Chapter 7: Just Like Old Times

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I thrusted my trident forward in attempt to strike him in the chest. But the ninja blocked my attack with his own blade as he smiled. I frowned and teleported behind him before grabbing the back of his shirt. I held the handle of my trident against his neck. "Who are you?" I demanded.

He just turned his head to look at me and smiled at me. I gritted my teeth with a frown and pulled him to the ground before sitting on his stomach so we wouldn't get up. "Tell me who you are now." I demanded, coldly while holding a kunai knife to his neck.

The ninja smiled at me. "Looks like the rumors are true. You are what they say you are." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" I demanded. "You are the Nue Houjuu who died three years ago, aren't you?" He asked. "So, what of it?"

I took out my black gun and aimed it at the middle of his forehead. "Just give me a reason not to blow your fucking head off." I said as I put my finger on the trigger. He only smiled at me as I stared down at him with a glare. I took another look at his face.

"Tch. You wasted my time for nothing," I got off of him and put my gun away. "Wipe that damn smile off your face. I know it's fake." I said with a frown. I teleported to the woods and decided to a take a walk. Now that I'm thinking about it, I should go back to sleep. I'm still pretty tired.

A twig snap under my foot, activating a rope trap. I got caught in the net, lifting me off the ground as the ropes were supported by the tree branches. "Dammit. Who set up this trap?" I said as I tried to get out of the net.

I answered my own question when ten ANBU Black Ops appeared out of nowhere. "Mission accomplished. Nue Houjuu Satori captured." An ANBU said. I growled under my breath. "Big mistakes, assholes." I said, coldy before cutting my way out of the net with my wings.

I began to attack the ANBU Black Ops mercilessly. I blocked and dodged their attacks as I attacked. When I was through with them, the only thing that was left of them was blood and guts. "Well, there goes my sleep." I said.

I walked back to the village and got a lot of stares from the villagers as fear was written on their faces. Probably because I was covered in blood. After a few more steps, I heard Naruto calling my name. I turned around so I was facing him.

"There you are, Nue-chan. I've been looking everywhere for you," His expression quickly changed when he saw the blood on me. "What happened to you, Nue-chan? Why are you covered in blood?" He asked.

"Because I killed ten ANBU Black Ops." I answered, casually.


"I didn't stutter. Now what do you want?"

"Oh, uh... Sakura and I were just assigned a mission, and you're coming with us."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Having an S-rank criminal tag along when she could kill you at any moment? You'd best watch your back when you're around me, Naruto. Otherwise," I was quickly behind him as I pulled his hair back and held a kunai knife to his throat. "I could slice off your head like this." I whispered.

I let go of him and walked forward as Naruto followed me. After walking for a bit, we met up with Sakura and some guy. I noticed it was same guy who attacked us earlier today. "Nue? Is something wrong?" Sakura asked.

I tackled the ninja to the ground and wrapped my hands around his neck, choking him. "Nue, stop!" Sakura said. "Stop me and I'll drive my tail right through your chest." I warned in a cold voice. I growled in anger when I was lifted off the ninja I was strangling.

What the hell? Again with the wood? How am I being stopped so easily by a fucking piece of wood? "This is gonna get really annoying if I have to keep stopping you like this, Nue," I turned my head with a frown, spotting the jonin who knocked me out from before.

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