Chapter 35: Attack on the Hidden Leaf Village

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Nue's POV

Pein and I headed towards the entrance of the base where Konan and six other people who looked like Pein were waiting for us. "Who are these people?" I said Konan as I put on my Akatsuki cloak. "The Six Paths of Pain." She answered. Six Paths? I don't get it.

"Come, Nue. We're leaving." Pein ordered as he, Konan, and the clones walked out. I followed behind them as we headed to the Leaf Village. I got off the couch and grabbed my Akatsuki cloak off the hook, following them. I'm finally going home.

We somewhat split up. I went with Pein while Konan and the clones were catching up with us. "I hate it here." I said, coldly. "Remember what I taught you. Remember what you've learned." Pein reminded me. I gave a nod and put on the wolf mask Pein gave me.

I spotted some Leaf Village jonin ahead. "Stay here." Pein ordered. I gave a nod and took a step back. I stayed hidden in the trees as I watched Pein singlehandedly defeated the jonin. "Wow. I guess you really are a God." I said, stepping out from behind the trees.

He looked up at the Leaf Village Gates. "The time has come." He said. I nodded in agreement while Konan and the Six Paths landed behind us.  "From here on, we'll be splitting into two teams. I'll go over it again." Pein said.

I spaced out on what he said as I stared at the ground, thinking about all the friends I made in the past when I was twelve. "Nue," I looked up, snapping out of my thoughts.

I looked at him. "You will join Chikushodo." He informed. "Chikushodo?" I repeated. Who's Chikushodo? I looked at the female Pein as she stared at me. I guess that's her. Pein looked at the village as if he was trying to see through something.

"A spherical barrier that includes underground in aerial coverage that surrounds the entire Hidden Leaf Village." He mentioned.

"Anyone who enters without permission will be detected immediately by the Leaf." Konan added. "As planned, we will launch Chikushodo into the skies, above the village. We will confuse the enemy by not giving them an accurate count. We will wait for Chikushodo's summoning." Pein explained.

"I was told Itachi and Kisame got inside easily." Konan mentioned. "Itachi was once part of the Leaf's ANBU Black Ops. He knew the jutsu code to get through the barrier. I have my own way of doing things. Now the world shall know what pain is." Pein informed.

I looked at Chikushodo as she was launched into the air. "Go, Nue." Pein ordered. "Hai." I replied and took off after her. "You don't seem to talk a whole lot, do you?" I said as I flew beside her. She didn't answer as she made a hand sign and went through the barrier.

We landed on a roof and she summoned the other Peins. "Scatter." Pein ordered. I did as I was told and took off with Chikushodo. She did a few hand signs and summoned giant centipedes. I looked to the side, noticing a jonin throwing shuriken at us.

I got in front of Chikushodo's side and blocked the weapons with my wings. I threw a kunai knife at him and it struck him in the chest. He went down with a thud, making me sigh. "I got your back, Chikushodo." I said, looking back at her.

I gasped as she threw a kunai knife at me. I didn't have to dodge it as it dashed past me and struck a jonin in the head. "And I have yours." She said back in an emotionless voice. I gave her a nod and jumped on one of the centipedes she summoned, watching the villagers run.

I saw a little girl fall on the ground and an old woman ran towards her, helping her up. A centipede spotted them and dashed towards them. I jumped off the summoning I was on and got in front of the old woman and child.

"No!" I ordered, making the centipede summoning stop in front of him. "You will not hurt them. Our objective is Naruto Uzumaki, so leave them out of this." I said with a frown. The centipede stared at me before moving somewhere else.

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