Chapter 12: Missions, Emotions, and Confessions

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Nue's POV

It was the day of the mission and Kisame and I were ready to go. I brought the sword I got from Kenshin. "How much further until we reach the hideout, Nue?" Kisame asked me as we ran forward. "It shouldn't be long now." I replied to him.

"Why did you decide to bring me along and not Deidara?" Kisame asked. "Because Pein told me to. Plus, I could use your company." I said. We continued to run until we finally made it to Orochimaru's hideout. We stopped near a cliff as we spotted the hideout from afar.

The two of us lied down on our stomach, waiting for the right moment to get inside the hideout. We saw the entrance of the hideout open, but no one came out. "Come on. Let's make our move." Kisame said.

"Hold on. Not just yet." I said to him. I narrowed my eyes at the entrance. Something's not right. "Nue, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Kisame said. I lifted my head slightly as I saw Orochimaru step out of the hideout.

He turned his head, looking in our direction. "It's nice to see you again, my sweet Nue." He said with a smirk. I hate it when he calls me that. I snapped as my eyes changed color while I grabbed my sword and jumped off the ledge. 

"Nue!" Kisame called after me

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"Nue!" Kisame called after me. I landed on the ground with a huge thud and charged at Orochimaru. "Orochimaru!" I yelled, angrily. He stood there calmly as he smiled at me. I slid my katana out of its sheath, slicing Orochimaru's chest. I breathed heavily out of anger as I glared at him.

"Nue... You came all this way for me? I'm flattered," My glare faded as I looked up at him, my eyes returning going back their original red color. I gasped when I saw Orochimaru melting away.

"And yet, I must apologize. I'm sure you understand. You're so strong, I had to take precaution. But I wonder... Will you at least play with me for a while?" He said. I backed up a bit when the clone turned into a mud puddle.

"No..." I fell to my hands and knees in disbelief, the frowned in anger. "That's impossible... I was so close." I muttered, angrily. "Nue!" I heard Kisame call. "Nue, get up! We have company!"

I turned my head, seeing that Kisame wasn't kidding. Men from the hideout surrounded me. "Orochimaru's experiments, huh?" I mumbled. I stood to my feet and faced an experiment with horns sticking out of his head. I readied my sword as he charged at me.

I quickly sliced his neck. The moment he went down, all the other experiments started attacking. I cut them down one by one as I did my best to keep up with him. One of the experiments made their arm grow long and shot it towards me.

I put the blade of my katana in front of me so the arm sliced through my blade, splitting it in two. I chopped off one side of the arm, then sliced down the middle, cutting off the rest of the arm.

"Ahh!" I turned my head when I heard Kisame cry out in pain. "Kisame!" I called out in worry. I fought my way through the experiments to get to him. One experiment's hand turned into a blade went to cut Kisame's shoulder.

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