him.

"But, my place should be by your side!" Thor insisted. Sansa's hand went out and she touched his shoulder. 

"Surtur will attempt to take Kings Landing. He will hope to distract the bulk of Daenerys' forces on the open plains, with Euron Greyjoy's fleet engaging Yara's in Blackwater Bay. That will leave Kings Landing vulnerable. Someone has to protect it," she insisted. Sansa clasped Thor's arm before going back to his bed and pressing a kiss to Rhaenar and Ragna's foreheads. "Sam!" The Grand Maester entered the room and saw the twins on the bed.

"What happened?!" he exclaimed as he quickly and efficiently examined Ragna's side.

"Littlefinger and I'm not explaining it again. Please just take care of her," Sansa commanded as she swept out of the room. Alfie was on her heels while the Brotherhood Without Banners and Obara Sand remained. Thor swallowed and approached Samwell Tarly as he treated Ragna's cut. 

"Is she alright?" he asked.

"The cut is not deep, but it has bled quite a bit," Sam answered as he stripped Ragna out of her shirt, vest, and trousers. He took a blanket and concealed as much of her body from sight as possible, and began to stitch the wound closed. She winced in her sleep, but otherwise did not stir. On the other hand, Rhaenar started to wake up. His hand went out and found Ragna's, interlacing their fingers as he opened his eyes. The first person he saw was Thor.

"Where am I?" he asked sleepily. Thor sat on the bed beside the boy and cupped his cheek."You're in my chambers, young Rhaenar. You and Ragna. Your mother has entrusted me with your care. It is a responsibility I welcome," the Thunderer said with a smile. He kissed Rhaenar on the cheek and looked to where Sam was washing Ragna's side. 

"She needs to sleep, but when she wakes up, give her some water. Her body is small and water will help her replenish the blood she's lost," Sam explained.

"Call me small... again... and I'll have... your intestines," Ragna's ragged voice told the maester.

"Ah! Demon child!" Sam exclaimed. Ragna just glared at him and tried to sit up.

"Careful, Ragna! You shouldn't be moving around," Thor said as he grabbed one of his large shirts and slipped it over her head. The point was moot, as her entire upper body fit through the large neck hole. She gave him a look as he tried to fix it. Finally, he tied the strings and put Ragna's arms through the sleeves. "Your other clothes are ruined. You and Rhaenar will be staying with me until this battle is over," Thor told her, presenting her with a cup of water. Ragna took several small sips before laying back down. She snuggled close to Rhaenar and brother and sister wrapped around the other. Thor smiled as he ruffled both their hair. He turned just as his Asgardian friends and a few other Westerosi entered his room.

"We heard about Littlefinger. Are they alright?" Fandral queried as he eyed them on Thor's bed.

"They'll survive. Rhaenar is tired and Ragna was mildly injured. Sansa requested that I care for them and protect Kings Landing in the coming fight," Thor answered. Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg placed their hands over their hearts and bowed before their prince. 

"Then we shall go wherever you need us," Fandral replied. Thor smiled at his friends and sat on the bed. He looked at his niece and nephew and sighed.

"I want the civilians removed from the first several levels of the city. Get them away from the ports and the outer gates. Fandral, you and Ser Loras Tyrell will attach yourselves to Daenerys Targaryen. I do not want her out on the field of battle without one Asgardian by her side. Hogun, I assume that you shall be with the Dornishmen because of... ahem!"

"Yes, my prince. Tyene Sand has requested that I protect her father in combat. I shall gladly do so," Hogun responded. Thor nodded and turned to Volstagg.  

"You shall stay with me in the city. You, sirs! Who are you?" Thor asked, pointing to the Brotherhood Without Banners.

"I am Beric Dondarrion and this is Thoros of Myr. We are the Brotherhood Without Banners. We were the ones who found and escorted young Lady Ragna Frostborn home," the leader introduced. Thor nodded and approached them. 

"Then you have my gratitude for seeing my niece safely home. Would you also lend us your aid in the coming strife?" Thor asked. Beric glanced over his shoulder at Thoros and their lieutenants. When he looked back at Thor, he was smiling.

"We're trapped in this city now. There's no way out, either by sea or land. And, I rather die fighting than sitting down," Beric answered. 

"And the same goes for us. Our men will follow our leader into death. After all, what else could the gods have planned for us?" Thoros challenged. Thor chuckled a little at this and raised his hand. Mjolnir had been sitting on the other side of his bed, but now, came flying into his hand.

"Together, we shall mount a defense of this city that shall be sung of in ballads for years to come!" the Prince of Asgard declared.    

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