Chapter 4: Getting the Job Done

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The mission was a success and the One Tails has been captured. I stopped walking when I noticed something was off. "What is it? Why did you stop?" Sasori said. "We're being followed." I said. I turned around and spotted Kankuro. "Looks like you were right, un." Deidara said.

"Deidara, Nue. You go on ahead. I'll handle this." Sasori said. I looked at Deidara, then at Kankuro. "Fine." I said. I was already walking away. "Hey, wait up, Nue, un!" Deidara called as he got on his bird. "You're not getting away!" Kankuro said.

He flung one of his puppets at us. I pulled out my trident to attack, but Sasori's tail stopped the puppet. I turned back the other way and began walking again. I rested near a rock while Deidara sat on top of it. After ten minutes, I was getting a little impatient.

"What's taking him so long?" I asked. "Relax, Nue. He'll be here, un." Deidara said. I sighed. Some of the sand was getting in my eyes so I used my wings and tails to shield myself from it. I didn't realize I was falling asleep until my eyelids started to get heavy.

Before long, I was asleep.


"Nue? Nue!" I opened my eyes as I saw the faces of my people from the Houjuu Clan. "Why have you forsaken us, Nue?"

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "We're all alone up there, Nue. But you're with us now. Like family." They said. "No..." I whispered in horror. "You killed us, Nue! You betrayed us! Abandoned us!" My aunt screamed.

I covered my ears with my hands and closed my eyes tightly. "Why didn't you save us, Nue? Why did you want us to die?" My father said. "I didn't want you to die! I swear! I tried to save you!" I tried to explained. "Nuueee~..." I heard someone sing my name.

I turned around and gasped when I spotted a face I haven't seen in a long while. "Mina...?" I whispered. She smirked at me before grabbing her face, peeling it off to reveal Orochimaru. "Is this what you want?" He snapped at me.

"No! No!!! Just stop!" I screamed. I fell to my knees as I covered my ears again. "Why are you doing this to me? Leave me alone!" I screamed. "Why did you leave us, Nue? Why did you want us to die?" My people said in sync as they surrounded me.

I lifted my head when I saw my dark twin, looking down at me emotionlessly. "You killed them. You left to their fate." She said. A dark scythe appeared in her hand and she swung it over her head. "Die."

I screamed as she swung the scythe down on me.

(*End of Dream*)

I gasped as I jolted awake from the disturbing dream. "Hey, you all right, un?" Deidara asked. "I'm fine." I said quickly. I looked ahead and spotted Sasori. "There you are, danna. I thought you said you didn't like to keep others waiting, un." Deidara said.

"It's fine. He's here now, so let's get a move on." I said. I stood up and began to walk away as I tried to get the disturbing dream out of my head. We finally made it back to the base and began to extract the One-Tails. "He's your friend. You're not going to say your goodbyes?" Itachi asked.

"He was never my friend." I stated, coldly as I stared at Gaara. We got in position and began extraction the One Tails. This may take a while. Who am I kidding? This'll take forever! 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We've been going at it for three days now and I was already getting bored. One of my red wings began to twitch a bit. "What's up with you?" Kisame asked. "There are Leaf Village ninja heading our way." I informed in a calm voice.

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