Chapter 5: Old Friends

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"Nue-chan, I don't understand. How are you still alive?" Naruto asked. "Stop adding -chan to the end of my name. We're not friends." I said coldly. Naruto looked hurt when I said that. 

"Nue, snap out of it. I don't know what the Akatsuki has done to you, but you have to stop this nonsense." Kakashi said. "You think Akatsuki brainwashed me? No... You're sadly mistaken. The Akatsuki did nothing but help me. Help me see the real me. They helped me see the truth," I looked at Deidara. 

"Deidara, take Gaara and get out of here." I said, emotionlessly. "You plan on fighting them on your own?" Sasori asked. "Better than listening to you guys talk about art, no offense." I said. 

I should've kept my mouth shut because Deidara got into the conversation and they both started to argue about what art was. I sighed. "To be honest, I think you should enjoy art while it last. That way, you can enjoy its beauty." I said. 

"So, in other words, you're saying art is eternal." Sasori said. "Yeah, I guess." I said. "Now, hold up. I'm the one who showed you my art first. You should appreciate what I've taught you, un." Deidara said.

"All you showed me was how clay can explode." I stated. "But then again...."

Sasori and Deidara both looked at me. "When you blow up art, it also brings out beauty." I said. "So, then. Which is it, un?" Deidara asked. I thought for a moment before opening my mouth answer until Naruto interrupted me.

He started yelling at us, asking us what we were doing. I glared at him. "I don't like to be interrupted." I growled. I ran at him, but I was stopped halfway by Sasori's scorpion-like tail as it wrapped itself around my body.

"Don't attack so recklessly. Last time you did that, you ended up having half of your arm blown off." Sasori stated as he set me down next to him. "It healed, didn't it?" I said, sarcastically. "Watch your tone with me, Nue. I'm very close to killing you." Sasori said.

I rolled my eyes. "Not like you could. Frankly, I don't know how you can kill me. If a paper bomb to the eye didn't kill me, then I doubt your puppets will." I said. "I said, watch it, you brat!" He snapped. "Tch. Whatever. I'm getting out of here." I said to him.

I walked over to Deidara. "Give me your hand." I said. "I know where this is going, un." Deidara said. He held out his hand as I took out a kunai knife. I cut his wrist just enough to make it bleed, then lowered my head to the open wound, licking it gently.

"Just don't take all my blood, un." Deidara said. "I won't, I promise. Besides, it's not like I'm a vampire." I said. Without warning, I bit down on his wound and began to drink some of his blood. When I was finished, I removed my teeth from his flesh, then licked his wound clean.

"I think you were enjoying that." Sasori said to Deidara. "Creep," I said, emotionlessly as I began to heal Deidara. I looked down at my palms and watched as mouths began to form on them. "If I spend anymore time here with those ninja, my "happy" memories will come back." I stated, coldly.

I grabbed some of Deidara's clay and formed a bird. I know I can fly, but I felt too lazy to do so. "Where are you going, Nue?" Sasori asked me. "Away from here. I need to think. I'll come back when you're done with your battle." I said as I hopped on my bird, beginning to fly away. 

"Nue-chan! Wait!" Naruto called. "Stay away!" I shouted. I threw three kunai knives at him and he quickly dodged out of the away. My head began to hurt as the memories began to return. 'I have to get out of here' I thought. 

I flew above them and out the of the base. "Nue-chan!" Naruto called after me. I made it out of the base, but Kakashi and Naruto started to follow me. I looked next to me and saw Deidara flying by me. 

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