Chapter 74: Last Stand

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Madara's POV

I glanced over as Nue appeared beside me in a kneeling position, bowing to me. "You're late." I said. Forgive my tardiness, Master. I ran into trouble on the way here." Nue apologized. I smirked at her loyalty. "You are forgiven. Stand up." I ordered.

"Yes, sir." Nue said and obeyed. I noticed her right eye was purple, but I didn't bother questioning her about it. "But how? Maria-"

"Maria only made me release Nue from my control. But she didn't know about the mark I've placed on Nue long before Nue arrived here." I interrupted Hashirama. "Mark? What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Back when Obito showed me to Nue, she was asleep inside a water tank with Kiragani substance running through her veins. When I placed my hand on the glass, I've also placed a marking seal on the back of her neck just in case I lost my pet too quickly. I anticipated Nue would be taken from me, so I thought ahead," I said, smirking.

"And besides, who wouldn't want a pet as loyal as Nue. She's everything an owner could ask for."

Hashirama frowned and looked at Nue. "Nue, he just referred to you as his pet. Doesn't this tell you something? He's using you!" Hashirama said. "I don't care that Master refers to me as his pet. My only purpose is to serve and protect him... the same way he protected me." Nue said. 

"Protected you?" Hashirama repeated in confusion. "Master... protected me from the cruel world that we live in. He made sure I never got hurt, and he made sure I was always safe. And now, I must return the favor he did for me by serving and protecting him." Nue said. 

Nue's POV

"That's a good girl." Madara praised me before looking at Hashirama. He activated his Susanoo and I did the same. "I take it you had some of Sasuke's blood?" Madara guessed. "Yes, sir. I took a fair amount of blood from him earlier, so I was able to inherit his abilities." I confirmed. 

'However, Sasuke's Susanoo isn't powerful enough for this sort of fight. But I can make it stronger with my own chakra' I thought to myself. I increased my chakra a bit and changed the form of the Susanoo a bit by making it have red wings and blue tails on its back, just like mine.

"Wood Style: Wood Dragon!" Hashirama said, making a dragon out of wood. "Nue, have my back at all times." Madara ordered. "Yes, Master. I shall protect you without fail." I replied. 

Madara attacked first by swinging his Susanoo blade, but Hashirama's Wood Dragon grabbed the blade with its mouth. The Wood Dragon used its tail to trip Madara's Susanoo, causing it to fall on its back. "Master!" I called out.

"Get out of my way, Madara!" Hashirama demanded. "I don't have much time, but there's something I've got to do now!" Madara said, making his Susanoo stand back up. "Wood Style: Wood Golem Jutsu!" Hashirama said, making a wood golem appear with the Wood Dragon wrapped around its neck. 

"I'm taking another chunk of you!" Madara said. His Susanoo used the blade again, aiming to hit the golem, but it ducked, making Madara's attack miss. The golem went to grab Madara's Susanoo until my Susanoo got in between them. 

"Nice try." I said before making my Susanoo drive its elbow into the Wooden Golem's back. After it hit the ground, I had my Susanoo kick the Golem. "Die!" I yelled, swinging the Susanoo's wings and tails down on the golem. 

My attack didn't go through as planned since the golem used both of its arms to block my attack. "Nue! You need to listen to me! The memories you have of Madara isn't real! He's altered your memories!" Hashirama said. 

I frowned in confusion to what he was saying. "Altered...?" I repeated. I loosened my attack on Hashirama's Wooden Golem as I saw my memories. The day Madara found me was there as he took me in. 

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