Chapter 65 - Grim Tête-à-têtes

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Hogun walked with purpose towards the suite of chambers that were the housing of the Martells and their consorts. He was hoping that Tyene Sand would be away with her sister, Obara, that way he could converse with her mother and father in private. When he wrapped on the door, he was surprised when Ser Loras Tyrell answered. "Ah! Hogun, was it? What brings you here?" he queried, leaning against the doorframe. Hogun quietly appraised the man who was one of Fandral's current lovers. His pale blue shirt was untied and open, revealing a pale and hairless chest. His curly, blond hair hung around his face and he swayed, obviously under the influence of wine.

"I've come to speak to Oberyn Martell. It's an important matter that cannot wait," Hogun answered stiffly. Ser Loras nodded and stepped out of the way, letting Hogun pass. The room was lit by candles, but Hogun could not see anyone. Suddenly, a shuffling made him look up to see Ellaria Sand approaching him, her nudity barely concealed beneath a sheer robe. Her short, curly dark hair was partially covered by cloth as if she had just washed and was drying it.

"Ah! Another Asgardian comes to play!" she said jovially, but Ser Loras shook his head.

"I don't think so, Ellaria. He said he wanted to speak to Oberyn," the Knight of Flowers cut in and Ellaria made a face.

"Speak to Oberyn about what?" she asked.

"I want to speak to him about your daughter, Tyene Sand," Hogun explained and Ellaria's eyebrow went up.

"Then you will speak with me. Come along, Asgardian," Ellaria ordered, leading Hogun to a balcony and closing the sheath of cloth. She turned to face him, her eyebrow raised. "So, what is it about my daughter you want to discuss?"

Hogun shuffled about for a moment and fiddled with his hands before he said, "She's been playing coy with me for a while now, and while we were on mission in Dragonstone, she kissed me. Since then, she's been ignoring me. I will not take kindly to her behavior and respectively ask permission to act as I see fit." Ellaria made a face and took a sip from her goblet.

"How do you think you should react?" she queried. Hogun turned to face her and his expression was fierce.

"She must learn not to taunt a warrior of both Asgard and Vanaheim!" Hogun declared. Ellaria laughed lightly, her voice sounded like music.

"Or else what? You mean to sleep with my daughter to sate some carnal desire? Your blood lust?" Ellaria posed and Hogun glared at her.

"I am not like that. Even though it has been many centuries since I have known a woman, your daughter has succeeded in... irritating me. I would... get it out of my system... as it were," Hogun explained. Ellaria still gave him a look and he figured she would not make it easy for him.

"So... what do you intend to do if you get her with child and she desires to keep it? My daughter might only be a bastard in our world, but I would see a good man make an 'honest woman' out of her... as it were," Ellaria said, repeating Hogun's own words.

Hogun placed his hands behind his back and responded diplomatically, "If that is the case, than I shall make an honest woman out of her. I am a leader in my own world in Vanaheim. I can convince the other elders that marriage to the daughter of a prince of this realm will be advantageous and improve trade agreements with you. They will accept my reasoning."

"Would you only marry her if she carried your child?" Ellaria then asked and Hogun's eyes snapped in her direction. He opened and closed his mouth, not having an answer because he was not sure of it. Ellaria chuckled at this. "Tyene is the child I bore Oberyn. I love both Obara and Nymeria like they were my own, but they did not spring from my womb. Tyene was Oberyn's gift to me. It was too dangerous for me to bear more children, but I succeeded in giving him Tyene. So, you understand, Asgardian, how I feel about Tyene. I don't care if she has a dalliance; she's a grown woman and can make her own decisions. However, you have come to ask permission and I will give you my plain and honest answer." Ellaria grabbed Hogun by his collar and pulled him towards her until they were nose to nose. "If my daughter conceives a child by you, you will marry her whether you want to or not! My bastard daughter will no longer be a Sand. She will take your name and be respected by your people. You swear this to me!" she commanded.

"I swear on the blood of my ancestors that I will wed Tyene Sand, regardless of the outcome of our coupling," Hogun promised. Ellaria Sand nodded her head and let him go.

"Well then, be on your way. I'm sure she's been pretty impatient up to this point," Ellaria told him dismissively. She turned her back on him and gazed out over the city, a smile playing on her lips.

Tyene Sand climbed out of her pool of flower petals and ran her fingers through her short hair, spiking it up. She wrapped a towel around her frame and walked towards her vanity to sit before her mirror. Tyene poured scented oil on her hands and began to rub it into her skin. The sea breeze caressed her face from the harbor and she smiled. However, an even bigger smile came on her face when somebody knocked on her door. She tossed aside her towel, walked towards the door, and threw it open. Hogun had been prepared to give her a speech about his desires and their future, but seeing her standing before him completely naked, had stolen the words and all other thoughts from him. "You were going to say something?" she asked.

"Not anymore," Hogun replied and he gathered her into his arms. Tyene wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him deeply. What is this realm doing to us? Will we ever be the same?

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